Pet Skills

Pet Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: kokubaja.1985


I noticed that pets dont’t use his skills.It Would be awesome and a great feature if you can Set the Pet Skills to aktive and use them with F2.I got frustrating when the Pets dont use his heal oder other skills.They don’t use them.So it must be very easy to open the pet menue and klick on the Skill to aktivate them and then use them with F2.That makes the Pet more usefull.

Pet Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


All pets use their special skills automatically based on the pets’ AI. Some people have indeed expressed a desire for more control, the ability to trigger every pet ability based on player input and not just let the pet do it themselves, but I don’t know if thats ever going to happen and I personally don’t mind it as-is.

Except for Drakes. They’re currently bugged and won’t use either of their normal special abilities (Chomp and Tail Swipe).