Pet not Attacking

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Valtarius.8671


Has anyone notice since post patch that the pet doesnt attack an enemy your attacking unless you press f1 to do so? The same for switching pets also you have to press f1 for it to attack an enemy your already attacking it doesn’t automatically target it like it used to .

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Look if you didn’t put your pet as in guard (the 3rd icon being blue), if so, click it again and the pet will be in aggressive again and will attack your target again.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Valtarius.8671


Look if you didn’t put your pet as in guard (the 3rd icon being blue), if so, click it again and the pet will be in aggressive again and will attack your target again.

ahh im stupid lol makes sense

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Also if you use the recall command, your pet won’t start attacking again unless you order it to.

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Also if you use the recall command, your pet won’t start attacking again unless you order it to.

Sometimes. Just like sometimes it will attack on its own even though you set it to passive. It’s probably my fault for naming my drake godzilla but he just loves to attack structures and giving away my position while I’m still building rams.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: carlobarletta.5638


Pet AI definitely did change a few months ago. The pet used to automatically attack your target and now you need to tell it to attack. When you are leveling, having to tell your pet to attack every creature becomes a pain. You used to just use Hunter’s Shot and Sic’Em and your pet was all over your target. Now you fire, look at your pet standing around and tell it to attack. In dungeons, I sometimes lose track of my pet, assume it’s in combat and then realize it’s just hang’n out next to me doing nothing.

I also think that the pet used to attack any creature that was attacking you, so when you were harvesting and some creature attacked you, your pet took care of the pest.

If you use the Concentration Training trait (increases boon duration from pets by 50%) then you always remember to tell your pet to attack before using (e.g., Furious Screech or Mighty Roar) because the pet must be in combat for the trait to function. You can tell the pet to return to you immediately after it screeches or roars.

The reason, I think people wanted pets to be more directly obedient. Also, other players were getting upset at players with disobedient pets.

Totally off topic, but I just leveled a thief to 70 and it was not fun at all compared to playing a ranger. Boring little weapons, no pets(!) – it’s been a chore.

Pet not Attacking

in Ranger

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


Pet AI definitely did change a few months ago. The pet used to automatically attack your target and now you need to tell it to attack. When you are leveling, having to tell your pet to attack every creature becomes a pain. You used to just use Hunter’s Shot and Sic’Em and your pet was all over your target. Now you fire, look at your pet standing around and tell it to attack. In dungeons, I sometimes lose track of my pet, assume it’s in combat and then realize it’s just hang’n out next to me doing nothing.

I also think that the pet used to attack any creature that was attacking you, so when you were harvesting and some creature attacked you, your pet took care of the pest.

If you use the Concentration Training trait (increases boon duration from pets by 50%) then you always remember to tell your pet to attack before using (e.g., Furious Screech or Mighty Roar) because the pet must be in combat for the trait to function. You can tell the pet to return to you immediately after it screeches or roars.

The reason, I think people wanted pets to be more directly obedient. Also, other players were getting upset at players with disobedient pets.

Totally off topic, but I just leveled a thief to 70 and it was not fun at all compared to playing a ranger. Boring little weapons, no pets(!) – it’s been a chore.

That definitely sounds like you have your pet set to passive, it won’t attack anything your are attack or anything that attacks u, it will only attack when you tell it too.

Personally I prefer this way, the pet is a lot more responsive when tell it to do something vs it deciding. And it’s become second to press f1 along with my auto attacks,
Now that I think about it, I use my f abilities more then an elementialist. :/