Sea Of Sorrows Commander
Optimal 1v1 build?
Sea Of Sorrows Commander
Well tanky beastmaster 0/0/30/10/30 is one of the best dueling specs in the game where you run clerics/shamans and just heal while your pet does damage. However, when you run this in tPvP you are worthless to you’re team.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Is it the opinion of the community that 1v1 is very rock, paper, scissors esque? It seems professions are balanced around a party of 5, based on my casual observations.
The overall best 1v1 build for ranger is probably a fairly standard tPvP trap build.
Carrion amulet and jewelry
Shortbow and something else
(lots of options, I use sword/horn for mobility and dodging)
Troll ungent, fire trap, poison trap, spike trap, entangle
Swap poison trap for lightning reflex if you need a stun break
Something like 10 30 30 0 0 for traits
Run drakehound and wolf for knockdown
Nightmare runes (undead is ok too)
The problem with tankier builds is that they just stalemate versus another bunker build. This trap build can kill an opposing bunker and still gives you enough vitality to survive burst.
It depends. In sPvP where you have more confined spaces, the trap build works well. In WvW, players can just run around your traps, or dodge out of them. In WvW you need a more mobile build.
My question to you is; “What weapons do you like using the most?”
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
SPvP rangers are good duellers, WvW your better off going on of the better duelling classes if that’s what you into. Trust me rangers would have to be at bottom of barrel when comes to balance in WvW duels.
This won’t change due to fact game is designed for team play and not duelling which is same lol.
But winning as ranger in duels is really rewarding knowing your playing one of the weakest classes in WvW and winning. Allot scrubs have no idea how to counter rangers or are just plain stupid….
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
In spvp BM ranger with shaman’s amu is currently one of the or even the best dueler if you fight over a point. I’m currently trying out 0/0/30/30/20 with shaman+rabid amu and axe+dagger/sword+torch. It doesn’t have much burst, but the sustain is crazy and it has good pressure from pet damage. I can’t see anyone beating this spec, unless the ranger makes a huge mistake. This is ofcourse related to spvp and as a role of homepoint bunker. Midfights/roaming is more suitable for a trap ranger imo.
Ranger should beat a Necromancer, Warrior , Engineer in WvW dueling . You can probably 1v1 vs guardians too . Mesmers and Thiefs are a kitten but it depends . Elementalits you can only dream about beating lol
Engineer’s can actually be real nasty to fight in WvW..Though i’ve not fought any since patch so i don’t know if their might stacking was nerfed.
Guardians are easy with a Condition Build, same with Mesmer’s
Thieves are hit or miss, Some you simply cannot kill.. and then some you’ll explode..
Elementalist actually aren’t that hard for me, But remember I use Pain Inverter, and Confusion will hurt an Elementalist fairly badly.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
In spvp BM ranger with shaman’s amu is currently one of the or even the best dueler if you fight over a point. I’m currently trying out 0/0/30/30/20 with shaman+rabid amu and axe+dagger/sword+torch. It doesn’t have much burst, but the sustain is crazy and it has good pressure from pet damage. I can’t see anyone beating this spec, unless the ranger makes a huge mistake. This is ofcourse related to spvp and as a role of homepoint bunker. Midfights/roaming is more suitable for a trap ranger imo.
30/30/20? you’ll have to share that build, sounds amazing
@ OP As Chopps said dueling is very rock-paper-scissors, you cannot make a build that will beat every other build – you can make v.strong, well-balanced builds that win 90% of fights though.
Engi is actually the king of dueling with the current meta as far as i can tell but ranger is certainly up there. Trapper is pretty strong in duels, but not as strong as in tpvp where they can pre-set their traps and have them off CD. I’ve played a build in the past which can beat trappers, but it was weak to certain mesmer builds, and trappers excel at mesmers cos of the AOE so that goes to show the rock paper scissors aspect of it.
I would advise trying the Catssassin build . It is really fun and quite strong
Is it the opinion of the community that 1v1 is very rock, paper, scissors esque? It seems professions are balanced around a party of 5, based on my casual observations.
Isn’t this more or less inevitable when you have diffrent classes with diffrent skills.
Personally my latest setup is 0/10/20/10/30 mostly knights armor some divinity and zerker jewels mixed with shortbow and sword+dagger/greatsword, tripple signets and troll unguent (cause I’m pretending conditions don’t exist lol) it’s the one I like best so far in terms of allroundness this is for 3W in pve I swap in a few more zerker pieces healing spring, warhorn and I’m good to go there aswell wich I like cause I can’t stand having to respec and change gear all the time.
edit: with wolf and cat