PvP Druid GS

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402



Was also playing around with rune of the warrior for faster weapon swaps

This is pretty similar to other builds out there. It has overall less burst potential but moment of clarity is no longer required for your tiger to land its burst. The big selling point of the orginal build was your pet critting 8k on top of you critting 7k. Now you will crit 3-4k with your pet critting 8k. Test it out and make your own assessment

Bad Elementalist

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: Savvy.3258


Looks low on sustain to me, but maybe I’m just used to playing my ranger the way I’m used to playing her. I would recommend you swap markmanship for skirmishing though, you really won’t notice the dps decrease on bow (only reason to have it is piercing) and having fury on weapon swap pretty much guarantees a crit whilst quick swap ensures you can get two mauls, two rapid fires, etc. Probably the most op trait in the entire ranger tree, I cannot make a spec without it. As it is, I’d say it’s more viable in pve than pvp. So if you intended it for pve, no comments.

For pvp, I use this:

Really gotta learn to swoop outta there, heal and get back in the fray, good against all except thief (kiting wise) and a major inconvenience on the battlefield. Not meta by any stretch but great fun to play.

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Remoresless GS builds to me seem like something that would be really fun before elite specs hit and killed the viableness of nything that wasn’t a meta build.

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: Eleazar.9478


Remoresless GS builds to me seem like something that would be really fun before elite specs hit and killed the viableness of nything that wasn’t a meta build.

Remorseless is still good just it’s harder to play to be effective, and people tend to be drawn to easier to play and be effective builds.
hell this one dude I think named maize had videos of wrecking esl players (one of which was the bunker meanders meta and that was before this buff )

Also you loose team support which is what druid is ment for.

To OP I see what your doing with the sigs (maybe I can make it work I’ll try ur build out later) but I just just can’t justify taking the sig traits over clarion bond and mom of clarity. I’d rather go balls deep if I’m going to play burst. And you can reasonably proc mom of clarity 4 times, and cycle through those.

Also if your taking soldier runes I would go with protect me (cleanse, protection, taunt stun break) and sig of wild (I like the regeneration for ag form) and renewal. Idk I’m not a huge fan of stone especially since the CD nerf and does nothing against condis.

[Snky] FC don’t worry I’m just a scrub until I’m OP

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Yup it was a slight modification of the metabattle build, but getting rid of marksmanship all together might be worth looking into as well. Nature magic looks like an interesting replacement do to fortifying bond and lingering magic. You could potentially run a menders amulet and rely on pet damage with staff/gs at that point.

Bad Elementalist

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506



Was also playing around with rune of the warrior for faster weapon swaps

This is pretty similar to other builds out there. It has overall less burst potential but moment of clarity is no longer required for your tiger to land its burst. The big selling point of the orginal build was your pet critting 8k on top of you critting 7k. Now you will crit 3-4k with your pet critting 8k. Test it out and make your own assessment

So I’m just thinking outloud… but am I missing something with your build?

You’re using Brutish seals to lower your signet cool downs and using the signets for you’re burst? Enlargement plays into that dmg increase as well, I suppose.

Still, it would seem Moc would still be a better choice.

But, then I realize sor and sos are pretty needed anyways….

Did I miss anything? :P

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

PvP Druid GS

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


The signets arent for burst. I am essentially trading out burst potential for signets since pet burst does not require being traited for it. Its an alternative to other builds out there and I felt it might increase survivability through signets

Bad Elementalist