Pet's pathing issue

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

When I am standing on a higher ground, for example on a ledge, on a small cliff or on the keep’s wall in Silverwaste, my pet simple will not go down to attack my target. It is rather frustrating.

What do you guys do when that happen?

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Aleksander Suburb.4287

Aleksander Suburb.4287

Nothing. It can’t attack, if there is no path. So it is no AI problem. It seems unrealistic for a flying bird, that it can’t fly down. But thiefs or other profession can’t teleport to points without a regular path to it. And Keep-doors are not a part of a path.

Guild Wars balancing concept: Never change a ruined system!

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Use a spider to attack from range.

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


That’s why I go for power ranger and never ever rely on pet’s pathetic dps and inconsistent pathing. The only thing they’re good at is being my distraction of mobs while I enter stealth and lose argo, that’s all.

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


That’s why I go for power ranger and never ever rely on pet’s pathetic dps and inconsistent pathing. The only thing they’re good at is being my distraction of mobs while I enter stealth and lose argo, that’s all.

Well then I’m going to tell you that you are missing out quite a lot.

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

Like it or not, pets do account for a portion of a ranger overall DPS. Some has useful utilities as well. That is why whenever pets are not doing anything they are supposed to do or doing it badly, it annoys me (or in fact any ranger) a lot.

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


That’s why I go for power ranger and never ever rely on pet’s pathetic dps and inconsistent pathing. The only thing they’re good at is being my distraction of mobs while I enter stealth and lose argo, that’s all.

Well then I’m going to tell you that you are missing out quite a lot.

Yes I’m missing out quite alot post pet damage nerf.
I used to be a celestial beastmaster ranger before they nerf the pet’s dps to the ground.
Now no matter how hard I try, the pet is so slow in doing anything.

It takes quite abit of time for pet to reach enemies. By the time they hit anything, I already killed my target with rapid fire and maybe some additional AA.
Even when they does reach it, their damage is no-where compare to my regular zerk ranger with weapons other than Axe m-hand. It just doesn’t worth the time to wait until pet does anything constructive. It gets even worse when you consider the pathing issue of pets.

Might? Yeah the only situation you may do more damage is when it takes more than 20 seconds to kill 3 targets, while you hit all 3 targets with your Axe’s AA while sharing might with your DRAKE. (who’s also hitting 3 targets)
However, if I’m fighting a group of enemies, it’s better off I just use Barrage + piercing arrow to kill all 5 enemies at once while my pet tank the damage.

Pet's pathing issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Yes I’m missing out quite alot post pet damage nerf.
I used to be a celestial beastmaster ranger before they nerf the pet’s dps to the ground.
Now no matter how hard I try, the pet is so slow in doing anything.

It takes quite abit of time for pet to reach enemies. By the time they hit anything, I already killed my target with rapid fire and maybe some additional AA.
Even when they does reach it, their damage is no-where compare to my regular zerk ranger with weapons other than Axe m-hand. It just doesn’t worth the time to wait until pet does anything constructive. It gets even worse when you consider the pathing issue of pets.

Might? Yeah the only situation you may do more damage is when it takes more than 20 seconds to kill 3 targets, while you hit all 3 targets with your Axe’s AA while sharing might with your DRAKE. (who’s also hitting 3 targets)
However, if I’m fighting a group of enemies, it’s better off I just use Barrage + piercing arrow to kill all 5 enemies at once while my pet tank the damage.

What enemies are you fighting that all stand in a perfect line and don’t even try to avoid your Rapid Fire? Are you playing against people without hands?!

Anyway, the pet isn’t suppose to do zerker longbow damage. That would be ridiculous. What it can do is pressure enemies who are trying to line of sight your longbow or use a control skill to help you line up your shot so you don’t miss, or peel enemies off you with a fear.

In Beastmaster builds the pet again isn’t going to instantly burst someone down. It will, however, do high sustained damage while you get to wear the tankiest gear you can get your hands on to survive. With a few well placed control skills you can help your pet kill the enemy while outlasting the enemy by playing defensively.