I have tried many different builds and playing strategies (pve, dungeons, www). One of my favorite builds was a condition trapper because I felt I contributed a lot in groups and it was also fun in pve. However because of the rather messy trait tree, you are forced to put 30p in skirmishing in order to become a trapper (although condition trapper has nothing to do with precision and crit. dmg!) Further more you have to invest 30p in wilderness survival for the malice. In order to benefit from the condition damage you need something around 1300 in condition damage.This gives you at the same time a decent toughness as well. Others might spend the 30p in Marksmanship instead, but that makes a glass canon build which imho doesn’t do so well and you also lack the condition damage (1300).
Recently I have made a new build which has enough power to be considered as a power build and enough condition damage to be considered as a condition build. At the same time I have enough health to keep my self alive in dungeons.
The best part of this build is that it can be optimized for pve, dungeons or www by only changing the major traits.
Overall stats:
Power: 2,063
Precision: 930
Toughness: 1,230
Vitality: 1,598
Condition damage: 1,300
Armor: 2,294
Health: 21,902
Condition duration: +40%
Bleed duration: +55%
Overall traits for pve, dungeons and www:
Marksmanship 30
Skirmishing 0
Wilderness Survival 30
Nature Magic 0
Beastmastery 10
I strongly believe the most beneficial traits are available in marksmanship, Wilderness Survival and till the first major trait in Beastmastery. Even though I only invested 10 points in Beastmastery, traits from other trees make the pets really good.
(sigil: Superior sigil of Purity, but Force or Earth is also great)
Power/vitality/toughness (sigil of Force)
Condition/power/vitality (sigil of battle)
If you need 1 extra evade you can replace torch with dagger. But imho, the sword’s 2 evades are enough. Besides, bonfire + sword and QZ is just amazing!
*Runes: *
5x Superior Rune of the mad king (+165 power, +10% condition duration, +15% bleed duration)
1x Superior rune of the Pirate (+10% MF)
Gear stats:
Condition / power / vitality (carrion prefix)
Condition / power / vitality (chrysocola carrion)
(condition/power/vitality means the highest stat is on condition)
(power/toughness/vitality means the highest stat is on power)
pve oriented build:
In pve i use Call Owl which is Norn only skill (3x bleed, 10sec, 3,225 dmg) but can be swapped with Spike trap.
Dungeon oriented build:
www oriented build:
(I think you need to copy paste the links)
This build gives you power, condition damage and a lot of evades. F.ex. use Hornet Sting (sword #2) to evade and create gap and change to shortbow!
In dungeons Muddy Terrain is really good to have even though you don’t deal any damage. In www the 6 sec of immunity (Signet of Stone) and Lightning Reflexes keep you alive against even the most sneaky thief out there!
Try the build! You will not regret it!
ps. My intention wasn’t to be disrespectful against other builds, but force other rangers to make better and more effective builds. Feel free to comment, I can take it :-)
Carry on!