Off-hand Axe

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


While arguably the worst off-hand we have (though the dagger is not far off) I cannot help but enjoy the absolute living balls out of it, especially with a main hand axe to accompany it. The whirl is amazing against the few non-ranger projectile-users you come against, and the number 4 gives your DPS just a little push, especially in group combat.

Having literally never seen any other ranger besides myself wield the off-hand axe, it is obvious that the weapon is underpowered. So my question to you is: what would you do to improve it?

Personally, I would start with allowing you to cast the whirl and move at the same time. After all, a ranger has to be mobile or he’s dead.

The second change I would do is to add some flavor to the number 4. Perhaps some pet synergy, or perhaps have it apply some condition. I’m not entirely sure.

What say you?

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Demon.7832


Path of Scars knocks down an enemy when it hits them from behind

being able to cast whirling defenses while moving would be amazing but I don’t see it happening as they would have to completely redo the animation so possibly having a 50% chance to block melee attacks or like a nice amount of retaliation would be nice.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Personally, the horn or torch just has much more use and utility compared to a dagger or axe offhand. Horn gives great buffs to yourself and your pet, and the Torch has the burning, which is useful for the condition builds running around that don’t want to use traps. I feel like the dagger and axe have some nice abilities that work on paper, but don’t really fit in well, and I just don’t see myself using them over the horn and torch.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

Main-hand Axe has ONE condition-inflicting skill and it isn’t even particularly good, quite frankly. Sure, the auto-attack sucks too. But that’s the thing – the only reason to take the MH axe is for the Off-hands, most of which are solid.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

Main-hand Axe has ONE condition-inflicting skill and it isn’t even particularly good, quite frankly. Sure, the auto-attack sucks too. But that’s the thing – the only reason to take the MH axe is for the Off-hands, most of which are solid.

eh not enough to justify giving up 2 whole weapons slots just to reflect projectiles >.>. but whatever floats your boat

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Division.9618


If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

It’s not really all condition. It’s stuck in the same undecided hole as the greatsword. It has one attack that relies heavily on bleed, but that’s the only condition damage it has, so you never really know how you’re supposed to spec with it.

OT: Personally i love how whirling defense looks. It’s probably the coolest looking skill in the game. My suggestion would be to give it a chance to block. Give us our own more defensive 100b.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

It’s not really all condition. It’s stuck in the same undecided hole as the greatsword. It has one attack that relies heavily on bleed, but that’s the only condition damage it has, so you never really know how you’re supposed to spec with it.

OT: Personally i love how whirling defense looks. It’s probably the coolest looking skill in the game. My suggestion would be to give it a chance to block. Give us our own more defensive 100b.

The problem with Whirling Defense is that it’s a kittenedly long channel – double the length of similar skills. Even with a pet-swap Quickness combo, it’s still a kittenedly long channel. It simply will not be a viable skill until it is either A) Mobile or Condensed into a shorter channel time.

Also, with its current numbers, I found that I was consistently dealing more damage with Quickness MH sword autos than Quickness Whirling Defense. This really shouldn’t be the case.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


If you trait the off-hand training trait, path of scars gets about a 75% boost in damage. I can hit the heavy golem in the mists for about 1.8k without crits if it hits both ways.

the stupid thing about that trait is that axe main hand is ALL condition, it makes no sense to pair axe with axe.

It’s not really all condition. It’s stuck in the same undecided hole as the greatsword. It has one attack that relies heavily on bleed, but that’s the only condition damage it has, so you never really know how you’re supposed to spec with it.

OT: Personally i love how whirling defense looks. It’s probably the coolest looking skill in the game. My suggestion would be to give it a chance to block. Give us our own more defensive 100b.

axe main hand has basically 0 damage without condi build which is the issue. Not to mention the first axe offhand skill just seems lazy and unfinished, I want something interesting, every kitten skill is just you throwing an axe. Yes whirling defence is an interesting skill but it would be improved.

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

how does #4 close the gap??? Not sure if I’m correct here but I thought it has nothing special other than it returning back to you. Personally I think axe4 should work like chieftans axe throw, then I might actually consider using it.

