[PVP] My version of the "Power ranger build"
Very low survivability. I can only see this work versus bad players that completely ignore you.
Also concerning the gameplay you should not spam your skills. Especially people just spamming Hunter’s shot like it is part of a dps roation give me a headache. This is for when you need to get away and not something you just but between autoattacks for no reason.
You need gs offhand. Your vid is literally just you attacking people and hoping no one ever goes for you.
Hope you don’t take this offensively.
The game matches you up against people of your own skill level, so you’re playing against complete noobs. I recommend taking it in to a dueling server so you can see for yourself why against better players the build can’t work. You won’t last 3 seconds against even the worst player on a dueling server.
And ditto, hopefully you aren’t offended by that. You just need to add several layers of defense, you literally have zero at the moment.