Power Not Working Properly?

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I have full berserkers gear, with berserkers jewellery, I have the two consumables that stack Power, Prec and Crit. Overall I have about 85% crit chance, with about 105% crit chance bonus when all of this is on. I have 3186 power about 2566 prec more probably haven’t had a chance to check. My weapons have +5% crit chance , shortbow “The Dreamer” transmuted berserker shortbow and lognbow. My question is.. Why is it that warriors hit more with full berserker on their auto attack and my ranger has everything you could dream of to hit the highest possible auto attack damage and yet with shortbow crits I only hit around 1750-1950ish and with longbow around 3800 max but that happens only every now and then, the average rating is around 2500 but it is far slower. HOW THE **** can warriors hit so much with their auto attack and I lack the ability to hit over 2k with my shortbow auto attack. IT IS RIDICULOUS… somebody explain this to me…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

(edited by Frosti.4856)

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


It is by design , supposedly because rangers have pets .

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


It is by design , supposedly because rangers have pets .

So at what point should I have stopped stacking power and prec? Where is this level that I have hit?

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Because in their very nature warriors deal high damage but in return are slow and melee based, whereas rangers are an evasive mobility class built to attack at range or with traps and pets.

You cant expect every class to hit the same when the whole point of a class system is for certain classes to do certain things better.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I suppose if you count the pets damage then it evens out, but there is no point having this gear then , I may aswell add toughness into my full berserker build as I am getting diminishing returns as a reward for purchasing the highest damage gear…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Well if you’re critting for 1750 and your cat/bird is critting for 1400, then you’re actually doing more damage than the warrior critting at 2500.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jarul.8635


tweak your build in buildcalc like this … http://gw2buildcraft.com
it helped me out

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Well if you’re critting for 1750 and your cat/bird is critting for 1400, then you’re actually doing more damage than the warrior critting at 2500.

Only problem is they miss every 3 attacks ….

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


You mean they hit every 3 attacks … lol

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dina Van Heyr.3018

Dina Van Heyr.3018

because berseker ranger is glass cannon without cannon and pet dont get bonuses from gear so half ot your dmg is rather dead or miss ..

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Because the game is balanced around PvP.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The Rangers damage is balanced according to the pets damage. Also, the shortbow has very low direct damage, since it’s basically a condition weapon. Swoop on the greatsword has the highest direct damage, so try and see what kind of numbers you get with that.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


You mean they hit every 3 attacks … lol

No i meant they hit one in 3 hits lol

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


The Rangers damage is balanced according to the pets damage. Also, the shortbow has very low direct damage, since it’s basically a condition weapon. Swoop on the greatsword has the highest direct damage, so try and see what kind of numbers you get with that.

Problem is cant get close enough without getting blown over.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


I agree, but I don’t think your points are real. Don’t even think its possible tho…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

You mean they hit every 3 attacks … lol

No i meant they hit one in 3 hits lol

I think he was implying the pet often only gets a chance to hit once for your every 3 hits so adding its damage to your per-hit damage you’d have to at least divide 1 pet hit by 3 since you hit 3 times in the span of its 1.

Can’t argue with that as I often can’t tell how fast my pet hits compared to me…but then I use a Longbow to increase my pet’s damage which shoots pretty slow.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: jewishjoyride.4693


Don’t forget buffs and vulnerability. Those warriors you’re talking about stack a ton of might and fury. Most pve warriors also run with 2 runes of the monk which increases the duration of buffs by 15%.

Vulnerability is another huge damage increase. If you can keep up 15 to 25 stacks of vulnerability on a target thats 15 to 25% more damage for you and your party.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


Ignoring all the rangers are weaker because of their pet and Warriors have hilariously high damage. Consider that the shortbow hits for such a low amount because it attacks hilariously fast without ever needing to stop.

Ranger’s aren’t really about big hits (there’s Maul I guess), they’re more about making all of the little hits add up.

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Most of the warrior attacks have a higher base damage. Also keep in mind that warriors tend to stack might and can easily stack vulnerability.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Most of the warrior attacks have a higher base damage. Also keep in mind that warriors tend to stack might and can easily stack vulnerability.

