Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Pet sustain Vitality/toughness is even worst in current meta, playing full beast mastery and yet they die in less then 5 seconds in small scale fights 5v5 or even 1v1.

Pets need at least 50% or 100% health buff, and if you choose Empathic boon, they should be immune on conditions! eating 2 stacks of fire kills the pet alone.

Ranger pet state is worst then ever. totally out of place, where pets die in 1v1 when they are on passive.

EDIT: we are not speaking about birds that are squishy, we speak about dogs cats spiders drakes what so ever. Tanky pets just don’t deliver F2 presents that most of ranger synergy requires to do so.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

(edited by Firelysm.4967)

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Still better than the Rev.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

Yes another factor of the condi changes that was overlooked.

Pets will eat multiple stacks of burning and poison if you use EB.

EB needs to be changed, ideally to something more active. IE remove on pet swap.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I never understood why multiple classes have a ‘remove condition every 10s’ trait or utility yet Rangers get a ‘kill pet every 10s’ instead.

It’s like ANet wants Rangers to be some kind of sadistic entity who likes to torment animals.

Then again my pets die in under a second anyway when I’m in WvW because ANet never separated direct damage from AoE damage. So they apparently can’t even give pets resistance to AoE (like pet had in WoW) to make up for their stupid AI and pathing issues.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


I never understood why multiple classes have a ‘remove condition every 10s’ trait or utility yet Rangers get a ‘kill pet every 10s’ instead.

It’s like ANet wants Rangers to be some kind of sadistic entity who likes to torment animals.

Then again my pets die in under a second anyway when I’m in WvW because ANet never separated direct damage from AoE damage. So they apparently can’t even give pets resistance to AoE (like pet had in WoW) to make up for their stupid AI and pathing issues.

Anet hates nature?

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Lfg.5604


It would be awsome if EB takes conditions from you and converts them to boons on the pets.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Think of EB as boon sharing in the NM line but it’s conditions. So if you run through ring of fire and your pet does , that means he automatically has 6 stacks of burning from ONE walk through a ring of fire from you xferring to him running through it to because pet pathing is just terrible, imagine doing it twice twice (12 stacks) and so on.

Now obviously you’re probably smart enough not to walk through it, but my point is to illustrate simply how BAD this GM trait is , it’s a GM trait that is a passive kill for your pet in this meta. There is absolutely no reason to run this UNLESS it was put somewhere else in a master line and moved to 2 conditions to your pet instead of 3 to justify moving it to master and not GM.

It’s just terrible in this condi meta as a GM trait now. Burn is ridiculous and the condi spam in team fights is ridiculous, anyone running this now is just a fool. WK is way better but it also forces you to slow all survival skill to have a chance against condi builds, so it’s your choice. I run WK and like it much better over empathic bond but some people still run empathic bond , it’s up to you… I just think it’s a horrible GM trait now.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Think of EB as boon sharing in the NM line but it’s conditions. So if you run through ring of fire and your pet does , that means he automatically has 6 stacks of burning from ONE walk through a ring of fire from you xferring to him running through it to because pet pathing is just terrible, imagine doing it twice twice (12 stacks) and so on.

Now obviously you’re probably smart enough not to walk through it, but my point is to illustrate simply how BAD this GM trait is , it’s a GM trait that is a passive kill for your pet in this meta. There is absolutely no reason to run this UNLESS it was put somewhere else in a master line and moved to 2 conditions to your pet instead of 3 to justify moving it to master and not GM.

It’s just terrible in this condi meta as a GM trait now. Burn is ridiculous and the condi spam in team fights is ridiculous, anyone running this now is just a fool. WK is way better but it also forces you to slow all survival skill to have a chance against condi builds, so it’s your choice. I run WK and like it much better over empathic bond but some people still run empathic bond , it’s up to you… I just think it’s a horrible GM trait now.

management tip for wvw Aoe pushes , if your not in combat before the push stow the pet , then use evades , blocks and gs swoop to get through the bulk of the Aoe Damage the pet will not Reactivate untill you take damage atleast thats one way of performing a succesful push without the Eb giving the pet double stacks.

if they add pet removes 3 condis every 10secs in addition to the 3 transfered which will just mean if the opposing play only applies 3 condis you and the pet are fine .

if they apply anymore than 3 at a time it will mean trouble for your pet.

anet really needs to take into consideration that some people do target pets and shouldnt neglect pet sustain eb is a killer alright it only works if you have a bear or a drake even then you have to fully trait for protection+regen) just so it can survive a WvW push through a choke, its too much investment just so a pet can survive this situation though it only happens if the person playing the ranger is too close to the front lines when pushing its best to keep to the mid where Aoe circles are on the last of their durations by the time you push half way most have disappeared unless you play on kitten in a massive blob anything dies then.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Honestly, in the current state of things., I wouldn’t find it unjustified if EB transferred conditions to the pet and then converted them to boons. Not only that but it would fit the skill name better.

