Pet sort order changed?

Pet sort order changed?

in Ranger

Posted by: XDeadzX.2581


I’m fairly certain I’m not crazy. The pet order changed, did it not? Not it seems entirely random, where as it was sorted roughly by type before. At least a few different things were sorted by type, such as spiders and moas. Now they are everywhere. What’s changed, and why?

Having played since early beta, this seems like an entirely useless change, because it’s not even sorted alphabetically now either.

Pet sort order changed?

in Ranger

Posted by: kyrmana.5679


Yes, I remember the moas as well

Pet sort order changed?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


They did some changes in the pets in general. First the order changed, that’s right.

Then they did an annoying change when you cast the pet’s skill, and that is if you have it as avoid combat, as soon as you cast the pet skill even if it’s an ulitiy skill, like the heaing from the fern hound, clearing conditions from the brown bear it attacts the foe you have selected.

This is anoying in some pets, like the fern hound, that cast the skill and then run away although you have it set as avoid combat. Others make the pet skill competely useless like the shout from the brown bear that FIRST run to attack you foe and the cast the skill. So if you need to clear condis for yourself you are out of luck.

I wondering who is messing up with the pets in Anet. If it’s to fix them i’ll be glad to hear about what’s going on…

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Pet sort order changed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’ve noticed my wolf no longer reliably opens with its knockdown, it seems to be rng now, and if I quickly swap to use the fear on people stomping an ally I better make sure to target one of the players or my wolf will run to narnia to use its fear on someone.

Pet responsiveness seems to have taken a hit as well. I’ll hit return to me about 50 times and my pet just gives me that, ”You’re not my supervisor!” look as he dives into all the aoe he can find.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended