Protect Me!
I love it! I’m specced deep into Beastmastery and Suvival though. I also make sure to switch to my bear before I use it. He tanks it like a boss. It’s saved me many times, enough to wait for a heal CD or at least to hold out for another dodge or two.
But if you pop Protect Me (pet takes all damage) and SoS (pet takes no damage) wouldn’t that be the ultimate? Now neither of you take damage.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Unless you trait the signet. Then it would make more sense to use them separately.
I consider it mandatory for sPvP. Few things bring greater joy in this game than watching a Thief blow all his initiative on Pistol Whipping my poor spider to death.
Love this ability, a must have imo wether you WvW or SPvP. It’s about the only use a Pet has to a Ranger.
i will also chime in and say that Protect Me is quite amazing, especially with traited shouts and 15 or more points in BM.