But that’s the thing about warriors, they’re all about the damage. They can stack might, fury and vulnerability pretty good (the best, in some cases). That’s sort of the root people complain about on warrior, they have all those good offensive boons (that quickly saturate in groups) but when it comes to stuff like vigor, protection, regen, stability and overall utility, they have to dip into specific builds/traits for it (if they can get it at all).

Warriors are about the offense and rely on others to fill in the defense and others are the opposite. I’m guessing Ranger is somewhere inbetween, able to get some defense but it’s usually isolated to their pet. Basically, Rangers are self sustaining but people don’t care about not needing others to cover for them.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Most of the warrior attacks have a higher base damage. Also keep in mind that warriors tend to stack might and can easily stack vulnerability.

But that’s the thing about warriors, they’re all about the damage. They can stack might, fury and vulnerability pretty good (the best, in some cases). That’s sort of the root people complain about on warrior, they have all those good offensive boons (that quickly saturate in groups) but when it comes to stuff like vigor, protection, regen, stability and overall utility, they have to dip into specific builds/traits for it (if they can get it at all).

Warriors are about the offense and rely on others to fill in the defense and others are the opposite. I’m guessing Ranger is somewhere inbetween, able to get some defense but it’s usually isolated to their pet. Basically, Rangers are self sustaining but people don’t care about not needing others to cover for them.

Rangers aren’t really any more self-sustaining than warriors. We have to trait or use utility slots to get things like protection, stability and regen too. Pets may provide us things like might, fury, regen, condition removal but we also have to pick and choose which pets give us these things and we can’t count on them to always be alive to provide it.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


You cant expect every class to hit the same when the whole point of a class system is for certain classes to do certain things better.

The game is about killing things. It’s fine to have classes that are different, it’s not fine to have classes that kill things better than other classes.

If being a glass cannon melee was such a troublesome challenge it needed to be justified by doing far more damage, we wouldn’t see the easiest and most popular farm in the game run by a low skill cap build that utilises that class.

Doing more damage has well and truly become less challenging than doing less damage with a longer fight and more skills you have to use to stay alive (the most threatening skills of most bosses are not melee attacks). The argument that ranged weapons should deal considerably less damage because they are easier to stay alive with has been proven to be negligible when everyone is using melee against Lupicus and warrior parties are only bringing a non warrior class because of time warp and portal.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


I suppose if you count the pets damage then it evens out, but there is no point having this gear then , I may aswell add toughness into my full berserker build as I am getting diminishing returns as a reward for purchasing the highest damage gear…

I don’t think you’re getting diminishing returns – adding 100 extra power at any point 1000+100 or 2000+100 will still add the same amount of damage, i just believe you can never reach the same level as warriors because warrior weapon skills have a higher base damage.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: jewishjoyride.4693


I suppose if you count the pets damage then it evens out, but there is no point having this gear then , I may aswell add toughness into my full berserker build as I am getting diminishing returns as a reward for purchasing the highest damage gear…

I don’t think you’re getting diminishing returns – adding 100 extra power at any point 1000+100 or 2000+100 will still add the same amount of damage, i just believe you can never reach the same level as warriors because warrior weapon skills have a higher base damage.

At 1000 power adding 100 power is a 10% increase in your power. If you have 2000 power, to get another 10% increase you would have to add 200. Adding 100 would only be a 5% increase. That’s where the diminishing returns come in.

To be fair though, as all classes use power they all suffer the same diminishing returns.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


The shortbow has a low-damage auto attack because 1) it hits hilariously quickly and 2) it has the potential to apply bleeding, which splits its damage.

But anyways, which warrior auto-attack are you referring to specifically? Keep in mind that melee weapons often / always do more damage because of the increased risk.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Taku.6352


Swoop on the greatsword has the highest direct damage, so try and see what kind of numbers you get with that.

Actually the GS Maul has the highest direct damage available to the ranger, it got a slight buff in the latest patch.