Possible solution?

Possible solution?

in Ranger

Posted by: restoration.2806


Obviously there is a problem with Ranger DPS while some over exaggerate and others down play the problem the reality lies somewhere in between where Ranger damage isn’t TERRIBLE but needs to be addressed. I think the problem lies in that the pet is not constantly dealing damage as there are some issues with pathing and the the pet in general. A possible solution to address DPS to have a somewhat more constant stream would be no CD for pet swap. While effects for pet swap should still have an internal CD the actual F4 swapping of pets should not have any CD or a relatively low CD likes (3-5 seconds). I feel this would still require management of pets as Anet has envisioned to be an effective ranger while allowing a more constant output of damage rather than the huge drop when your pets are downed. There are so many one hit k.o.‘s on our pets that we should be able to constantly swap them so that we can avoid boss AoE’s and provide a more stable stream of damage. I think this is a decent solution to an already some-what handicapped class in the sense of damage. Our pet is supposed to be an extension of us but they don’t possess the same survivability or dodging abilities/mental prowess the player does so allowing more pet swapping to counter the one hit kills should be viable.