Progression to condi

Progression to condi

in Ranger

Posted by: wRaiz.4952


Hello guys, i’m leveling my ranger and i wanna eventually go condi. I’m leveling in power gear now and i have a question. Can i level my char in condi gear and what gear i should focus then? And should i do that if i don’t have access to viper gear?

Progression to condi

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Yes, you can level in condition gear.

Rampager (precision/power-condition) or Rabid (condition/precision-toughness) is what you want while leveling. It’s cheap and does what you need it to.

If you don’t have access to Viper gear, use Sinister (condition/power-precision) once you’re level 80 or just stick to Rabid.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Progression to condi

in Ranger

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


but at the end you ll have to get a vipers armor cause of condi duration…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?