Power Ranger SPvP

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417



I’ve been playing GW2 on and off since release, and have at least a basic knowledge of all classes. The last month I’ve been maining the ranger and have found love for the power variant 6/6/2/0/0 (Longbow / Greatsword) in SPvP. While this build variant in higher tier SPvP isnt necessarily capable on its own and/or could be better replaced by X class, it has its place in mid tier where the majority roam.
I am also intrigued to play this build as during my 300ish SPvP matches this year on varying classes, it seemes as if there could be some negative expectations amongst players towards this build.

I do not consider myself an expert of the class (I say this as I do not master all weaponsets), but I’ll be uploading youtube videos periodically regardless of interest, and hopefully I’ll be able to provide some material that could cater to the beginner or average power ranger. What I hope to highlight as I improve is the power ranger’s capabilities and how to be team-effective from a PuG standpoint, as your own decisions could have a major impact on the game. The aim is to upload varied videos to keep things fresh and showcase encounters on different maps and classes.

Ideally this build is a midpoint defender from range, while also being able to support home depending on the map and travel distance. Success is highly based on positioning and using the environment to your advantage. Ideally the build requires a friendly in the fray as it cant handle more than one competent opponent, so that the majority of its utilities can be used for defensive purposes.


Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

(edited by nacario.9417)

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


I hate you.


Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Broom.2561


It’s also in the wrong forum…. should be in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


You can barrage the treb from the wall, you can also no scope the treb. Consider SoR over SotW.

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


most ppl don’t like Ranger because they don’t know the basics of how to play the game:

- They don’t LoS
- They don’t know that you can’t just stay on the node against certain classes
- They don’t change up their builds in any way against certain classes
- They rotate the wrong builds to battle against certain builds

Becuase of these reasons and because the PowerRanger is so dependant on the right MU’s and the right Map, we see barely any PowerRangers at the Top level.

But I think with the addition of the new specializations, the PowerRanger could be on top of the Meta. Especially because of much stronger interrupts, which will give him an added strength in teamfights, which he is currently lacking (cuz he has barely any support/utility besides the very strong ult)

Tipp: Use piercing arrows instead of the longer range on any Map thats not foefire – It’s soooo much better!

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


I hate you.



You can barrage the treb from the wall, you can also no scope the treb. Consider SoR over SotW.

Thanks I didnt know about the barrage part. I went with SotW since Im sort of full glass, I wanted that extra prec and fero, and why not just take the extra damage and 1 stack of stab for the opener. I also try to outrange condis the best I can while not being too much of a hinderance for the team. It may not be ideal, but just trying it out atm.

most ppl don’t like Ranger because they don’t know the basics of how to play the game:

- They don’t LoS
- They don’t know that you can’t just stay on the node against certain classes
- They don’t change up their builds in any way against certain classes
- They rotate the wrong builds to battle against certain builds

Becuase of these reasons and because the PowerRanger is so dependant on the right MU’s and the right Map, we see barely any PowerRangers at the Top level.

But I think with the addition of the new specializations, the PowerRanger could be on top of the Meta. Especially because of much stronger interrupts, which will give him an added strength in teamfights, which he is currently lacking (cuz he has barely any support/utility besides the very strong ult)

Tipp: Use piercing arrows instead of the longer range on any Map thats not foefire – It’s soooo much better!

Ill give piercing a try sometime, but I guess I then might have to tweak the pure glass from 6/6/2. I could be wrong but i feel if given the opportunity, the extra 300 range and what you can do in that time also weights up for it.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Power Ranger SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

It feels wrong to change your build mid-game. Shouldn’t be allowed.