Pets you'd like in the future...

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Klazmaunt.2591


Let’s keep this goin!

I’d love to see some of these implemented in the next major patch.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


A Honey Badger, That has its own 10 sec “never rampage alone” skill.
What? Alright I know its kinda OP >> – But Going on a rampage with that little thing trearing people to shreds sounds fun >>…..

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tequilapear.1246


War horse! Probably cause I just watched the movie :P It would be a more defensive pet. Has a knock down skill like dogs and a f2 skill called retreat where the horse runs and the ranger jumps on its back and basically retreats :P Or maybe the f2 skill would be the knockdown skill.. back kick? Speaking of back kick, maybe a donkey or mule too?

Madboar- SOS – 80 Warrior
Nashypear-SOS – 80 Guardian
Tequilapears-SOS – 80 Ranger

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Tyburn.2541


I’d like to see wargs too.

I also wish they’d redo the hog/boar F2 skills. As an example: Squeal – makes the target run in fear.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: enkeny.6937


Raptor, rat and the rainbow phoenix

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


Rock dog (black)
Icy shark or w/e the name was
Alpine stalker
Raptor is not bad
Sea scorpion
Electric fish


(edited by Batlav.6318)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Expansive.3716


Raptor and/or Rock Dog. I would totally love the Rock Dog though as it could be the fire attacking animal that I crave

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: jwaz.1908


Either an Oakheart or Champion Svanir Marauder, but I know those won’t be added ^^

Brom Svánigandr – Druid
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante.1508


Griffons (multiple types)
Raptors (multiple types)
Rock Dog
Marmox (whatever they are called)
Skelks (multiple types)
Skales (multiple types)
Plated Behemoths

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Expansive.3716


I wouldn’t mind having a Whale. The only ability it would need is “Get In My Belly”

Enemies get killed instantly from not being able to escape the whale’s stomach

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: WinglessFox.9768


Quaggan. F2 ability…“Cute Overload: Target is stunned for 2 seconds”
Yes please.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


1.) Lion.
I LOVED the lion in GW1.
2.) rainbow phoenix
3.) non- ugly version on the hyena. I loved the hyena in GW1, it was adorable. They currently look like they have mange in GW2, with half their fur falling off.
4.) Crocodile (possibly to be added Elona campaign)
5.) Crane. An agile and fast moving bird with stick-like legs is awsome. forget those annoying, blulky moas.
6.) Raptors, Griffons- ogres get them, I want one too! The pet whistle makes me sad I cant have one all the time
7.) Colocal- (mentioned by others) love this guy, i have the mini and although people say he is ugly, i think he is adorable due to the way he sits like a puppy, and he has some kitten looking wing things on his back.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Relair.1843


I want the old marsh drakes back from beta T_T The crocodile looking ones. I still don’t understand why they took them out and made them untamable, and gave us the lame color swapped green salamander drakes instead. I mean you can look up beta video of rangers using the croc ones, even the ICON is still a picture of the croc looking ones. Boggles the mind. My kingdom for a real marsh drake.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Atish.4351



Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Atish.4351


And a Sheep, where its F2 ability is explosion with aoe dmg.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Victory.2879


Any ranged pet, as long as it fires the same range as I do (1500), fires as fast as my arrows go, has an ‘elite’ skill that casts in less than 2 seconds and has more than a snowballs chance in hell of hitting any real live target before it dies manfully running straight into the aoe stacks. Can also fire from walls during sieges and fire up to targets when I can hit them.
Actually, I’d settle for raptor doing this.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: ragnarockww.8473


My pet i would like to see are

Underwater: Killer Whale

On Land: General Dragon or the tree walking thing lol.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: VictoriousMonk.7150


Pet Champion Karka

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


Wolverine, Badger; Honeybadger
well … any kind of mustelid
(Marten/Weasel/Ferret as minipets?)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthile.8493


1. Go into water.
2. Activate Spirit of Nature.
3. ???
4. Whale.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

Alpine stalker !

