Offensive Druid, Builds?

Offensive Druid, Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


I was wondering if there are Offensive Druid Builds, in general?

I was thinking of making something that has a good survivability core, with the bulk of my DPS coming from my Pet, maybe some side condi-dmg to help beat them through attrition?

Thanks, I have searched the forum using the tool, seen some videos, but haven’t come across some tested builds.

I will mostly be using the build for Raids/WvW small scale groups/roaming.

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.

Offensive Druid, Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


After this thread: I’d avoid letting my pet be the bulk of any damage I did.

Offensive Druid, Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


From what I see that you want is something like running BM,WS,Dr with a focus on axe/torch and GS. You can either run shouts or survival in utils, whatever you feel more comfy with, they both have strengths and weaknesses. In druid go with cultivated synergy, for the bonus healing just stand next to your pet and you’ll heal each other, next is either nat stride or etching if you want mobility or are in melee a lot and want condi clear,blind and extra healing from glyphs, and then probably seeds for a free cc root every 10 secs on glyph/GS 5 daze.

Then float your gears around that for w/e stats you feel comfy with but power and precision are pretty useful.

Offensive Druid, Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


From what I see that you want is something like running BM,WS,Dr with a focus on axe/torch and GS. You can either run shouts or survival in utils, whatever you feel more comfy with, they both have strengths and weaknesses. In druid go with cultivated synergy, for the bonus healing just stand next to your pet and you’ll heal each other, next is either nat stride or etching if you want mobility or are in melee a lot and want condi clear,blind and extra healing from glyphs, and then probably seeds for a free cc root every 10 secs on glyph/GS 5 daze.

Then float your gears around that for w/e stats you feel comfy with but power and precision are pretty useful.

Comments/Concerns, ect?

It’s just something I through together with the outline you gave me.

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.