Pet Stats/Ranger Stats
Pets have initial base stats.
Ferocity, condition duration, boon duration, healing power, and condition damage can be increased by traits:
Malicious Training: 50% Condition Duration
Pet’s Prowess: 450 Ferocity (30% damage increase)
Expertise Training: 350 Condition Damage
Concentration Training: 50% Boon Duration
Compassion Training: 350 Healing
Otherwise your pet’s stats can increased in the Beastmaster Line- each point in Beastmaster grants 50 stats to the pet for a total of 300 at 6 points in all attributes.
You can also get an extra 200 points to Power, Precision, Toughness, and Vitality with Master’s Bond.
Some Examples of using these traits to your benefit:
The Fern Hound can provide a good amount of healing with Concentration Training, Compassion Training, and Invigorating Bond each time you hit F2. You’ll get a long and strong regen effect along with a burst heal.
Eagles and Hawks have the only F2 skill that bleeds the opponent. Combine this with their high precision, Rending Attacks (Bleed on Crit), Malicious Training (50% Condition Duration) and Expertise Training (350 Condition Damage) and your pet becomes a rather frightening condition machine. This works well with any pet with high precision, however- though each pet with high precision has the same stats. Here’s what their critical rate looks like for different setups – Do note that Pet’s Prowess gives 450 ferocity for a 30% boost to critical damage:
I am taking into account minimum spent in Beastmaster and fully stacked Master’s Bond
Base: 58%
Master’s Bond BM2: 72%
Bleed on Crit BM4: 77%
Beastmaster 6: 82%
Bleed on Crit BM4+Spotter: 84%
Beastmaster 6+Spotter: 89%
(edited by Gabe.6810)
Pet stats are not based off the Ranger Stats, at all. When they are zero, they are exactly that. (Ranger agony resistance is transferred to the pet though)
Two other things to note is related to Pet Vitality and Toughness.
Pet vitality scales differently than player characters. They only get 8 hp per point of vitality instead of 10. (don’t trust the wiki. Its wrong)
Pets only have toughness when calculating damage, and don’t benefit from the added armor defense like players do, which is why some of them can die instantly from one or two attacks.
Thnx, I have many of the traits active but I guess it only shows the pet’s base when you bring it up and look at it.
The traits are only active in combat. Try getting into combat and look at the pet panel again, you’ll see the stats change to be in line with the trait.
I always found it kind of odd that they went with so many in combat only traits for the ranger.