Post Your (Druid) Build Thread
I plan running druid, and i won’t share nothing, why? Because anet is simply cruel to rangers, and i’ll share my build that i’ve already planed for a while now, cca 14 days after hot release. I hate anet for simply not taking enough time to check ranger, deal with it, and simply put some effort into balancing this amazing class. They simply go from one extreme (overbuffing it for a day) to another (making it so that this description looks nice, but does nothing).
There are a lot of possibilities!
I’ve theory crafted a half dozen different Druid builds thus far, when the build calculators are updated, I’ll add them to the build sticky along with everyone elses.
I am just waiting for the build calculators to be updated. I work better with visuals than lists.
There are a lot of possibilities!
I’ve theory crafted a half dozen different Druid builds thus far, when the build calculators are updated, I’ll add them to the build sticky along with everyone elses.
Just started playing around with another one, Carrion Druid, trying to use MDG in something, it looks ok so far.
The GS on swap is a Staff. The missing skills would be Glyph of the Tides and Glyph of Equality. One of the dogs I’d trade for a Smokescale, then you can F2 for the smoke field, Ancestral Grace into the field to blast it and gain stealth, Vine surge, swap to A/T for splitblade/bonfire. Very strong when you get to 50% health, which in PvP you can guarantee. Carrion gives you some buffer when you get there, but you get 12s of Protection from the runes + Enlargement and will have 15 might after 3s, should be good. GS in place of the Staff would also be OK with some tweaks imo.
Versatile sustain Druid.
I made a thread just to avoid searching for build suggestions scattered over 20 other threads for upcoming testing.
Just to find out it didn’t make any difference at all.
<sigh> I volunteered to do it but you guyz are not helping at all.
so gw2skills has been updated
so hears the rough front liner wvw build
so gw2skills has been updated
so hears the rough front liner wvw build
Legit can’t wait to go full cleric with monk runes and test just how brutal our healing power is gonna be
i don’t think brutal and healing power should be used in the same comment.
I made a thread just to avoid searching for build suggestions scattered over 20 other threads for upcoming testing.
Just to find out it didn’t make any difference at all.
<sigh> I volunteered to do it but you guyz are not helping at all.
A single thread would help a lot. I already posted a couple in the other thread only to see more people posting here.
Maybe we can get the moderators to merge these threads? THAT would actually be beneficial so all the builds are in one place.
I have my doubts about cleric stats in spvp at least. we have very low prot uptime and 16k HP gets you bursted fast.
so gw2skills has been updated
so hears the rough front liner wvw build
No GS on frontline? Also feel as if Natural Stride is too good to not take. I think that Verdant Etchings will be less effective since the melee stack is theoretically moving and wouldn’t be in range of the Seed blossom we will see how quickly it blossoms though.
Thinking about trying something like this in PvP tomorrow. It’s heavy on the daze.
Thinking about trying something like this in PvP tomorrow. It’s heavy on the daze.
I have something with a heavy daze focus as well, except I went for a more condi/bruiser.
PvP dps build:
(Other pet will be Wolf or Smokescale)
I’ll try this with LB/GS too and play around with the traits as well (NM vs WS). Also going to see what works best, Glyph of Tides vs Equality and Unity vs Entangle.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I made a thread just to avoid searching for build suggestions scattered over 20 other threads for upcoming testing.
Just to find out it didn’t make any difference at all.
<sigh> I volunteered to do it but you guyz are not helping at all.A single thread would help a lot. I already posted a couple in the other thread only to see more people posting here.
Maybe we can get the moderators to merge these threads? THAT would actually be beneficial so all the builds are in one place.
Yep, that would help on my behalf extremely.
I already see 3-4 threads and I don’t really feel like going through all of them just to find out which one is missing in either of those.
But as long as it is, Zerk, CC-bot, Healer, hybrid – those will be the ones I’ll be testing. I believe the unique modified builds will be tested by enthusiasts themselves.
It’s just that a prepared such a nice thread that could serve for much more than build suggestions… I doubt bumping it now will bring it back to life to make everyone repost the build and check whether the build is not already there. If they get merged, most of the builds are reposts of each other.
Asura Rangers will definately rise even more in WvW popularity. What we have for Daze (with MoC):
- Black Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Pink Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Greatsword: 3s (25s CD)
- Avatar: 6s (5s CD)
- Storm Spirit: 6s (20s CD)
- Technobabble: 6s (45s CD)
- Glyph of Eq.: 4s (40s CD)
That is quite some hefty amount of Daze :-)
Asura Rangers will definately rise even more in WvW popularity. What we have for Daze (with MoC):
- Black Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Pink Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Greatsword: 3s (25s CD)
- Avatar: 6s (5s CD)
- Storm Spirit: 6s (20s CD)
- Technobabble: 6s (45s CD)
- Glyph of Eq.: 4s (40s CD)
That is quite some hefty amount of Daze :-)
Tempest popularity rising.
Brace yourselves everybody.
Just theorycrafting around with clerics / altruism runes / and remorseless synergy.
Probably not viable.. Bit weak to condi, even with the glyph cleanses. I am however intriegued to see what that level of heal power and toughness will be like in CF or when using a Staff.
(edited by Sandzibar.5134)
Just theorycrafting around with clerics / altruism runes / and remorseless synergy.
Probably not viable.. Bit weak to condi, even with the glyph cleanses. I am however intriegued to see what that level of heal power and toughness will be like in CF or when using a Staff.
How can a Druid be weak to condi? The Avatar #2 is Condi Clease on a 1s Cooldown
Just theorycrafting around with clerics / altruism runes / and remorseless synergy.
Probably not viable.. Bit weak to condi, even with the glyph cleanses. I am however intriegued to see what that level of heal power and toughness will be like in CF or when using a Staff.
How can a Druid be weak to condi? The Avatar #2 is Condi Clease on a 1s Cooldown
All depends on how often you can move in and out of CF? what the cooldown on the avatar transform?
And that in turn depends on how quickly CF charges/decreases (think adrenaline).
Lots of mechanics questions that are currently unanswered, that play a HUGE part in seeing how viable certain builds / synergies will be.
(edited by Sandzibar.5134)