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


…i love to have a whale… huge underwater pet with stupidly high hp and toughness but pitiful slow attack power.

f2 → revive downed

land: griffon, raptor, bunny (swiftness and quickness on f2, low hp, low attack).

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: NarcoticHaze.3497


Definitely want to see Griffons… definitely. I was sad when I skimmed through tameable pets on my Ranger and didn’t see them.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: ocfallwind.4821


After playing today’s event, I would totally say plush griffons! If that’s not possible, griffons will still do. :P

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Do want.

What are some pets you wish were tameable in game?


Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Singh.8206


A rooster, hell hound, snake, scorpion, and a donkey or mule that kicks with it’s back legs and sends the creature it’s attacking flying.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


I’d like to see Asura added, they are akin to vermin but why not!

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Akano.5876


Gorilla would be nice

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: ChristianV.7514


1) Lion

2) Gorilla

3) I bad _ss looking turtle / which would serve as both aquatic and on land

4) a fox or smaller coyote

5) unicorn

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: pilot.8460


I would like to see the Pinipal added.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Joker.5016




I want Raptor pets… soo much win imo lol

Lieutenant of Reawakened[RE] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


My Norn wants her pet Moose

sea turtles

Warg would be fun too.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789



Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


  • Griffons (all varieties)
  • Raptors (all varieties)
  • Golden & Green Moas
  • Thunder Shrimp
  • Dolphin
  • Hermit Crab
  • The Real Marsh Drake
  • Barracuda
  • Moose
  • Stag
  • Rock Dogs
  • Rock Drakes
  • Tuna
  • Sea Turtles
  • Wargs
  • Scorpion Fish…yes the glow-in-the-dark one.

oh….and a Humpback Whale

(edited by MokahTGS.7850)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Icewielder.4195


Definitely want to see the Skelk & Griffons.

Worst Necro NA [XARA]

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Aro.8076


My ranger is named Red Siege Turtle, after my GW1 rit, so a turtle of any kind would be ballin’.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Barabbas.8715


Honey Badger would be beast

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: kdebones.6924


Raptors (really, why aren’t they?)
Marmox (again, since Charr use them)
Rock Dogs
Breeze Riders
Sea Scorpions
Anything that already is a pet in-game really…

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay.3415


Do want.

What are some pets you wish were tameable in game?

My #1 is the Moose.

This should be pets that will get fixed id like to see like the drake

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.2856


More wolves, I love wolves.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


All the things!

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Coltz.5617


probrably golems

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Tropical Bird


Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: ski.4927


1. Warg
2. Owl Griffon
3. Barracuda
4. Anything that can consistently hit a moving target in PvP while having responsive F2 skills.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


-Harpy (make sure they yell “DIE GROUNDLING” on regular basis)
-Tamed Charr

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’d love to see a bigger variety of underwater pets. Dolphins, manta rays, sea turtles, seals and otters; anything a little more personality than the sharks, armored fish, and jellyfish from which we’re currently forced to choose.

As for land pets, I’d love to see raccoons, ferrets, mice, badgers, and other small critters that auto-loot for us (or steal/find hidden stuff). They’re combat abilities, if any, would be extremely limited. I’d also like to see a stag of some kind, and more cats. You can never have too many cats. Even if they’re purely cosmetic differences, I’d like to see lions/lionesses, tigers, pumas, etc.

And for birds, there’s a whole host of tropical birds I’d like to see added, as well as owls and seagulls.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Greyalis.2309


~ Snakes
~Giant Turtle
~assuran robot animals
~Animal hybrids, like a Liger maybe
~More Moa Varieties

Self Is The Emblem All

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: TJV.6239


First I would love to see a lot of the creatures from Guild Wars 1 implemented into the game. After that though.

More dog variants
Primates – I thought primates could have a skill similar to steal
Sylvan Moa/more Sylvan pets
An Asuran breed of dog

Tyler Joe

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Hum I would go with:

Raptor > Could have have some knock down maybe some bleed applying skills?
Those griphons from WvW: I dunno they just cool…
Maybe some tigers, panthers, linx lala are awesome but tigers are just boss. lol

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981
