Pet swap while downed [Video]

Pet swap while downed [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Just did a little roaming last night and don’t normally run wolf, I like drakes for dps on downed enemies, but it saved my life in the last fight in this video.

Pet swap while downed [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: UrMom.4205


nice, got a link to your build? i’ve been trying to find new wvw builds ever since the patch

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Pet swap while downed [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m running something like this, with full apothecary gear. I switch up my build though.

Pet swap while downed [Video]

in Ranger

Posted by: UrMom.4205


cool thanks a bunch!

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB