Perpetuating the Stereotype

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Belarorn.9062


Greeting all.. been noticing lots of click bait recently wondered if this would work

but srsly.. whats up with rangers?? We complain and complain to Anet about all of our flaws, shortcomings, bugs, pets, hair colour.. anything really. But why should they help us. We are a class based on fluke and rage. The majority of our rank are those annoying LB rangers that everyone depises that make you shake your head as they use it as a melee weapon.

Ok Sure every class has its share of new and inexperienced players but ranger is known for it. Bearbow being the most catch all phrase that I know of. So why should we get shiny stuff. Give it all to engi, ele, mesmer, classes that require skill and experience to bring out.

I feel that in order to give rangers a fair shake we need to give ourselves a fair shake first. TAKE PRIDE IN YOURSELVES. Do you WANT to be the lol noob bearbow kick em for the rest of your ranger career! Is ranger your main? No? Ok fine come on with a longbow and think you are OP cus that 1 skill that is 100% counterable on like every single class every 10s.

Is Ranger your main?? Then spread the wisdom! We have other weapons besides Longbow and Greatsword! like..umm sword? and umm.. maybe axe? and that fire stick thing. You want shiny things fine. Dont we all.. But we should deserve them! Other classes have pride because they take a difficult class or build and shine. Spam #2 is NOT a build. Show them we are more then that that we can thrive despite all those things we think is wrong with us.

Peace and Noveren

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


Greeting all.. been noticing lots of click bait recently wondered if this would work

but srsly.. whats up with rangers?? We complain and complain to Anet about all of our flaws, shortcomings, bugs, pets, hair colour.. anything really. But why should they help us. We are a class based on fluke and rage. The majority of our rank are those annoying LB rangers that everyone depises that make you shake your head as they use it as a melee weapon.

Ok Sure every class has its share of new and inexperienced players but ranger is known for it. Bearbow being the most catch all phrase that I know of. So why should we get shiny stuff. Give it all to engi, ele, mesmer, classes that require skill and experience to bring out.

I feel that in order to give rangers a fair shake we need to give ourselves a fair shake first. TAKE PRIDE IN YOURSELVES. Do you WANT to be the lol noob bearbow kick em for the rest of your ranger career! Is ranger your main? No? Ok fine come on with a longbow and think you are OP cus that 1 skill that is 100% counterable on like every single class every 10s.

Is Ranger your main?? Then spread the wisdom! We have other weapons besides Longbow and Greatsword! like..umm sword? and umm.. maybe axe? and that fire stick thing. You want shiny things fine. Dont we all.. But we should deserve them! Other classes have pride because they take a difficult class or build and shine. Spam #2 is NOT a build. Show them we are more then that that we can thrive despite all those things we think is wrong with us.

Peace and Noveren


SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


I play how I want.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Greeting all.. been noticing lots of click bait recently wondered if this would work

but srsly.. whats up with rangers?? We complain and complain to Anet about all of our flaws, shortcomings, bugs, pets, hair colour.. anything really. But why should they help us. We are a class based on fluke and rage. The majority of our rank are those annoying LB rangers that everyone depises that make you shake your head as they use it as a melee weapon.

Ok Sure every class has its share of new and inexperienced players but ranger is known for it. Bearbow being the most catch all phrase that I know of. So why should we get shiny stuff. Give it all to engi, ele, mesmer, classes that require skill and experience to bring out.

I feel that in order to give rangers a fair shake we need to give ourselves a fair shake first. TAKE PRIDE IN YOURSELVES. Do you WANT to be the lol noob bearbow kick em for the rest of your ranger career! Is ranger your main? No? Ok fine come on with a longbow and think you are OP cus that 1 skill that is 100% counterable on like every single class every 10s.

Is Ranger your main?? Then spread the wisdom! We have other weapons besides Longbow and Greatsword! like..umm sword? and umm.. maybe axe? and that fire stick thing. You want shiny things fine. Dont we all.. But we should deserve them! Other classes have pride because they take a difficult class or build and shine. Spam #2 is NOT a build. Show them we are more then that that we can thrive despite all those things we think is wrong with us.

Peace and Noveren

First Anet need to actually balance the class to lift it up to the same level as the other classes in game.
Second they have to give the ranger an unique mechanic that make the class to be desired in runs/ raids.
Then the rangers will begin to feel proud of the class.

