Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sven Bow.1826

Sven Bow.1826

As a Ranger in GW1 I death leveled with my stalker/pet. When we left Pre I never switched out with another. “Legend” was as much a part of my character as my right arm.

When I brought my ranger into GW2 it was natural, even mandatory that I continue with the same persona. Even the storyline states “ He’s been with you as long as you can remember”

There’s no question that pet revival was a broken game mechanic that needed repair but the solution, switch pets, to me upsets the continuity of the character and story line and it’s just nonsequitor that your pet disappears and something comes up to replace it.

Is it just me being overly sentimental about a bunch of pixels? I don’t want to change pets, I want to keep my right arm, is that asking too much? I want to heal my pet, not toss it away.

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xalugami.2096


I agree. I was pretty displeased when they removed it. Yeah, it was getting in the way of reviving players… or slowing down events because the Ranger wanted to revive it immediately.
But it kind of felt like they were saying “This is not how we want Rangers to play, so we won’t let you play the profession like this”. I mean, sure it’s inefficient and a hazard for everyone, but shouldn’t we have the option anyways? If you’d like to waste the time to revive the pet instead of simply switching, I feel like Rangers should certainly have the option to do so.
I love ANet to death, but things like this should have a little more thought into it. Removing it was undoubtedly full of good intentions to bring out the best in a Ranger; but I’m sure people would still be willing to slow down to help their pet instead of tossing it away for another, because they want to.
Perhaps just bind Pet Revival to a different key or something.

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


I didn’t think this was a big deal until I played solo through a hard story mode quest. I was fighting a boss with my pet and a bunch of supportive NPCs. The NPCs started going down one by one. My pet was suddenly one-shotted by the boss so I switched it out at exactly the wrong moment. As soon as I had switched my pet, the boss threw a strong attack in my direction and one shot my bear. Then I was stuck with a crippled bear I couldn’t revive or switch out (thank you 1 minute timer) while the last surviving NPC was tanking the boss. I tried to revive other NPCs, but it was taking too long to revive them (as opposed to how rangers could revive their pets much faster than an NPC or other player). Not only that, but the boss was spawning adds that were constantly attacking me. If they hadn’t taken this mechanic out of the game, I could have retreated behind a pillar or backed up, revived my pet, and gotten back in the action to help out the poor NPC taking it to the face for me.

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dragonhero.1852


I just wish they would use my Idea of rallying the pet when you kill a monster. It makes sense to me.

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zeffy.3984


It’s not just you; I really dislike that they removed the pet revive mechanic as well.

I go back a loooong way with pet classes. Despite never wanting to return to WoW, I sometimes still miss the pets I had on my Hunter, and that same attachment carried over to GW2 with my Ranger’s pets. My brown bear is basically the ONLY pet I use, and he’s my favorite. I really don’t like the idea of just swapping him out for another pet, and would much rather spend a few seconds reviving him because even though he’s just pixels, he’s still my buddy. :[

I just wish they would use my Idea of rallying the pet when you kill a monster. It makes sense to me.

This is brilliant. I’d be incredibly happy if Anet decided to use this. :3

Zeffy | Asuran Guardian~

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tilarta.9812


I’m pretty much a one pet person myself.

I picked out the one I wanted and stuck with my black cat.

I charm others for fun or to see what they look like, but don’t use them.

I find it frustrating that I can’t revive my pet like it did in GW1.
Just hit Comfort Animal, up they pop again!

It’s hard enough rezzing players, doing so for my pet too adds extra complications in battle.

We need a way to rez the pet in battle, perhaps a power switch thing in healing skill.
Something like, okay, your pet is dead, hitting heal will get it up again.

A question about pet rezzing, did they change it?
I haven’t seen the rezz marker appear recently, my kitty will revive somehow on his own, but I can’t figure out if I can rez him myself.

Let’s be honest, if he’s just standing there being “dead”, he’s not much good to me!

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zeffy.3984


A question about pet rezzing, did they change it?
I haven’t seen the rezz marker appear recently, my kitty will revive somehow on his own, but I can’t figure out if I can rez him myself.

Yeah, they removed the ability to revive your pet, and now they revive themselves over time outside of combat. You can also switch pets.

I really dislike it the way it is now. :[

Zeffy | Asuran Guardian~

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Switching pets makes sense because they have different abilities and stats and can be used to advantage in different situations just like different weapons.

What would solve the problem of people wanting the same pet all the time is to allow the same animal in both slots. Apparently this was possible during beta but was then taken out. I think it should be reimplemented. That would make switching pet seem like you are rezzing your same pet.

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Graevarg.4871


This has been an oddly heated topic yet there seems to be an easy answer (well, easy to a guy who admittedly cannot write a line of computer code). In the PRO cloumn are players who want the feel of one pet. In the CON column are people who hate clicking on Revive to find they are rezzing a pet, or other mechanical issues of the sort. Solve both by simply adding a skill button on the pet-owner’s bar “Rez Pet”. If you’d rather swap, swap. But if you’d rather rez, rez. No Rez Flag flying to confuse the neighbors. Seems like that would make everybody happy…

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sven Bow.1826

Sven Bow.1826

Some great ideas. I think the best is to just allow your pet to be placed in both slots. Should be easy to implement and I don’t see that it would “unbalance” anything. Adding a revive button would be my favorite but that is probably hard to implement. Pet revival on a kill would be better than what’s happening now

Ok ArenaNet are you out there?…….

Pet Revival Solution...Is it just me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


Double polar bears that rallys when you kill something! LOL Might start soloing dungeons if they do that.

But seriously I want the GW1 pets you know that you raise high dps or extra healthy that are big as a house at max level.