Question for PvP Rangers

Question for PvP Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Revelstoke.8924



I was recently fighting against a ranger in sPvP and he was not taking an iota of damage. I was playing a heavy crit/burst build and I was routinely hitting him for 46, 100, maybe 150. I noticed he had some spirit thing up that was buffing him and when I switched targets to kill it he started taking ‘normal’ damage but then later, without the spirit up, he was back to taking nothing. I mean, this dude was tanking hits better than I’ve seen sword and board guards tank.

Can anyone clue me in as to what that ability was and, if youre feeling generous, what the counter would be?

Thank you-

Shrubfelty – 80 Ele
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief

Question for PvP Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Err, that spirit (Stone Spirit – A utility skill) only gives a constant 20% chance of 1s protection. (-33% damage inc)

Only other thing I could thing of is signet of stone activated (30 power grandmaster trait).. but that’s 0 incoming damage.

There’s also a trait that gives 2 seconds of protection when dodging.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Question for PvP Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Odie.5142


Might also have been the spirit of nature, which heals and removes conditions, the easy answer if you were hitting him for so little is.

A. He had high toughness, so conditions would probably melt him, most toughness builds have a lower health pool. You can also get protection from your pets.
B. Kill the spirits, they are so weak it’s not even funny, and unlike a Gaurdians weapon spirits, can be killed. 10 seconds of your time is all it will take.

He was probably running a turtle-ish build with lots of tough/healing/boon duration. The ultimate counter would be to ignore him. Since he had so much invested in defense, he was probably nothing more than annoying when measuring his total threat. it’s what I do when I see tanky builds, just “shrug” and walk away, they don’t do much other than sponge.