(edited by Firelysm.4967)
Pets should be optional not a must.
I like the idea. However it will never be applied because a “ranger” never battles without his companion. In zergs pets absorb some of aoe like wells or cc like earthshaker. Its much more noticeable if you are the warrior casting it, and you hit a dog instead of enemy asura guardian.
This idea sounds like a specialization more than anything else. I personally foresee at least two other specs – a marksman without a pet, and a beast master that gets huge pets. This is definitely a solid idea if they decide to make a straight marksman, but as I don’t believe they’ll get rid of pets for base rangers, a specialization is what it’d have to be.
I like the idea. However it will never be applied because a “ranger” never battles without his companion. In zergs pets absorb some of aoe like wells or cc like earthshaker. Its much more noticeable if you are the warrior casting it, and you hit a dog instead of enemy asura guardian.
Actually i’ve been searching for ranger material quite some time:
Historically ranger is someone who can hunt & track the prey, using long range weapons like bows and crossbows with normally a dagger melee combat weapon. CAN have a companion but it’s more likely NO then yes, all the best trackers never had companions.
As much as i love to be bow-usable-class, i don’t like the companion of rangers. And I think arena net should consider no pet option, because ranger is the only class that can master both type of bows, which should give him chance to focus primarily on archery.
Why i think so, i’ll give some reasons:
- other classes can use pets to(necro, elementalist, engie(in expansion), mesmer)
- no real use of ranger pets outside the duel (finding items with pig? that’s all?)
- Not a wow fan (never played wow), rangers could mount pets.
- even with mastery + skills pets are weak or make yourself weak to make them useful
- AI is simply not good enough to deal with PvP
Pets should be deleated or totally reworked.
Unfortunatly in gw2 playing with pets means playing without ^^F skills^^.
That’ s why ranger is so underpowered compared to other classes.
I actually wish MMO’s in general would stop trying to tack on pets as fundamental parts of any class with a broader theme than just pets. It’s just a bad concept.
If you’re going to have a pet class at all, the class needs to be entirely built around the pets. Otherwise, pets should just be a minor component of any class’s repertoire of goodies.
Having some weird half-and-half arrangement is just nonsensical. They need to rework the Ranger to function better without the pet.
Why do people chose the pet class of the game, and afterwards come to forums to cry about not wanting pets?
It is plain simple. FEEL FREE to pick a class of the remaining 7, 8 soon.
Rangers are the PET CLASS of the game. If you don’t like it, leave us alone. Enough qq already from people who dislike pets.
Why do people chose the pet class of the game, and afterwards come to forums to cry about not wanting pets?
It is plain simple. FEEL FREE to pick a class of the remaining 7, 8 soon.
Rangers are the PET CLASS of the game. If you don’t like it, leave us alone. Enough qq already from people who dislike pets.
Don’t be silly – nobody is trying to get rid of your pet. They just want additional options, especially seeing as how the Ranger has a much broader concept than just “the pet class”.
What title says. 20-30% of ranger damage is almost always out of use.
a) your pet is out of range
b) dead
c) your pet casts damage way to long and there for enemy is ready to dodge it.
d) WvW, pets are on hold at zerging (they die instantly if not)In my opinion ranger should have options to:
- activate pet use through traits with at least 1 point in beast mastery.
- if he has beast his 10-25% bow power should be transferred to pet
- if ranger doesn’t want to use pet he gets 3 new abilities with archery stats.
3 new abilities if ranger doesn’t use pet:
F1 FOCUS SHOT – ranger charges arrow shot for 1-3 seconds where every 1/2 of second increases damage and range dealt by Focus shot.
F2 MARKSMAN TRICK – ranger applies random condition on arrow for 3 shots or 5 seconds. Random condition on trigger (poison, burn, chill ).
F3 INTERUPTION – _ranger shoots quick arrow which interrupts enemy.But what if ranger doesn’t use bows? He can apply things to other weapons same as he would for bow.
a) This is mainly an AI problem -> I don’t think they’ll ever fix this since improving the AI is extremely difficult
b) Use the pet swap / command your pet back to you (I know it doesn’t work all the time but it’s the best tool we have atm)
c) Agree here, Anet should reduce the cast times to make pets easier to use (the animations would look weird but I think usability > animation)
d) I would like to see a new trait to make pets somewhat useful for zerg fights. Something like:
Your pet takes 50% less AoE damage and gains 3 seconds of Retaliation every 3 seconds while in combat.
Removing the pet is a bad idea imo. Yes, it’s an easy workaround but it would make the ranger feel like every other profession.
Your pet takes 50% less AoE damage and gains 3 seconds of Retaliation every 3 seconds while in combat.
I really like this idea as a Grandmaster beast mastery trait. The retaliation uptime might be a bit much, but what about gaining 6 seconds of retaliation on shouts? That way you could play a beast master with Search and Rescue and Sic ’Em and not feel totally subpar, both of which are really useful abilities when you can get them to work.
Your pet takes 50% less AoE damage and gains 3 seconds of Retaliation every 3 seconds while in combat.
