Make lightning reflexes remove conditions instantly instead of at the end of the animation.
Make dogs (other than smokescale) deal more dmg on auto attack, change smokescale’s stats to be the same as dogs’.
Change GS auto to do more base dmg. Just don’t make the 2nd or third deal extra dmg like other autos. The dmg as it is is just too low for the evade to compensate.
Make the new pets easier to tame. They are just really tedious to get to and seem to provide no real improvements to the previous pets. The wyverns have slow autos and low dmg, low utility f2’s (the fire field seems to spawn where the wyvern is instead of where you want it, plus it’s a very slow cast). The smokescale is only good in pvp. The tiger gives fury which is usually perma in parties (the dmg might be worth it however), the other one has good dmg but is ranged so can’t be taken seriously.
Remove the root on GS 4 and sword auto. Experienced players have no problems keeping up with their enemies and the leaps do nothing at all to aid that. They serve no useful purpose. They only aid in accidentally keeping you stuck to take extra dmg that players are perfectly capable of dodging. The GS 4 knockback is single target and in pvp especially can get you stuck taking extra dmg that you could easily walk away from. My suggestion is to change it to either the same as arcing slice (animation and radius only) or just allow the knockback animation to take place whilst moving. We also usually have a lb as our alternate set.
Axe (offhand included) and shortbow need entire overhauls or just to be removed, atm they serve virtually no purpose. I guess some people still like axe in condi builds but the dmg and utility is so terrible I can’t consider them competitive.
Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.