Doing it so how you ask it’s like the delusional nerd at the school that he think he has a chance with the cheerleader. In case you are wondering or watched too many cheesy movies he does not.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Belarorn.9062


Optimism Sir’s

Also I was mentioning that we have enough problems with balance and such but then i see all these rangers using longbows melee on downed foes and im like its like you’re not even trying. you dont see wariors using axes at 1200 range or mesmer greatswords in melee.. why is it that we complain about all our broken stuff then 90% of us ACTIVELY break an entire weapon just so we can LB#2 in someones face..

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Optimism Sir’s

Also I was mentioning that we have enough problems with balance and such but then i see all these rangers using longbows melee on downed foes and im like its like you’re not even trying. you dont see wariors using axes at 1200 range or mesmer greatswords in melee.. why is it that we complain about all our broken stuff then 90% of us ACTIVELY break an entire weapon just so we can LB#2 in someones face..

People who play Ranger like that do not frequent the forum, so your thread is essentially pointless. Those that play Ranger like that are playing for fun with no regard for efficiency or effectiveness at all. That said, I only play main Ranger because I find it fun and, thematically, I just love the archetype. I just so happen to also enjoy being effective at doing whatever I’m doing while also enjoying myself, they work hand-in-hand for me.

So, I wouldn’t say I complain about Ranger being sub-par when compared to say ele, but I near have to point out its pitfalls and issues, basically so I can have hope that they can and will be fixed at some point.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

but… but… gs is really nice weapon

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Rashagar.8349


I really don’t get what your post is meant to be about, so I’m just going to ramble aimlessly.

I decided to try out longbow again for the first time in ages about a week ago. The first time I tried it shortbow was considered to be far superior. (to give you an idea of how old my ranger is hehe).
I don’t know who these people you’re talking about are tbh, but maybe they’re firing a longbow in melee because they’re actually targeting a mob a long way away and have piercing arrows traited? Or want to proc any of the on swap abilities rangers get like furious grip or fast hands, and know that rapid fire is equally effective at any range and it’s only the auto-attack that has different coefficients?

shrugs My weapon of choice will always be main-hand axe for my ranger simply because I enjoy it best. But I needed a change after using it for so long.
I’d rather maximise fun than maximise dps. But I’m probably weird. (Greatsword is a very effective way to maximise fun btw =D )

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I really don’t get what your post is meant to be about, so I’m just going to ramble aimlessly.

I decided to try out longbow again for the first time in ages about a week ago. The first time I tried it shortbow was considered to be far superior. (to give you an idea of how old my ranger is hehe).
I don’t know who these people you’re talking about are tbh, but maybe they’re firing a longbow in melee because they’re actually targeting a mob a long way away and have piercing arrows traited? Or want to proc any of the on swap abilities rangers get like furious grip or fast hands, and know that rapid fire is equally effective at any range and it’s only the auto-attack that has different coefficients?

shrugs My weapon of choice will always be main-hand axe for my ranger simply because I enjoy it best. But I needed a change after using it for so long.
I’d rather maximise fun than maximise dps. But I’m probably weird. (Greatsword is a very effective way to maximise fun btw =D )

When did we get fast hands!?
I’m guessing you meant quick draw? I swap to longbow in melee range all the time, so I can do things like PBS someone off point or to interrupt a stomp, use hunters shot to kite, etc.
This thread makes no sense.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Rashagar.8349


I really don’t get what your post is meant to be about, so I’m just going to ramble aimlessly.

I decided to try out longbow again for the first time in ages about a week ago. The first time I tried it shortbow was considered to be far superior. (to give you an idea of how old my ranger is hehe).
I don’t know who these people you’re talking about are tbh, but maybe they’re firing a longbow in melee because they’re actually targeting a mob a long way away and have piercing arrows traited? Or want to proc any of the on swap abilities rangers get like furious grip or fast hands, and know that rapid fire is equally effective at any range and it’s only the auto-attack that has different coefficients?

shrugs My weapon of choice will always be main-hand axe for my ranger simply because I enjoy it best. But I needed a change after using it for so long.
I’d rather maximise fun than maximise dps. But I’m probably weird. (Greatsword is a very effective way to maximise fun btw =D )

When did we get fast hands!?
I’m guessing you meant quick draw? I swap to longbow in melee range all the time, so I can do things like PBS someone off point or to interrupt a stomp, use hunters shot to kite, etc.
This thread makes no sense.

