PVE Ranger needs help with pve/story build

PVE Ranger needs help with pve/story build

in Ranger

Posted by: Benny Drengen.6531

Benny Drengen.6531

Hey guys, ive just returned to the game, stopped at the last mission in heart of thorns, because I was fed up with dying all the time to mordremoth…
So I was thinking maybe some of you could help me make a build that I could use both for finishing mordremoth and for the living story, I would prefer some bow elements but I’m open for lake your ideas!

-Benny Skotleikurr

PVE Ranger needs help with pve/story build

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Heya Benny,
I went through most of HoT (including the end mission) and LS on a core Ranger build similar to this : Ka-LINK:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqA9CilsAusActgh9gqL4eYI+44IW+92DgEoiVqB-TRAVAAw+DAA-e

If it fits your style; it has some good utility. Range when it’s dangerous, GS when it’s less so. Condi clears on your survival skills and shouts for everything else.

Pet selection is personal preference. HoT and after has a lot of breakbars so I went for wolf and Black Moa to help me solo them. Black moa is currently the best CC pet for breakbars thanks to a bug/unintended revert and its damage is decent. Lightning Wyvern is ok for groups but has trouble hitting small targets. If you don’t’ have Black Moa, I’d go Pink Moa over Wyvern for consistency.
If you have a Tiger, that can help fuel Remorseless.

I don’t remember my exact gear but I know I wasn’t all Zerk. I liked having a buffer so mistakes weren’t so punishing. I think I was at around 1400 toughness, 2000 Power, and 1400 Vitality (or 20,000 health). Not meta by any means but I liked being able to just wade through some sections with GS.

PVE Ranger needs help with pve/story build

in Ranger

Posted by: Benny Drengen.6531

Benny Drengen.6531

thanks man! ill try that out right now, looking forward to something a little more survivable, and greatswords are some of the best looking in this game so itll be fun.

once again thx for helping!