PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: InsidiousWaffle.7086



Please give advice and constructive criticism, as it would really help me learn, rather than just take some random build that gets shoved in my face, and learn nothing.

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: zaw.6741


what pve? dungeons? if so, just check forums. there are plenty builds around. ppl explain there why bows are BAD in dungeons (ok, 90% of time they are). why going anything else than berserker is in long run waste of money. why celestials in pve are goodfornothing.

for open world, you can run whatever you like and unless you plan on soloing champs/legendaries you’ll do just fine

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


PvE ranger build (non-dungeon) shouldn’t really matter. Play the way you want and enjoy. If you like LB, go for it. SB, then go for it. The mobs usually aims at your pet anyways so it’s not required for you to have a great build to survive. Dungeon, PvP, and WvW are all different stories though.

Dungeon, your pet get one shotted 90% of the time
WvW and PvP, nobody with a brain would chase your pet over you

Good luck, Elf Man!

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


PvE ranger build (non-dungeon) shouldn’t really matter. Play the way you want and enjoy. If you like LB, go for it. SB, then go for it. The mobs usually aims at your pet anyways so it’s not required for you to have a great build to survive. Dungeon, PvP, and WvW are all different stories though.

Dungeon, your pet get one shotted 90% of the time
WvW and PvP, nobody with a brain would chase your pet over you

Good luck, Elf Man!

Not in the mood to explain whats wrong the OP’s build, but this is 100% incorrect and a big exaggeration. Pet survivability used to be bad, but there has been multiple patches and improvements to this like the one where they gave them increased health. With proper swapping and recalling, your pet will survive 90% of dungeon encounters, but broken pet mechanics or safe spotting will prevent them from surviving a very small number of boss fights.

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


Thanks for the correction. Haven’t run dungeon in awhile so I’ll have to take you word for it. The last time I did, I went onto the forum and asked for “permanent pet stow”, which had already been suggested several of times.

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

actually my drakes have no issues in case of survivability – its just about me remembering that my heal skill is not only to keep “me” alive but also for my “partner”
(in dungeons)

in wvw I had some time ago developped some actuall working build based on the statement that folks will usually ignore my pet and I had a tanky build which dps was mostly developped via pet – so I could focus more on suviving while my enemies faced their doom from the side that haven’t expected.

but this is about PvE so forget about pet not being atacked

for me build seems ok. not surely my style and I’ve noticed that lastly folks either forget about second pet or this build tool is broken in that case…..

although I’d be cautious with going full celestial ascended – would consider exotics for checking but ascended are just too costy for such stuff :/

btw @OP just ignore Zaw’s post – I’m not sure what he’s actually on maybe he means sth around shortbow and its condition based dps which is not so usefull on PvE where most bosses are vitality tanks but I’m running with LB on dungeons and my ranger have never met with zerker gear and not a once and not a twice I was the person whoa actually saved the run.

and also I’d say that advicing newbies to go full zerker is actually waste of time of theirs and everyone elses in long run – this is why so many folks still believe that rangers are weak – because so many new inexperienced players were adviced to go full zerker and the effect is: so much hated longbow+bear ranger that each runs is proving that there is no limit how much times a run you can die……

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“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


You don’t need a tanky drake, cats survive just fine anywhere. I’ve been working on soloing P2 Arah and my cats can tank just about everything. Granted there are only two of us so sometimes I’m “tanking”, but you get the point.

PvE Ranger build, thoughts?

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


Your build could use a little tweaking. if you like celestial, you will benefit more from signets of wild and stone. Speed is important as ranger but the signet of hunt doesn’t do much for you, so use travelers runes and drop signet of hunt for flame trap, protect me (high level fractals you will need inv), or quickening zephyr.

Drop the LB range trait and replace it with signet active effects trait. LB and SB work better at close range, just behind your heavies. You really benefit from their boons and combo fields (you are a finisher if you use bows), so you need to stay in the action.

Use healing spring because you are using celestial and bow. You’ll want to use it to heal allies more than yourself. It’s a combo field so you can shoot arrows through it to regen allies or leap into it with sword or GS to remove conditions from allies. I run LB and axe horn with celestial. Horn 5 will blast 2k heal to allies. Just pop it when you see heavies get in trouble. You should be right behind them so a step forward is all it should take.

Celestial armor and a mix of zerker and celestial trinkets will get your conditions high enough 500ish, so that your combo fields are effective. There is more, but this should get you started. Good luck!

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

(edited by Archon.6480)