Yeah, that one. Messaging first thing in the morning is a mistake haha!

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: NOIP.1208



Allow me to shed some light onto the issues and the lack of pride for us ranger players.

ranger has been a subject to alot of hate and flaws since release of this game 3 years ago. more and more people hate rangers, ive gone into dungeons with people via lfg and get kicked just because of the pure fact im a ranger. this will make some people say oh why dont you just get a guild etc.. i have. the bad rangers the ones who use lb while in melee or the ones who use PBS on champs (alot of the time) when the champ isnt either attacking them or doing something to make PBS stop the champ from doing something like healing or attacking give us good/decent ranger such a bad name to the point where the good ones get shunned and kicked from dungeons/fractals. i just think we complain because we are sick of being subpar with nothing to make use different other than a pet whose Ai might i add is pretty bad (should be getting a new one in HOT). dps ele and thief do it better rangers dont bring alot into parties other than a healing spring(if it wants to work) a prec buff which is okay but you need to be pretty close to get the benefit. if druid is amazing rangers will have faith again but till the release of it and a beta test its all smoke on the water for us rangers.

feel free to moan at me for saying this but this is just my opinion and others opinions on rangers. also you’re free to expand on any of my ramblings/points

Alvorian (norn ranger)
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)

(edited by NOIP.1208)

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280



  • Bad rangers are the ones that use PBS to kick the champ out of any AoE and when they should use it to stop an attack from mob they don’t.

Example: trasher get PBS at the beginning of the fight when i just dropped a bonfire. And when the trasher uses the vines the ranger just stayed there pewpew at 400 range… My god at that moment i had to bite my fingers to avoid sending hurtful messages to that noob bearbow (yes it was with a polar bear ).


  • I love to burst downed players with PBS and then RF in WvW if i’m not close enough to use my unicorn finisher.
Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’ve said this before, PBS in open world is probably the biggest reason people end up disliking rangers. That skill has probably done more harm to the ranger reputation than the minor benefit it brings when used correctly.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’ve said this before, PBS in open world is probably the biggest reason people end up disliking rangers. That skill has probably done more harm to the ranger reputation than the minor benefit it brings when used correctly.

Minor benefit? That skill is a game changer when used correctly in PvP environments.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


I think from the outside looking in, PU mesmers are disliked at first sight now. I have never said great we’ve got a Ranger when queing. Afterwards maybe, but never before. Right now mesmer is the most overplayed class, and therefore there are a lot of cats that play it wrong. And actually when I am on Warrior and a Ranger uses PBS just before I drop 100 blades or Sword 3 it does make my soul rip just a little.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think from the outside looking in, PU mesmers are disliked at first sight now. I have never said great we’ve got a Ranger when queing. Afterwards maybe, but never before. Right now mesmer is the most overplayed class, and therefore there are a lot of cats that play it wrong. And actually when I am on Warrior and a Ranger uses PBS just before I drop 100 blades or Sword 3 it does make my soul rip just a little.

there are other classes that have push-backs, like the mesmer or there is another class that throw the mob away, don’t know which one. In any case is just so painful when you just dropped a bonfire….

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I think anyone who just uses longbow will get bored, if anything the weapon needs to feel more involved.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: SuzukiMethod.4732


I think anyone who just uses longbow will get bored, if anything the weapon needs to feel more involved.

As soon as I get any other weapon that does near the same level of damage I will be all over it. Until then, pew pew.

As far as GS goes, I actually prefer sword/dagger in a power build, but spending hours roaming all the extra key presses of turning>leaping>turning>leaping really add up.. and I’m just using GS right now out of laziness, get the same distance traveled on 1 key press. Well, that and the prevalence of confusion as a condition in WvW roaming builds right now. So you’re better off just using 2,3,5 of gs and longbow 2 as opposed to the constant 1 spam you have to do to get the damage from mainhand sword.

Perpetuating the Stereotype

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


the bad rangers the ones who use lb while in melee