Please adjust two of my fav HoM pets

Please adjust two of my fav HoM pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Hello, I have two beefs today. One mechanical and one aesthetic.

First mechanical: Black Moa.
From the patch notes:
Pink Moa—Dazing Screech: The aftercast of this pet skill has been reduced by 2 seconds, allowing the creature to engage in combat faster.
Black Moa—Dazing Screech: This skill now dazes up to three times during the cast, at a 1 second interval. Daze duration has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second per hit.

What this doesn’t say is the “dazes up to three times during the cast” also applies to Pink Moa’s Dazing Screech. It also doesn’t say that Pink Moa’s Dazing Screech now dazes for 1 1/2 seconds per hit while Black Moa’s Dazing Screech only dazes for stated 1 second per hit.

This in addition to Black Moa not getting the reduced aftercast (I checked) makes Pink Moe objectively better. This should not be. Black Moa is a (really cool) skin, and thus should be mechanically exactly the same as Pink Moa. Anet, please fix.

Second: Rainbow Jellyfish.

Here are pictures of the the Blue Jellyfish and the Rainbow Jellyfish options:

They changed the Rainbow Jelly to make them significantly different a while back but I think they got them backwards. Why does the Blue Jellyfish have more colors than the Rainbow Jellyfish? Why is the Rainbow Jellyfish mostly blue and green? Aurg! It irks me so.

Look at these beautiful yellows and purples and oranges jellyfish have! Please, make Rainbow Jellyfish live up to its name.