(im a girl btw)

(edited by NaturalPortman.9562)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


I am in a tough spot with the off-hand axe for 2 reasons:

1. It’s a great combo-weapon, but by using it, you lose out on a combo field generator in the torch. Since I really like the frost trap and need another slot for a stun breaker, it leaves only one spot, so if I want to get a fire field with the trap, then I can’t take QZ… grrr

2. With the off-hand training trait, it does very good damage, but if I take that trait, I can’t take the cooldown reduction on swords, which is a good choice for me since I am using the Greatsword + sword/x setup. grrr

Still haven’t made up my mind yet

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Just for the record, Path of Scars DOES NOT cause knock down on the return.

It’s still a pretty good off-hand though, and it’s excellent against ranged attackers too stupid to stop shooting you while it’s channeling.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Just for the record, Path of Scars DOES NOT cause knock down on the return.

It’s still a pretty good off-hand though, and it’s excellent against ranged attackers too stupid to stop shooting you while it’s channeling.

Like I said in previous post, I would actually use axe offhand if it worked alot like chieftans axe throw, would be an amazing skill.

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Just for the record, Path of Scars DOES NOT cause knock down on the return.

It’s still a pretty good off-hand though, and it’s excellent against ranged attackers too stupid to stop shooting you while it’s channeling.

Like I said in previous post, I would actually use axe offhand if it worked alot like chieftans axe throw, would be an amazing skill.

Absolutely. If it did have the knock down on the return it would make it infinitely more attractive for an off-hand option. As it is now it doesn’t really have much appeal versus the warhorn or dagger.

Greatsword has WAY more utility than an axe/axe or sword/axe build, plus it does more or comparable damage to either setup since the greatsword changes.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

how does #4 close the gap??? Not sure if I’m correct here but I thought it has nothing special other than it returning back to you. Personally I think axe4 should work like chieftans axe throw, then I might actually consider using it.

DAGGER, not Axe. Off-Hand Axe seems better suited to a MH sword.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

how does #4 close the gap??? Not sure if I’m correct here but I thought it has nothing special other than it returning back to you. Personally I think axe4 should work like chieftans axe throw, then I might actually consider using it.

DAGGER, not Axe. Off-Hand Axe seems better suited to a MH sword.

I beg to differ. Sword relies on constantly evading and being in the face of the enemy. The whirl makes you stand completely still. Compare this to main hand axe, which is ranged, thus complementing Path of Scars, and due to virtue of being ranged, is more easily forgiven for standing still for a few seconds.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

how does #4 close the gap??? Not sure if I’m correct here but I thought it has nothing special other than it returning back to you. Personally I think axe4 should work like chieftans axe throw, then I might actually consider using it.

DAGGER, not Axe. Off-Hand Axe seems better suited to a MH sword.

I beg to differ. Sword relies on constantly evading and being in the face of the enemy. The whirl makes you stand completely still. Compare this to main hand axe, which is ranged, thus complementing Path of Scars, and due to virtue of being ranged, is more easily forgiven for standing still for a few seconds.

The only time I can see axe OH being preferable to dagger OH is if you know you’re going to be facing a large number of ranged attackers. That might make it viable in W3 for keep attack/defense, but then you’re going to want to be using an axe in your main hand since you’re not going to be in melee combat with anyone except the gate. And trying to bust down a gate/wall or attacking from a wall with melee weapons is an effort in futility.

So, yeah. Axe OH can work with sword, but it’s a better pairing with axe MH. In my opinion (not saying either way is right or wrong).

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Personally, I think OH Dagger is one of the best compliments to MH axe. It’s 4th skill helps you close the gap to immediately hit a foe with all 5 axes on your 2 skill. The cripple and frozen chains are also great to prevent the foe’s escape.

how does #4 close the gap??? Not sure if I’m correct here but I thought it has nothing special other than it returning back to you. Personally I think axe4 should work like chieftans axe throw, then I might actually consider using it.

DAGGER, not Axe. Off-Hand Axe seems better suited to a MH sword.

I beg to differ. Sword relies on constantly evading and being in the face of the enemy. The whirl makes you stand completely still. Compare this to main hand axe, which is ranged, thus complementing Path of Scars, and due to virtue of being ranged, is more easily forgiven for standing still for a few seconds.

The only time I can see axe OH being preferable to dagger OH is if you know you’re going to be facing a large number of ranged attackers. That might make it viable in W3 for keep attack/defense, but then you’re going to want to be using an axe in your main hand since you’re not going to be in melee combat with anyone except the gate. And trying to bust down a gate/wall or attacking from a wall with melee weapons is an effort in futility.