Stormbluff Isle

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: EvilToaster.7406


I would really like to seem some pet condi removal rolled into existing traits. Like what if EB also made it so when you critically hit you remove a condition from your pet with a 5 second ICD. Wilderness Knowledge could also remove condis from pets and Natural healing could give pets passive removal since that’s a trait meant to help keep your pet alive.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I would really like to seem some pet condi removal rolled into existing traits. Like what if EB also made it so when you critically hit you remove a condition from your pet with a 5 second ICD. Wilderness Knowledge could also remove condis from pets and Natural healing could give pets passive removal since that’s a trait meant to help keep your pet alive.

No need to over complicate things. And the current meta requires instant removal. I don’t want to wait for the transfer to proc, and then longer for the boon.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Well that explains why some of my pets just freakin’ melt lately. . . .

Yes, please. Conditions transferred to pets turn into boons. Something to help them.

Gone to Reddit.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I’d still like to see the trait moved to beast mastery and changed to ”pets attacks transfer 1 condition from you and your pet to your opponent.” Give it a 3 second internal cooldown.
This means you would have to actively use and manage your pet instead of setting some tanky pet on passive to soak up your conditions.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Pet sustain Vitality/toughness is even worst in current meta, playing full beast mastery and yet they die in less then 5 seconds in small scale fights 5v5 or even 1v1.

Pets need at least 50% or 100% health buff, and if you choose Empathic boon, they should be immune on conditions! eating 2 stacks of fire kills the pet alone.

Ranger pet state is worst then ever. totally out of place, where pets die in 1v1 when they are on passive.

EDIT: we are not speaking about birds that are squishy, we speak about dogs cats spiders drakes what so ever. Tanky pets just don’t deliver F2 presents that most of ranger synergy requires to do so.

Increasing pet health have already be done. In fact, this is the worst solution to improve their survivability since you will struggle even more to heal them. Increasing vitality only nerf regen, heal skill, signet effect and trait effect that could affect pets. This doesn’t make the pet more tanky, it’s just an illusion.

What’s needed is a flat damage reduction like Bark skin. This trait exist so the technology is here. I don’t even understand why the pet also have an health treshold for this trait. It’s not like this would make the ranger overpowered in PvP to grant perma 50% damage reduction to the pet while traited.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Redemer.2601


one thing that I think is strange is that your pets has their HP lower in WvW atleast havent checked PvP but pretty sure its the same since the AI is so stupid and I have to spent so much time keeping my pets out of those aoes which prevents it from doint dmg (when some of my total dps comes from it) plz make pets able to attack while moving or something like that if your not gonna make them smart enough to move out of an aoe (I think everyone that has ever done twq feels the same way) the seem to want to stand in that aoe that hurst them

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Pet sustain Vitality/toughness is even worst in current meta, playing full beast mastery and yet they die in less then 5 seconds in small scale fights 5v5 or even 1v1.

Pets need at least 50% or 100% health buff, and if you choose Empathic boon, they should be immune on conditions! eating 2 stacks of fire kills the pet alone.

Ranger pet state is worst then ever. totally out of place, where pets die in 1v1 when they are on passive.

EDIT: we are not speaking about birds that are squishy, we speak about dogs cats spiders drakes what so ever. Tanky pets just don’t deliver F2 presents that most of ranger synergy requires to do so.

Increasing pet health have already be done. In fact, this is the worst solution to improve their survivability since you will struggle even more to heal them. Increasing vitality only nerf regen, heal skill, signet effect and trait effect that could affect pets. This doesn’t make the pet more tanky, it’s just an illusion.

What’s needed is a flat damage reduction like Bark skin. This trait exist so the technology is here. I don’t even understand why the pet also have an health treshold for this trait. It’s not like this would make the ranger overpowered in PvP to grant perma 50% damage reduction to the pet while traited.

False. They claim 150 vitality has ben added, but they added nothing, there was a post about it how they tricked ups, and they did nothing about it. Plus, what is 150 vitality? 1500 vitality if traited for it.. and this is equal to 1 stack of fire…

Lets need 1500 more vitality, minimum pet health should be 25k.

