Post patch ranger WvW roaming video
Looks so boring to play, holy. Also what annoys me than the rapid fire buff, is the root elite cd reduction. That’s just bullkitten.
Nice vid but based on those fight and a few of my own I would not qualify it as overpowered. You still had to use terrain, retreat to heal, create distance and you had to wait to use rapid fire at the appropriate time. In addition, your opponents dodge a few shots in there so they were figuring out they could mitigate the damage. Rapid Fire didn’t give you a “win button” just because it shot faster, it just gave you a better skill to use.
See you in Tyria.
I just watched the video. Didn’t seem overpowered to me.
Maybe you are used to fights taking longer and being more drawn out?
All in all, I agree with Expiatus.
nothing OP about it, l2dodge rapid fire. also go read the the patch notes on our elite, they reduced the cooldown but they also reduced the duration of said elite to 5s from 20s.
Wow, that range is kittenedly far. Gameplay = Burst while out of range, invis if they get close, rinse/repeat.
BUT – Rangers have been the laughing stock of GW2 since launch, especially in WvW. I’m glad you guys can finally do something. Enjoy it while it lasts!
think about it like this, we are opposite of thief. they stealth when close and then burst moments later. ranger stealths when close then burst when at a decent range.
Thanks for the feedback guys, i really appreciate it
Nice video.Saw today a guy who was killing peeps in 2-4sec.Rapid fire dealing around 12-13k dmg,he downed warrior before he knew what is going on :-).Its funn to watch in video,very unfunn to meet in WvW thou.That why i respeced my ranger to pew pew,and spread the toxic rapid fire atmosphere to others “mostly rangers haha”Nothing more satysfying than to play pinball with other LB rangers and let them eat their own medicine.
I have question. Why do you use TU over HS?
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
I have question. Why do you use TU over HS?
Mobility. Troll Unguent keeps ticking regardless of what you do. Standing in a small area for Healing Spring in WvW, you accomplish very, very little as a roamer.
I personally prefer for:
- Drake can blast
-cleans condi
-it has a burst
- easy to stack regen if combined with RF and/or positioning your opponent around it
well besides that we have very similar builds that’s why I asked.
But now it makes more sense.(Why so many people prefer TU)
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
As far as I could tell, all you faced in that video were power builds, mostly glassy. How would this measure up against someone specced into conditions and tanking? Just outrange and kill or run?
I used to run a very similar build myself (a while ago) before this buff, so I’m curious how it’s working out nowadays, given the prevalence of condition spam.
Sword Of Justice – Gunnar’s Hold
As far as I could tell, all you faced in that video were power builds, mostly glassy. How would this measure up against someone specced into conditions and tanking? Just outrange and kill or run?
I used to run a very similar build myself (a while ago) before this buff, so I’m curious how it’s working out nowadays, given the prevalence of condition spam.
Well, my build/play style seems to be countered brutally by condition thief wich apply condi then sthealth and repeat and i can`t land any of my damage on him correctly, but with other is fairly easy because you just gotta outrange them and not allow to to come to you so often, while using my bear to benefit for the condi removal from him.