(edited by Dos.7052)
Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.
A is in my opinion the biggest problem of the class right now. We’re missing out on 1000s of damage per fight simply because our pet is pausing before each attack and missing moving targets. Should be a priority fix in my opinion.
A is in my opinion the biggest problem of the class right now. We’re missing out on 1000s of damage per fight simply because our pet is pausing before each attack and missing moving targets. Should be a priority fix in my opinion.
yeh, or they could fix it by putting the damage from the pet back onto the ranger so pets are just for the utility they bring , and making a new trait in the beast master line something along the line of you do xx% less damage but your pet does xx% more dmg and runs quicker. Or do the reverse of that and put it in the skirmishing line , would make some nice unique builds for rangers.
yea thats the point why i stopped playing my ranger for now.
currently i’m running a beastmaster/precision build with excessive use of quickening zephyr. my hits really suck and dont hurt much but I’m heavily relying on my pet damage. (its doing 10 times more autohitdmg than me)
problem is: when i’m at my enemy and switch pet (for trait: quickening zephyr) i have 2 seconds where I and my pet hit twice as fast.
but since my pet needs about 2 seconds to attack my target (even with F1 directly after switching) my pet is unable to use the buff. because it just runs around like akitten
same goes for pvp. my pet is doing nearly no damage when my enemy is just walking. it always stops and tries to autohit while my enemy is a few feet away again. (though i always try have swiftness on me and my pet)
i really feel like its punishing me for playing ranger as its supposed to be played…with his pet.
- Pets take less AOE Damage (since they cant dodge out of fields that quick and have to run all the way back to you with F3)
- Obviously the AI on the pet has to improve. for example: when you switch pet in fight, the pet you switched to automatically attacks your target and does not stand around waiting.
- Spirits should have health comparable to shamans totems (wow). so they should not drop instantly with only one AOE. maybe exclude them from aoe but make them 2 or 3-hit so people have to really switch target to get rid of them and not just drop some AOE and your spirit build is completely useless just like it is right now.
- longbow is slow and the damage is just a joke that weapon just makes no fun at all.
yea thats the point why i stopped playing my ranger for now.
currently i’m running a beastmaster/precision build with excessive use of quickening zephyr. my hits really suck and dont hurt much but I’m heavily relying on my pet damage. (its doing 10 times more autohitdmg than me)…
Let’s hope some day your ranger will com back to you.
Let’s hope some day your ranger will com back to you.
haha thanks a lot. but i already came back yesterday evening.
i love my little asura ranger way too much to let some minor flaws break my love.
its not about how strong your class is, but more about how you like playing it I think.
but still: pet in pvp really cant get any attacks to the enemy since everyone is moving all the time and the pet just “runs – stops – runs – stops” without hitting once. :/
but WHEN it hits. omg. prepare yourself^^
I agree with all of what’s been said. The sheer amount of dps being lost due to pets not attacking while on the run puts us at a huge disadvantage. Especially if you’ve popped “Rage as One” which is bread and butter!
Did the devs at Anet miss all the late night National Geographic documentaries where wolves constantly attack their prey while ON THE RUN?
I sincerely hope they address it because its a deal breaker for me when I get to end game and spend more time pvping.
I also hope they look into the BM line and adjust the trait where your pets attributes increase on a per kill basis. Swapping should not delete the buff. I’m fine with the ability only being applied to one pet so long as it can persist after swapping. I’m also fine with losing it if the pet dies. But after Teleporting? After taking a swim? Seriously?
Come on Anet! Throw our wolves a freakin bone here!!
(edited by jonG.8369)
Seems like rangers has the most issues atm.
Pets stupidity, pets delay, utilities based on pets, our 5th trait line useless, missing a weapon with mostly dps skills(like axes on warrior), pets pulling couse sitting infront of us.
And really how can u base so many utilities or so many traits on pets or have of your dps on pets when these things always die ?
Some say manage your pet by call it back when u get dmg. Really ? Is thi a cosmetic pet or a buff pet? Do i have to do less dps from anyone else couse a)my pet dies from AoE b)gets aggro from the boss c)cant dodge d)its stupid?
PS: I keep playing my ranger but some things has to be told.
forgive my ignorance but could pets attack while moving in gw1?
Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.
in Ranger
Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067
AE) Some rangers’ bug: can’t move during sword skill 1, during ‘pounce’ ‘kick’ and ‘slash’ rangers can’t move or do dodge roll, also the ‘kick’ skill will force ranger back to the target.
One last thing,
For the love of the Six, BUFF rangers’ longbow.
You miss something very vital. If you played Guild Wars 1, you might understand a little better. Your bow, although you may say it has low damage… It has a far range, attacks automatically, never misses once unless the target blocks, and requires little to no tactical placement to activate skills. Now, in comparison to other professions, I don’t know; but inside the Ranger, the bow is overpowered, or the Sword is severely under-powered. To do damage, you must be close to your target, which can auto attack you, push you back, etc. Sword just has cripple, which you can easily dodge out of, knock him back, and then spam him with a flurry of arrows…
As for the auto attack, I recommend you read your skill bar when you hover it over skill 1. Please Control + Right mouse to disable auto attack, turn off ‘Promote skill target’ in your options, which basically turns target lock on whenever you use a skill… If you really want to take a step farther, disable melee assist. It is very important for you to read over the control/combat descriptions. It i not a bug, it is simply an aid for people who have not gotten ahold of the combat and have yet to read/turn off the options.
