Question for the Ranger Community
Take a look at this thread, which is a much more realistic look at the ranger than the ridiculous posts from people who play condi ele in the official CDI thread.
Take a look at this thread, which is a much more realistic look at the ranger than the ridiculous posts from people who play condi ele in the official CDI thread.
Thank you for the link. I hope people will still post here to show their support for the class and the fixes they feel are needed most, in their home forum.
Well just my two cents:
1) Les pet focused/oriented traits – we have plenty of traits that are focused on the pet and not on the ranger. either remove/merge/rethink them or make pets more survivable
2) Pet survivability in heavy aoe – i think everyone has this problem, even with your pet on passive it still get’s melted by aoe, and becoming a dead weight
3) Sword auto attack root – please fix this, it’s anoying as hell.
4) Pet responsiveness – this will be fixed in the feature patch so let’s wait and see what happens
5) Back to traits – most of our traits are all over the place (first example is martial mastery in ws – wth is it doing there? i think it would be better placed in marksmanship or skirmishing)
Well this is what buges me the most, the rest i say it’s pretty ok and good, or workable with (with much more effort though)
What would I change?
- pet scaling (more foes = more resistance, like in PvE) (AoE/cleave/one shot mechanism resistance)
- Traits consolidation/rework (Less me or the pet or my allies, more me and my pet, me and my allies, my allies and my pet, that are not dependent on the pet) (that would make us more useful for a group)
- Pet responsiveness (getting adressed in next patch).
There’s tons of these threads, the problem is they’re all so old and ignored we’ve stopped making them.
im a regen ranger so conditions my secondary i use short bow but i use sword dagger and my question is axe torch better? i mean axe has a bleed but it is one bleed per axe hit (the 2) least thats what it looked like and a chill and torch is a burn and a burn s/d has 2 posions and a cripple bleed so what would give me more damage?
- pet scaling (more foes = more resistance, like in PvE)
This is an interesting idea, but knowing the GW community this would be exploitable. I can’t give specifics on why I think that, it just feels exploitable. Mechanics that scale like that usually lead to exploits, the 55hp farming monk from GW1 for example.
Pets already have player health levels, so even doubling them might cause a problem in a 50 vs 50 zerg conflict. Imagine 50 rangers turning it in to something of a 100 vs 50? I don’t know, that example isn’t worth responding to, just brainstorming.
- pet scaling (more foes = more resistance, like in PvE)
This is an interesting idea, but knowing the GW community this would be exploitable. I can’t give specifics on why I think that, it just feels exploitable. Mechanics that scale like that usually lead to exploits, the 55hp farming monk from GW1 for example.
Pets already have player health levels, so even doubling them might cause a problem in a 50 vs 50 zerg conflict. Imagine 50 rangers turning it in to something of a 100 vs 50? I don’t know, that example isn’t worth responding to, just brainstorming.
OP ranger trains!
Bah, mob scaling in PVE is pretty weak, already… still killing them faster as a blob than alone.
Bigger problem I thought of since this idea came up in CDI, would be to tweak the thing so that it does not overscale (eg: doing duel somewhere, foe’s server blob passes nearby, ups my pet = unfair to the ennemy)
So I guess it should depend on the amount of foes in combat around. (and have some mechanism to downscale it back, so that one cannot manage to upscale its pet and kill everything).
For implementation, the client/server communication would be the heavier part, thus potentially adding to lagg issues when lots of pets are around, but I do expect it to be less communications than the current way conditions are calculated…
As a side note, that idea appealed to me for WvW, but it would also be useful in settings like lion’s arch, with mobs everywhere, was pretty hard to keep pets alive, while with scaling, it would still be hard, but doable…
Any way I’m turning it in my head, I think that, depending on implementation, risks of having it be exploitable can be pretty low.
(I believe PvE scaling starts at 10 people… a veteran level mob against 10 people is still pretty weak, compared to one regular mob against one player)
(though I do see the problem a 50 rangers blob facing a 50 foe’s blob, which could make 50 champion’s pet thrown against those foes… that would be OP… but I doubt we could really gather a ranger’s blob to take advantage of a scaling mechanic… and only health/toughness should scale, I guess, since the only point really is to have a pet that does not die in 2 seconds…)
Another CDI?? —-—
I don’t want to see any ‘rangers suk’ or ‘just fix them’.
The “just fix them” response is actually quite accurate, the class has so many bugs/quirks such as the pet’s AI responsiveness and lack of gear scaling.
Cant really balance a class or figure out what its lacking when a lot of it is fundamentally broken.
As a content feature, Id love to have some pet progression. Perhaps pets could have traits, assuming theyre shared universally across all pets. The Dire/Elder/Hearty system from GW1 would suffice as well.
Here is my list of ideas and improvements for the Ranger.