Pets vs condition damage

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


There’s absolutely no way to keep them alive while fighting a condi class is there…

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: PyroKenny.1427


I have yet to experience that problem actually… But then again, I don’t pvp.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


I have yet to experience that problem actually… But then again, I don’t pvp.

it’s a non-issue in pve. there they jsut die to boss attacks instead. in wvw they just eat every condi and can’t do anything about them… bam dead in seconds

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


So, you’re saying you don’t run wellspring or drakes or bears, got it.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


There’s absolutely no way to keep them alive while fighting a condi class is there…

Yea, pets vs cd classes is a rough matchup. You’re going to want a tanky pet.

It’s a shame that our best condition removal sacrifices our class mechanic.

Stormbluff Isle

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


So, you’re saying you don’t run wellspring or drakes or bears, got it.

None of those will save a pet from a zerg in wvw, hell even 20 vs 20 guild fights.

You’re talking smallscale skirmishes or 1v1 here.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


Zenith, the opening post mentions fight a condi class, ergo 1v1. If you’re complaining about zergs now, you’re just moving goalposts.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


There is a valid point that ANet is so insistant that pets be an intagral part of the Ranger, and yet we have nearly no control over their conditions.

I mean of the Rangers condition management options we have:

HS – works for the pet just the same as the Ranger. Great.

SoR – Cleanses the pet generally but the active royally screws it over, so a double edged sword here.

EB – kittens the pet up

SotF – no effect

Runes / Food / Sigils – no effect.

It would be a serious problem if pets didn’t have so many other issues that are more obvious.

A nice solution might be making one the the Master / GM minor traits be “when a condition is cleansed from you your pet also loses a condition”.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Try playing a minion master whose entire build and traits or jammed into pets. They can basically all die in a celestial warriors Longbow F1 ability :P its a rough life lets have because of the AOE nature of the game.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Pets should have had 90% aoe damage reduction/avoidance from the very beginning anyways.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Pets should have had 90% aoe damage reduction/avoidance from the very beginning anyways.

I disagree here.
This is a spoiled idea taken from World of Warcraft. However, AoE combat in that game is much more … Skipped.

Everyone has at least one spammable AoE ability and there is no cap on the target count (even though the damage lowers if more than 10 targets are hit).

The thing is, that AoE combat in GW2 is a bigger thing. Even when taken AoE into consideration, you have to utilize the positioning and in higher numbers – you have to utilize even the targeting. That’s why WvW stacking is so huge. In zergs – you rarely get hit by the same AoE twice if more than 50 people are stacked at 1 pixel. Chance to get hit drops to 10%.

WHICH MEANS … ahem … That pets are saving people’s lives, since they soak up the AoE that normally would be targeting the player.

However, I agree that condition cleanse must be addressed at some point, since players are encouraged to swap pets on cooldown just to keep them alive. No strategical thinking – you are just forced to do that, because if you don’t (and you’d think of tactical use) you’d end up loosing 30% of your character. And you don’t want that.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Deepfreeze.1048


I can’t think of a time where I lost a pet in a 1v1 actually. The most common combo of pets in pvp I think is the jungle spider / wolf.

The spider mostly stays out of your and the opponent’s way, so I frequently finish a 1v1 without it even taking damage.

The wolf does eat a lot of pbaoe, but you should always save it as your swap and are generally using that swap to lead immediately into a knockdown / fear. That combo does a lot to mitigate the heat it takes.

Zergs are another matter, but one that’s very difficult to fix without something drastic.

Pets vs condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Pets should have had 90% aoe damage reduction/avoidance from the very beginning anyways.

I disagree here.
This is a spoiled idea taken from World of Warcraft. However, AoE combat in that game is much more … Skipped.

Everyone has at least one spammable AoE ability and there is no cap on the target count (even though the damage lowers if more than 10 targets are hit).

The thing is, that AoE combat in GW2 is a bigger thing. Even when taken AoE into consideration, you have to utilize the positioning and in higher numbers – you have to utilize even the targeting. That’s why WvW stacking is so huge. In zergs – you rarely get hit by the same AoE twice if more than 50 people are stacked at 1 pixel. Chance to get hit drops to 10%.

WHICH MEANS … ahem … That pets are saving people’s lives, since they soak up the AoE that normally would be targeting the player.

However, I agree that condition cleanse must be addressed at some point, since players are encouraged to swap pets on cooldown just to keep them alive. No strategical thinking – you are just forced to do that, because if you don’t (and you’d think of tactical use) you’d end up loosing 30% of your character. And you don’t want that.

lol, saving a life, that’s one hell of a rationalization.