Plz,plz Aney change the Wyverns to dis

Plz,plz Aney change the Wyverns to dis

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


We have the amazing idea of the mini dragons as pets but we all can agree those pets skills are less than inspired.
That happens, one person can not be amazingly creative all the time but we are here to help.
So i though in this changes for the Wyverns based mostly in their analog in PvE.
Common to Wyvern Family:

  • Tail Lash: Sweep your foes along the ground, crippling them.

The launch play nice with the Ancient seeds, but ultimately is unnecessary, too RNG and very annoying for other players. My suggestion that could help to the survivability of this family pet.

  • Wings Shield : similar to the skill from Champion Risen Knight with a pinch of Moa Streech. Pet protect itself and stops all actions for 3 seconds while blocking attacks and healing itself (in pulses). Be aware that unblockable attacks will still do damage (counter).

Fire Wyvern
This pet become the ranged Wyvern.

  • Fireball (basic attack): Spit a fireball to your foes.
    Range: 900
    2 second CD
  • Consuming Flame: Channel an expanding stream of flame from above. When the engulfed region reaches its full size, it become a fire field.

Electric Wyvern
This one will be melee oriented.

  • Bite(basic attack): Bite your foe.
    Range melee
    1 second CD

The headbutt attack it’s not good at all. It launches your pet inside the dead zone and the electric field is usually in a place you would not go.
So i propose this change:

  • Electric Fire: The pet in PvE launch a ranged ray in a cone that do damage. Let’s put that one in this pet with a twist, to facilitate the pet to get in melee range.
    900 range
    it affects up to 5 foes in a cone front of the pet with the damage and also inflicts: Stun 2 seconds to any enemy affected .
    The Wyvern create the electric field at the pet location.

Wouldn’t be good to have our little dragons to be this useful?

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Plz,plz Aney change the Wyverns to dis

in Ranger

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


I honestly just want the Fire Wyvern to create a cone shaped fire field similar to the Legendary counterparts (but obviously smaller and with less duration and damage). Hell, maybe they can even do a linear flying fire trail to set up the field, but that would be kinda slow by comparison.

Aside from adding a Daze/Stun to it, I wouldn’t mind Lightning Tackle staying as it is if it created its field as it travels to the target instead of where it stops.

(Additionally, an adjustment to power/cooldown of those skills would be appreciated)

Plz,plz Aney change the Wyverns to dis

in Ranger

Posted by: daniellepierce.9718


I can agree to most of this. Wyverns were one of the flashiest cool things that came out with hot that i was most excited for. Now that the hype is over and done with we can all see that they are one of the worst overall pets you can choose other than for shattering breakbars…

90% of the fun is twitch chat, 10% is the casters trying desperately to make the match interesting.

Plz,plz Aney change the Wyverns to dis

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


To be honest, the fire wyvern really just needs it’s F2 to stack more burning for those who sit in the fire field. It would make a pretty strong area denial skill. Maybe have the field act as a fire combo field near the start of the channel instead of at the end too.

The biggest issue with wyverns isn’t their skills at all though, it’s the speed at which they are delivered. Wyverns need to be able to stick to their target at LEAST as well as our other pets, and that isn’t saying much.

If the wyverns can’t land their hits then the ranger is taking a large damage loss for bringing them.