Question for devs - Nature's Renewal

Question for devs - Nature's Renewal

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


So I’ve recently started playing GW2 again after a long absence in anticipation of HoT, and it’s been interesting to catch up on all the changes and additions. I have noticed many things that have not changed however, one of them being Nature’s Renewal.

With the addition of long-duration stealth being more readily available to rangers via traps and the appropriate rune, it is now much easier to get directly on a downed ally, so that you can place the Spirit right on top of it…but even so, even with no other downed allies around, very often Nature’s Renewal will not execute the revive – typically seen in the cases of NPCs.

Now and then it DOES work, which is great, but more often than not it doesn’t. My question for the devs is, what exactly are the factors involved, the mechanics, which govern whether a revive is successful or not? Is the failure a question of it being used incorrectly or is there more involved than the tooltip and skill details would suggest?

Thanks in advance for any illumination!

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
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