Power vs precision help please

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


could someone help me out on the differences to these two please? im not sure what to focus on more. for example when i finish a heart quest and the heart giver has a ascessory with more power and the next heart giver has one with more precision which would be better?

power is straight damage right?
precision is a chance of critical hit?

thanks to any replies.

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: bluesmnm.1549


they go hand in hand as you progress more through the game. I personally stack power/precision/crit damage

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: Enigma.7384


Personally I would build both power and precision. Crit damage is nice and all but kinda meh if you dont have any power to back you up.

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


yeah ive been doing both i was just curious if one or the other was more important to have more of then the other.

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I try and keep my crit rate near 50% which requires a LOT of precision. I use Berserker gear mostly which is mostly Power+Prescision with power precision trinkets & weapon. I will add Rampager gear when I need more Precision.

Reason, apart from the extra direct dmg from the crit, you can enable a bunch of extra skill effects that proc during a crit. With a machine gun like firing rate you get from the shortbow, you’re going to crit a lot with a 50% crit rate. One of my favorites is a food that gives Lifesteal during crit. This helps make up for the glass cannony build. But most of the time the mob dies before it can even touch me due to the high dmg output.

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: MeTx.6712


I’m building power on my ranger. The damage is consisitent (and good enough to not feel underpowered). Every point in power increases your damage, while precision only increases the -chance- of more damage.

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

Yes, Power is really important, with sPvP gear, I’m not happy when I get less than 3k power.
But we need the same knight gear in PvE as sPvP ! (Power/Precision/Vitality)

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: Koukin X.8912

Koukin X.8912

It depends on your build, since im stacking condition dmg as much as i possibly can i dont use much power to boost my dmg. From what i read power doesnt boost cond dmg. I stack precision because of [Sharpened Edges] It helps with stacking bleed on an enemy and Sigil activation on my weapons.

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

The stat Power doesn’t boost cond dmg, but the boon Might do.