Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: quidgy.1483


The title explains it really; make it easily apparent what buffs and debuffs our pets have. This is particularly important if you want us to use the traits that share buffs with our pets and let us transfer debuffs to them. I want to easily know this is working.

On a similar topic: it’s quite possible this feature already exists and I’ve just missed it. If so, someone’s help pointing it out would be much appreciated.

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: Tracker.6483


I agree. Maybe if showed pet buffs/debuffs near the pet bar and F2 key.

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: Kahna.1026



The only way I’ve found to see them is to actually target the pet, and that’s not very efficient in the middle of combat :[

Aoileann ยป Sylvari Mesmer
[ Serenity and Scars ] of Tarnished Coast

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: Kellie.3687


Would also love if the pet health bar was a little more visual and easy to keep an eye on at a glance, in pve dungeons where I have to switch my pet every 16 seconds, and time my own heals with my pets health, and make sure I time my pets immunity. Having to look at the tiny red bar all the time, feels as if it is taking away from the game a little.

I would not mind something like the guardians fire effect that builds up to show your next attack will cause burning. But only the flame would build up when your pets health is getting lower and lower. I am not sure what really would work, but I do find my self having to watch my pets health bar, way more than I should have too.

I also would not mind if the Health globe in the middle of the screen was split in two down the middle and have the pets health in green to the right while keeping our own health in red to the left.

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: BlueCJay.1205


I concur. Pets are so fragile as is, that by the time you notice they have a bleed/poison/etc. on them, they are pretty much dead.

Pet suggestion: visibility of buffs and debuffs

in Ranger

Posted by: quidgy.1483


Hopefully this can gain some traction and we get a dev post confirming they’ll at least look into it.