So, yeah. Axe OH can work with sword, but it’s a better pairing with axe MH. In my opinion (not saying either way is right or wrong).

Should they ever fix sword’s auto-rooting issue and allow rangers to move while whirling, sword/axe combo will definately become viable, probably even more viable than axe/axe.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


What is this ‘chieftain’ you speak of? Some NPC?

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


What is this ‘chieftain’ you speak of? Some NPC?

Play some sPvP and you will find out. It’s a NPC boss that gives you points for killing him. His axe throw attack basically drags you all the way to him on the return.

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Demon.7832


Just for the record, Path of Scars DOES NOT cause knock down on the return.

It’s still a pretty good off-hand though, and it’s excellent against ranged attackers too stupid to stop shooting you while it’s channeling.

I think you had my post confused, I was posting my reccomendations not the current effects

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

It works well with the warthog specifically due to him having a ethereal AND poison field (both of which last for over 5 seconds) making him synergies very well with the off hand axe and its combo finishers.

The pig (generic pig) works pretty well too because it can creates a water field, the other ones don’t have any fields so it doesn’t work as amazingly as with the warthog, granted elixir of heroes makes you invuln and bein an invuln whirling defender in a group fight seems to cause you to be a lightning rod for CCs (IE all enemies try to CC you thus wasting their CCs or try to burst you with Melee, this wasting CDs).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

It works well with the warthog specifically due to him having a ethereal AND poison field (both of which last for over 5 seconds) making him synergies very well with the off hand axe and its combo finishers.

The pig (generic pig) works pretty well too because it can creates a water field, the other ones don’t have any fields so it doesn’t work as amazingly as with the warthog, granted elixir of heroes makes you invuln and bein an invuln whirling defender in a group fight seems to cause you to be a lightning rod for CCs (IE all enemies try to CC you thus wasting their CCs or try to burst you with Melee, this wasting CDs).

It also works with healing spring, but like I said. I dont think the OH axe is good enough to replace sword/dagger or my greatsword.

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

It works well with the warthog specifically due to him having a ethereal AND poison field (both of which last for over 5 seconds) making him synergies very well with the off hand axe and its combo finishers.

The pig (generic pig) works pretty well too because it can creates a water field, the other ones don’t have any fields so it doesn’t work as amazingly as with the warthog, granted elixir of heroes makes you invuln and bein an invuln whirling defender in a group fight seems to cause you to be a lightning rod for CCs (IE all enemies try to CC you thus wasting their CCs or try to burst you with Melee, this wasting CDs).

It also works with healing spring, but like I said. I dont think the OH axe is good enough to replace sword/dagger or my greatsword.

I think they’re on par (I also use greatsword god I love that weapon), however I like using axe and combo fields because it gives me access to things we normally dot ave, and this no one is expecting, because I mean c’mon, who fights a condi ranger and expects to get slapped in the face with 15 stacks of confusion?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Turial.1293


It sounds crazy but I love being a stationary ranger; who expects that. I like to call my build “Poison Ivy” because if you don’t keep clear then expect to get hurt. If you see someone sitting there you think easy kill, when someone runs at me without thinking, it will be me thinking easy kill If you can play your build, you can play your build.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


It sounds crazy but I love being a stationary ranger; who expects that. I like to call my build “Poison Ivy” because if you don’t keep clear then expect to get hurt. If you see someone sitting there you think easy kill, when someone runs at me without thinking, it will be me thinking easy kill If you can play your build, you can play your build.

I have a feeling we are playing very similar builds lol, mines very similar in the whole if I can plant my feet (a capture point for example) I’m at the advantage, but if I need to uproot and move around a lot I become weaker.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrys.7145


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

yes it shoots a bolt out each cardinal direction as well as each half cardinal whether you are being shot or not.

Arrys Shaikin
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


You guys are using the whirl wrong…. You need to use it either A) with a combo field (an ethereal field + whirling defense = up to 15 stacks of confusion, yup, that skill sucks rolls eyes) it’s reason for being such a long channel is because you reflect ALL projectiles during that time, it used to also reflect skills like the warhorn, but I don’t think it does anymore, needs testing though.

If path I scars worked like the chieftains I would have a very hard time not going axe/axe…. A VERY hard time…

PS: take a warthog with Axe offhand they synergies AMAZINGLY well.

Did they ever fix the combo field with OH axe? Because last time I used it was buggy and didn’t work half the time.

[Edit: Also, are you referring to the ethereal field you can create from foraged items? Or is there some other reason it’s good with a porcine pet?]

yes it shoots a bolt out each cardinal direction as well as each half cardinal whether you are being shot or not.

A new thing with all whirling finishers now is that if you have a target they will get hit with a bolt every time a bolt is thrown out, so it makes it a lot stronger then it used to be which was entirely chaotic

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


I’m not entirely grasping where you manage to get an ethereal field from. Could you elaborate? It definately sounds interesting considering off-hand axe is part of my standard weapon set-up.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


I’m not entirely grasping where you manage to get an ethereal field from. Could you elaborate? It definately sounds interesting considering off-hand axe is part of my standard weapon set-up.

One of the possible foraged weapon from the warthog is the “gunk”, which allows you to throw it and inflict random condition on enemies in the area. It’s like a half-baked chaos storm, and comes with an ethereal field of around 5 seconds in its area of effect.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I’m not entirely grasping where you manage to get an ethereal field from. Could you elaborate? It definately sounds interesting considering off-hand axe is part of my standard weapon set-up.

One of the possible foraged weapon from the warthog is the “gunk”, which allows you to throw it and inflict random condition on enemies in the area. It’s like a half-baked chaos storm, and comes with an ethereal field of around 5 seconds in its area of effect.

its too random though, your better off swapping to warthog when your out of combat until you get gunk and just run around with it

(im a girl btw)

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


I’m not entirely grasping where you manage to get an ethereal field from. Could you elaborate? It definately sounds interesting considering off-hand axe is part of my standard weapon set-up.

One of the possible foraged weapon from the warthog is the “gunk”, which allows you to throw it and inflict random condition on enemies in the area. It’s like a half-baked chaos storm, and comes with an ethereal field of around 5 seconds in its area of effect.

its too random though, your better off swapping to warthog when your out of combat until you get gunk and just run around with it

Yeah, it’s not something to be relied on – kind of like our version of the Engi’s Toss Elixir U. The other two possible outcomes are not too bad, however. Also, unfortunately the gunk appears to be biodegradable, so it doesn’t last very long in your hands.

Going off a tangent, pigs are really fun (I am running with a warthog and siamoth right now), even with all of the randomness. The problem that I have ran into is that the F2 skill sometimes does not activate properly, especially when the pet is in the middle of something. I don’t mind having to pick it up and use it when you prepare for it, but pressing it a couple of times and have nothing happen is annoying. Not sure if anybody else has ran into this issue.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Telegraph yeah my issue is he will interrupt his forage to use his charge, granted its not awful, but usually when I tell him to forage I want it THEN not after he charges into the distance…

And I just use the forage without expecting any of the items (except on siamoth when i have 2/3 chance to gain stealth) all other pigs is a 1/3 option, so for the warthog it’s either I get to inflict tons of poison, and some weakness on them, or I get to inflict tons of confusion, as well as some random conditions (poison and weakness are ALWAYS options, just varies on duration of the conditions)

So there’s not to much randomness…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrys.7145


I’m not entirely grasping where you manage to get an ethereal field from. Could you elaborate? It definately sounds interesting considering off-hand axe is part of my standard weapon set-up.

One of the possible foraged weapon from the warthog is the “gunk”, which allows you to throw it and inflict random condition on enemies in the area. It’s like a half-baked chaos storm, and comes with an ethereal field of around 5 seconds in its area of effect.

its too random though, your better off swapping to warthog when your out of combat until you get gunk and just run around with it

Yeah, it’s not something to be relied on – kind of like our version of the Engi’s Toss Elixir U. The other two possible outcomes are not too bad, however. Also, unfortunately the gunk appears to be biodegradable, so it doesn’t last very long in your hands.

Going off a tangent, pigs are really fun (I am running with a warthog and siamoth right now), even with all of the randomness. The problem that I have ran into is that the F2 skill sometimes does not activate properly, especially when the pet is in the middle of something. I don’t mind having to pick it up and use it when you prepare for it, but pressing it a couple of times and have nothing happen is annoying. Not sure if anybody else has ran into this issue.

The 2 major issues I have with activation. Right after the switch you need to delay @ 1 second. The second while running with the pet beside you if you trigger it while the pets at a full run it seems to bork most times.

If you wait for the pet to hit the target or pull up briefly then it’s reliable.

Arrys Shaikin
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle