Only ones left out!

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Every single class was addressed in this patch, EXCEPT rangers! Ok, every optimist out there that was saying there was something in the works out there for rangers has to be doubting themselves now. I was hoping that this update would at least bring some minor fix to the ranger dilemma, but I was sadly mistaken. Why do you guys think we were the only class left out? And do you think the current state of the ranger is fine and maybe we are just doing it wrong if the ranger was the only class not addressed in the update?

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: vitigis.4160


There’s Candy Corn though…

Q-everyone has it better than me-Q

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

We’re a superfluous class. That’s pretty much the entire problem right there.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Fayte.1803


Dunno, maybe Anet just hates rangers.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

Every single class was addressed in this patch, EXCEPT rangers! Ok, every optimist out there that was saying there was something in the works out there for rangers has to be doubting themselves now. I was hoping that this update would at least bring some minor fix to the ranger dilemma, but I was sadly mistaken. Why do you guys think we were the only class left out? And do you think the current state of the ranger is fine and maybe we are just doing it wrong if the ranger was the only class not addressed in the update?

“Doing it wrong” is a bad excuse. A class should not be punished for being “hard to use” a class should be balanced, if a class is easy and yeilds better results, its better then ranger “but a ranger can beat a warrior with effort” if Equal give results in less gain, the ranger is broken and needs to be fixed.

if it needs a rework, then do it. Dont skirt around it, cause as it is now, its a class that seems to have alot of appeal, but no one wants to play because its so bad. Thats a terrible flaw in design.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


they might not want to buff them too much until the botting problem is figured out, rangers seem to be the main class used for this iirc

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

they might not want to buff them too much until the botting problem is figured out, rangers seem to be the main class used for this iirc

if thats the case, then the ranger class might as well be removed. because as it stands, all the people who picked up ranger are now leaving, meaning it will be NOTHING but bots, so then you can remove it, kill two birds with one stone I guess.

But really, the bots use alot of classes, the first bot I ever saw was actually a warrior. So kitten Rangers are the flavor of the month for bots sure, so does that mean ranger is the class that you are only allowed to play if you wanna afk cause thats all tis good for?

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Legionius.3641


This is just a repeat of GW1’s issues.

Even with new teams it is looking like ANet’s policy will always be that rangers should be a lesser class. Rangers have always had large sections of useless abilities and have pretty much been subpar the entire length of GW1. They were playable and at times did a few things reasonably well, at greater than average difficulty but, they ended up being the best at nothing.

Botting Rangers mean nothing. This happened in a very similar fashion with far less botting and a much larger variety of classes doing so.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Actually most rifle warriors worth their salt melt a ranger easily unless they dodge everything. If ranger dodges then rifle warrior isnt that good afterall.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


Anet just save your self the effort and remove Rangers from the game and forums.
Stop giving us false hopes of updates and let us move on to other classes/other non-Anet games.

~~Very disgruntled Ranger who is now rolling a Charr S/P Thief.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: gadenp.7586


I have posted a topic asking Anet, what is going on for Ranger, under GW2 discussion.
Quick put you concerns there. Before I get banned and the topic removed.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: nic.5720


I think that we were left out because Anet is embarassed by us!

We called them out over their deceptive update notes of 7th Oct. and refused to just take what we were given and comply like good little players. We have dared to question their integrity and have been too vocal in expressing our opinions.

Nobody likes to be caught out in public. Anet are no different.

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


I think that we were left out because Anet is embarassed by us!

We called them out over their deceptive update notes of 7th Oct. and refused to just take what we were given and comply like good little players. We have dared to question their integrity and have been too vocal in expressing our opinions.

Nobody likes to be caught out in public. Anet are no different.

So true

Only ones left out!

in Ranger

Posted by: gadenp.7586


I think that we were left out because Anet is embarassed by us!

We called them out over their deceptive update notes of 7th Oct. and refused to just take what we were given and comply like good little players. We have dared to question their integrity and have been too vocal in expressing our opinions.

Nobody likes to be caught out in public. Anet are no different.

Is that is the case, then if they are found out. Their reputation will take a big hit.

I hope it is not true.