Please view my screenshot. I turned my auto-attack off.
Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.
in Ranger
Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067
Seems like rangers has the most issues atm.
Pets stupidity, pets delay, utilities based on pets, our 5th trait line useless, missing a weapon with mostly dps skills(like axes on warrior), pets pulling couse sitting infront of us.
I actually happen to love the 5th trait line. xD Rangers have always been about conditions which, although do not boast high damage, ignore armor and hinder opponents… That’s what a ranger has always been know for. Pets pull because you do not have a great perception of your surroundings. Stow him as you pull. Or turn him on passive and use a bow. Or, if you really understand the mechanics of the pet, you can do like I do, and order your pet to pull, then tell him to return to you and let him be the first target when the battle begins. I only* run melee. I have a torch, and a Warhorn. I refuse to ever use a bow, because I do not like being able to sit and auto attack everything. I like to be attentive when I play… Not once have I pulled anything unintentionally. Then again, I’ve been a Beastmaster since the start of Guild Wars 1, and still am to this day.
YES! the pets need to be able to attack and move at the same time, this is a huge problem for the ranger class atm…
And yes the one hand sword skill 1 need to be changed somehow, your are so locked
and cant move so much at all… It goes against what the one hand sword should be like:
Mobile, and right now the first skill do the opposite to that.
Other then that I love the rest of the one hand sword skills.
I have just posted some of these in the suggestion forums game improvement threads. Pets are too wonky right now, they need to be fixed.
Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.
in Ranger
Posted by: Nex Inter Nos.2481
Seems like rangers has the most issues atm.
Pets stupidity, pets delay, utilities based on pets, our 5th trait line useless, missing a weapon with mostly dps skills(like axes on warrior), pets pulling couse sitting infront of us.
And really how can u base so many utilities or so many traits on pets or have of your dps on pets when these things always die ?
Some say manage your pet by call it back when u get dmg. Really ? Is thi a cosmetic pet or a buff pet? Do i have to do less dps from anyone else couse a)my pet dies from AoE b)gets aggro from the boss c)cant dodge d)its stupid?
PS: I keep playing my ranger but some things has to be told.
Nope, engineers still have the most problems. Probably be another few months before we take that title away from ‘em. I suspect that pet ai/programming will be one of the last things to get a real fix as it’s an issue in pretty much every mmo ever at the start.
As for the auto attack, I recommend you read your skill bar when you hover it over skill 1. Please Control + Right mouse to disable auto attack, turn off ‘Promote skill target’ in your options, which basically turns target lock on whenever you use a skill… If you really want to take a step farther, disable melee assist. It is very important for you to read over the control/combat descriptions. It i not a bug, it is simply an aid for people who have not gotten ahold of the combat and have yet to read/turn off the options.
Please view my screenshot. I turned my auto-attack off.
Still telling people to disable a key game feature to fix something? Do you also turn your auto-attack off for your bows?
Sorry but I’m pretty sure no one wants to mash their 1 key all night long just to get around an animation bug or flaw, which ever you want to call it.
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
Another thing is that you can just mash left and right strafe buttons to avoid tons of damage from our bows thanks to Anet’s awful attempt at action game mechanics.
Pretty much all the points that were raised in the beta…I don’t see these problems being fixed any time soon.
I’d be happen if they just gave longbow a cripple on skill 1. I run 30% speed boost on Skirmish and the pets still have a hard time to get into striking range. I’m pretty sure that 30% trait is not working.
Iv been doing dungeons frequently, there’s virtually no way to keep your pets alive through the massive AoE’s that go flying around. I actually moved points OUT OF BEASTMASTERY because my pets survival was too small to have a build based around it. Bears and drakes can survive stray hits, but not AoE and they make no attempt to move out of it. It’s completely ridiculous when the ranger seems to be built around the pet and it runs around and kills itself with abandon. Easily 25% of our skills are based around it and become totally useless the moment anything bigger than a veteran looks at it strange.
If you actually took the time to babysit it to keep it alive you wouldn’t be able to play the game any more, it’s simply not feasible. Also, Subject Alpha in CoE targets him for AoE. You think he’s bad already? Try having to dodge circles twice as big as everyone elses because your dead pet is attached to your hip and being targetted by AoE’s. His gimmick is his little donut circles he creates that you stand in the middle of. Well, not for rangers! Because your pets circle eclipses your safe zone. Enjoy.
(edited by Yadda.2764)
I am having 0 issues with my pet’s survivability…
Speaking of CoF, enjoying 1 minute CoF runs are you ? I hope tha dungeon gets disabled until fixed, making 10g per hour is ridiculous.
For those who didn’t already know, go have a look at CoF Explore mode route 2. With a good party you can speed run it so fast it becomes a joke.
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.