Oh god, the nerfs!

Oh god, the nerfs!

in Ranger

Posted by: aDASHof.7105


Can’t help but feel the other game modes suffer when Anet throws out nerfs solely for PvP. SotP cd increased by 15 seconds?! Druid being next to useless unless you gear up ONLY toward healing power? Stuff like that is fine in PvP when you don’t have to COMPLETELY re work your build and re craft all your gear. In my case I managed to make a build that suited my small guilds needs perfectly, being able to chuck out some decent enough heals, while also contributing some damage and survivability of my own to the fight. Now it feels if you want to heal even remotely decently, you have to tunnel vision into healing power, and do ONLY that during a fight? Again, fine for PvP I guess?

I accept this is a pretty big knee jerk response, and this is from the point of view of a PvE main. Guess we can only wait and see if Anet rolls back on some decisions, or just apply them to PvP, or just give us Ranger players some love some time soon!

Oh god, the nerfs!

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


Funnily enough, the balance changes we got today actually made my character better. As someone who despises playing druid, I’ve been playing a condition ranger in mid level fractals for a while, and I’ve honestly gotten stronger, not weaker, with this latest run of things because the abilities of the shortbow were enhanced.

I’m pretty sure this was a response to the fact that basically everybody ran druid because basic ranger sucks kitten .

Oh god, the nerfs!

in Ranger

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


As someone who dislikes tunnel vision classes (main reason to play ranger in most games is to be Jack-o-Trades) I got a tons of buffs in this patch.

I do agree that the changes to Druids are a bit insane since they effect all Druid builds and equipment.

First post in a very long time yey…

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.