Pets and mass WvWvW fights?
Could always do what the mass number of rangers do in WvW, use a range pet?
Range pets are pretty useless in large fights as they will chase after whoever you first targetted and recall doesn’t work as it will run merrily through all the aoe and generally end up dead.
Almost every attack a ranged pet tries will miss the target anyway, except rooting skills which using the f2 key and watching the slow animation while it takes 1.5 seconds to cast it in the meantime the thief has stealthed or is now half way across the map and the skill misses.
Given that in large fights you’re busy enough just staying alive, don’t worry about choice of (usually dead) pets – they come in useful for capping and small fights, but even then you will notice that most of the time the pet misses as players move out of their way and the pet AI is too useless.
I’m not sure why you would be worried about “just staying alive”
You should be the one picking your targets. Until you go crazy and dive in for an entangle/immunity finisher on a nice chunk of people that have been softened up.
The only time I dislike pets would be when I’m on a battlement defending.
Pets really aren’t that bad so long as you are continually swapping them.
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)