Pet postion -vs- player

Pet postion -vs- player

in Ranger

Posted by: Jazz.7386


I’ve mentioned this before during beta and perhaps I’m the only one that has an issue with this. The pets (IMO) are way to far in front of the player. When I stop from running my pet runs past me and seems like 10 to 15 feet in front of me. This has always bothered me. Maybe because I’m an old school WoW hunter player and I’m just use to my pet being by my side when I’m standing around. Sorry to say that this one little experience with the pet makes me not excited to play my ranger. Don’t get me wrong I love playing my ranger but the pet thing just bugs me.

Pet postion -vs- player

in Ranger

Posted by: Reganov.3569


Nah I notice this one too, it’s not too big of an issue for me though.

You can swap pet etc though and it resets them back to your side.

Wolfred Darkwater – Fort Aspenwood

Pet postion -vs- player

in Ranger

Posted by: Vermil Rockrim.9756

Vermil Rockrim.9756

talking about position, does anyone remember how cool it was when you could cover behind the pet so he could take all the hits?