Pets buffs don't priorize player and group

Pets buffs don't priorize player and group

in Ranger

Posted by: Arpheus.6918


If you use the Red Moa fury buff while being in 600 range you and your group members have a very high chance to not get the fury if there is a zerg close to the Moa.
To me this shows that for the ranger pets you forgot to implement the change from a few patches ago that buffs priorize group members and yourself.
This is pretty important. If I use my pets buffs I want to get it every time if I stand close enough to the pet.
I guess it’s the same with other pets skills but I didn’t test them so far.

Pets buffs don't priorize player and group

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Yep this is true, it doesn’t even prioritize the ranger. It’ll just pick 5 random targets in its radius.

What’s also bad is the size of the radius. I’ve had a Red Moa on passive run so far ahead that it was out of range to buff me.

But this is supposed to be posted in the bug forum, not here.