What people currently do, is just put conditions on pets, make pet die in less then 2 sec, then just look how hopless ranger is with 60 sec cooldown on pet swap..

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Pino.5209


Do you folks want to know why pet die faster than ever?
Here is the answer,
Condition Damage is now on par with White Damage. But, here is the unfair part, condi ignores armor and toughness. So pet is as good as naked with vitality that is not gonna be relevant with the amount of condi spam. Pet will still get chew out with 100% vitality buffs, doesn’t matter, since it’s naked to condi. On 1v1 may be vitality buffs will make a difference. On group and large scale fight, it doesn’t matter.

(edited by Pino.5209)

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


So far I started running soldier runes with my shout build. Seems to do a fairly good job of cleansing the worst of the condi load off of it. Its not a solution. But its a decent band-aid to the “kitten my pet” mechanics.

(while it may be sad soldier runes only affects you and the pet. it IS however the ONLY reliable method of cleansing your pet in the game at this time.)

Ghost Yak

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Damage reduction while the pet is not targeted is the only solution that will work and be balanced.

Also, cannot be too hard to implement as the mechanic is already in the game.

So that is 50% reduction of direct and condition damage.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


False. They claim 150 vitality has ben added, but they added nothing, there was a post about it how they tricked ups, and they did nothing about it. Plus, what is 150 vitality? 1500 vitality if traited for it.. and this is equal to 1 stack of fire…

Lets need 1500 more vitality, minimum pet health should be 25k.

What people currently do, is just put conditions on pets, make pet die in less then 2 sec, then just look how hopless ranger is with 60 sec cooldown on pet swap..

You seem to not understand why I say that but maybe that’s because you are some kind of new player while I’v been playing relentlessly everyday since september 2013.

So I’ll say it again before they artificially “buffed” pet’s health point (which take us back more than 1 year and a half ago, when beastmastery was really a thing. I honestly really miss this time…) it was easier to keep our pet alive. Why? Because while you weren’t forced to be a brainless skill spammer, trying to actually manage and support your pet was rewarding (since the pet at this time was a hard hitting thing).

That’s why I’ll say it again and again and again, a flat damage reduction will be a thousand time more valuable than a health increase.

NB.: I’d also say that other players barely care about the ranger’s pet since this long time. Because the pet ain’t a threat in itself and whatever he will disapear when it’s master will be dead. Most likely the pet is averloaded by conditions because the master use a conjonction of Signet of renewal and Empathic bond.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Pets sustain in current meta are horrible

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


False. They claim 150 vitality has ben added, but they added nothing, there was a post about it how they tricked ups, and they did nothing about it. Plus, what is 150 vitality? 1500 vitality if traited for it.. and this is equal to 1 stack of fire…

Lets need 1500 more vitality, minimum pet health should be 25k.

What people currently do, is just put conditions on pets, make pet die in less then 2 sec, then just look how hopless ranger is with 60 sec cooldown on pet swap..

You seem to not understand why I say that but maybe that’s because you are some kind of new player while I’v been playing relentlessly everyday since september 2013.

So I’ll say it again before they artificially “buffed” pet’s health point (which take us back more than 1 year and a half ago, when beastmastery was really a thing. I honestly really miss this time…) it was easier to keep our pet alive. Why? Because while you weren’t forced to be a brainless skill spammer, trying to actually manage and support your pet was rewarding (since the pet at this time was a hard hitting thing).

That’s why I’ll say it again and again and again, a flat damage reduction will be a thousand time more valuable than a health increase.

NB.: I’d also say that other players barely care about the ranger’s pet since this long time. Because the pet ain’t a threat in itself and whatever he will disapear when it’s master will be dead. Most likely the pet is averloaded by conditions because the master use a conjonction of Signet of renewal and Empathic bond.

Just to emphasize what this guy is saying, a flat damage reduction is better because its effectiveness scales with the amount of sources attacking the pet and with the incoming damage size.

You could double pet health to 50k and they’d still die in a few seconds in WvW and PvE scenarios like molten duo on fractal 50 or the ascalonian general’s fiery greatsword whirl.

This game’s damage is not meant to be tanked.

To be honest pets should be removed from the aggro table so mobs don’t seek to attack them, and aoe damage should be reduced tp 80% or not affect pets at all.

Moreover, attacks like cloak and dagger should not work on the pet, it’s ridiculous that a thief can get guaranteed stealth on demand whenever a ranger pet is around considering the stupid pet can’t dodge.