I really like this idea as a Grandmaster beast mastery trait. The retaliation uptime might be a bit much, but what about gaining 6 seconds of retaliation on shouts? That way you could play a beast master with Search and Rescue and Sic ’Em and not feel totally subpar, both of which are really useful abilities when you can get them to work.
Unless they’ve changed Search and Rescue quite drastically playing with it will always make me feel subpar…
RIP: Original S&R, you will be missed always.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Why do people chose the pet class of the game, and afterwards come to forums to cry about not wanting pets?
It is plain simple. FEEL FREE to pick a class of the remaining 7, 8 soon.
Rangers are the PET CLASS of the game. If you don’t like it, leave us alone. Enough qq already from people who dislike pets.
Don’t be silly – nobody is trying to get rid of your pet. They just want additional options, especially seeing as how the Ranger has a much broader concept than just “the pet class”.
That would be similar to want mesmers without Clones and Illusions, because you can’t control when they attack and where to stand.
And can you? I’m afraid you can’t. Arena-Net clearly stated that Ranger class is the class that possesses a pet, and should not fight without it. If you don’t like this concept – there are other classes with different ones.
That’s all there is to it.
Indeed that I am hoping to see specializations in the future deal with this problem by allowing for the removal of the pet altogether with replacements for F1-F4.
I actually wish MMO’s in general would stop trying to tack on pets as fundamental parts of any class with a broader theme than just pets. It’s just a bad concept.
If you’re going to have a pet class at all, the class needs to be entirely built around the pets. Otherwise, pets should just be a minor component of any class’s repertoire of goodies.
Having some weird half-and-half arrangement is just nonsensical. They need to rework the Ranger to function better without the pet.
This, either improve AI pet or give us a lot more pet options and pet-less options.
I’m just tired that arena net thinks we are handicapped players, and they work on this game as only casual play it.. We need advanced stuff.
I’m playing games for about 20 years now, and in every Game: KalOnline >LineageI & II > Guild Wars 1 & Aion.. I’ve always been a Ranger/Archer/Sagittarius. And Shifting from GW1 to GW2… made me hate ranger/archer after nearly 18 years of loving this playstyle/profession. The worst gaming experience of archery ever.
- No charging skills to hit with user accurate power(choose how long you’ll risk to aim to maximize your power of shoot).
- no arrow customization ( applying conditions on arrows like GW1)
- barely any interrupts (SB5, LB4, GS5)
- utility are kind of OK but ( monotone, there are only 2 decent skills for every guild). _
_- no bow melee close range skills, like knockbacks/interrupts
I just wish pets were optional, or give us pure bow Sagittarius like character class. I just don’t like having companion if I cannot relay on it fully and having hardcore mastery about it. If you ask me, rangers MUST have at least 2 traits dedicated only to pet, or don’t use it at all. Arena net should add one trait line for pets only beast mastery is not enough. Also spirits should be reworked hardly, how does one kill spirit? ROFL.. that’s just out of context what we have in here. Ranger is just in my opinion the worst concept in this game, every other class is well polished, but not ranger.
Indeed that I am hoping to see specializations in the future deal with this problem by allowing for the removal of the pet altogether with replacements for F1-F4.
and THIS!
(edited by Firelysm.4967)
I agree that Ranger is the most unreliable class in this game, so far.
While I like to fight with pets, I hate being unable to rely on them.
If I can’t rely on my sword because it kills me more often than it saves me – and I can’t rely on my pet that is useless more often than not – I’d like to have at least competitive options for game-play.
I do not support pet-less options, but I’d really welcome a simple swap of mechanics from our Sword to our Pet’s attack. Just as giving them a more survivability, since you can’t tell your pet where to stand and when to avoid the damage.
There has been a nice idea lately that made your pet evade all attacks for 1 second when you dodge roll. I’d also add a trait that would remove 2 conditions from your pet by doing that.
If those mechanics would be implemented, I wouldn’t have a single problem with competitive scene.
(Offtopic, I’d also like some more defensive options for Spirits. Engie turrets got bubbles, are immune to condis, can be repaired quickly… Spirits don’t have even close to the luxury)
No pet?! Then who am I suppose to roam around Tyria with? I want my drake hound around. I keep him alive and he nomnoms faces.
Aside, I have a sneaky suspicion Dave Mark has some fixes for pet AI in the upcoming xpack.
See you in Tyria.
a) This is mainly an AI problem -> I don’t think they’ll ever fix this since improving the AI is extremely difficult
Depends. They can ‘cheat’ and improve pets a lot:
1. Increase attack range of pets
2. Shorten the time it takes for pets to use their special abilities
3. Make them move faster
4. Implement evade mechanics to F3
5. Shorten delay between attacks, so that when they actually do land their attacks, they get a chance to land more attacks within the same timespan.
…to name but a few. There are lots of things they could do, that doesn’t really have anything to do with ai programming. I’m not sure I would say that pets have any ai at all – they’re more like another form of weapon, with the ability to track their targets, and that’s it. They can’t make any real decisions, with the exception of using some of their abilities depending on their own health.
Bots in Quake used ai of sorts – they reacted to what the player did. Pets in this game are not like that, at all.