Edit. After several replies, we came up with an idea that could revolutionize pets. The following is the post from in this topic.
In all seriousness tho they could expand on the F2 abilities but we still need a way to retain pet control.
Personally I’d be happy with a minor tweak to the options that we already have, and would be even more happy with the additional options (in brackets).
F1 : Movement : Toggle between ‘Go to target’ and ‘Come to me’, (possibly with a ground targeted ‘Go There’ if you hold F1, pet moves on release of F1)
F2 : Attack : Pet Special Attack
F3 : Behaviour : Toggles pet behaviour between ‘Aggressive’ and ‘Passive’, (possibly adding a Guard Area option if you hold down F3)
F4 : Whistle : Swaps Pets, (possibly used for resurrecting a dead pet while held down)Go to target on aggressive would work like F1 currently does, on passive the pet would go to the target but not attack
Pressing F1 twice while the pet is engaged (i.e. come to me, no go to target) would pull the pet of the target they are fighting and make them come to your current one
While I don’t have anything against the pet as a class mechanic, it just feels lackluster at the moment.
My main problems with pets at the moment are:- They can’t hit moving targets properly (Which could be fixed easily! Ever had a mesmer moa your pet? Suddenly it can hit moving targets without problems, since the Moa Morph autoattack has a small “leap” built into it. Don’t believe me? Just check out this neat video posted over 1.5 years ago)
- The lack of control over the pets other family specific skill, like the knockdown of the wolf pet. Having to recall your pet every time it starts the knockdown animation and then hoping it will execute it at the time you want it to just feels wrong.
- Pet stats are horrible. Just straight up horrible. What’s the point of having a few bleeds on the pet’s F2 skill, if they have no condition damage at all (or 350 at most)?For the new class mechanic change of the druid, my money is on some kind of passive bonus you or your allies get depending on the pet family.
Completely removing the pet will definitely not happen, even if some of you guys would ditch them in a heartbeat. I’d rather see them improving pets.
Dear god….
These two ideas just fixed Rangers, seriously, put them together.
1. Melee pets attacking with a leap, so they actually hit.
2. Using F skills for placement.
—F1 Go to (Ground Target)
——If on agressive, attacks on the way and will hold position within a certain radius, 1200?
——If on passive, holds and does not attack.
——If on Guard, doesn’t attack on way, doesn’t move, but attacks when there. (Usefull for ranged pet positioning).
——If off, pet follows like normal.
—F2 Pet skill
—F3 Pet stance. Agressive, passive, guard, off.
—F4 Swap
or see also,
Adding a leap to pet attacks only solves a portion of the issues with Pets. The F1-F3 suggestions do not add much since it functions similar to “Guard!” but without the cast time or buffs.
Improving Pet QoL would have to involve 3 things:
- Leaping attacks to increase hit chance (already covered).
- Pet attacks cleave (at the very least the auto attacks).
- All or 2 Pet skills are available for manual control.
- Keybind options for pet commands.
Points 3+4 can be explained HERE on a previous suggestion.
Someone tell ANET now!
Edit. Below was the original topic.
I know pets will never be removed, but I’ve been thinking of some other Ranger-related f mechanics. Because, let’s face it, until AI is improved pets will always be shambling idiots.
Remember these would be instead of pets.
>Preparations – similar to gw1.
F1 – Read the wind. Arrows deal more damage and fly further.
F2 – Flame arrows. Arrows deal explosive damage.
F3 – Poison arrows. Arrows apply a short-lasting poison.
>Companion F skills – with animations similar to maul, serpent’s strike, or swoop. (Animals vary based on weapon equiped).
Greatsword (Avian theme)
F1 – Avian Talons. Blind foe with ferocious talons.
F2 – Eagle Eye. Remove aegis and protection to expose a weak spot.
F3 – etc
Sword (Reptile theme)
F1 – Viper. Spit a small glob of venom poisoning enemies who touch it
F2 – etc.
F3 – Offhand here.
What would you do instead of pets?
(edited by UnitedChaos.8364)