RIP Solarbeam

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: SirSixString.6349


So here’s life as a druid: FORCED INTO Troll HEALLLLLLLLL. Because we can no longer generate CA by auto in staff.

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Britto.6374


AF generated with regen now. So, take it easy.

We received (finally) a very good buff

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Hans.8467


So here’s life as a druid: FORCED INTO Troll HEALLLLLLLLL. Because we can no longer generate CA by auto in staff.

AF is totaly fixed now so…. we dont need a staff anymore:)

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


All in all druids got buffed.
You need a target now to use Solar Bear, but with action camera or in battle it is not much of an issue, but still an inconvenience.
On the other hand regen and SotW generate AF, and that alone is A LOT, you can now even think in heal/support builds that doesn’t use Staff

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkness.9732


What is SotW ? Sorry it’ s long time since i played

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: The Chosen Link.3247

The Chosen Link.3247

SotW = Signet of the wild.

Also, if you trait into Beastmastery and go for Natural Healing, it will also also regen AF slowly even out of combat.

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Lol! I never even used Solar beam without a hostile target in the first place. Guess I’m just bad at finding ‘exploits’, since afaik it was never meant to be able to shoot it without a target, or rather, it was never meant to be able to point the beam at friendlies only to charge up AF.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: aB EXT.1287

aB EXT.1287

This is my biggest issue. They probably wanted to make Staff less important by removing its ability to generate AF out of combat, but all they have done is made TU even more crucial.

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


This is my biggest issue. They probably wanted to make Staff less important by removing its ability to generate AF out of combat, but all they have done is made TU even more crucial.

Depending on build, AF is not an issue now. It charges up so fast, with a bit of regen and possibly other sources, the only thing you’ll be waiting for is the 10 second cd. Enjoy it while it lasts. Druid Clarity and Celestial Shadow says hi…

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: aB EXT.1287

aB EXT.1287

This is my biggest issue. They probably wanted to make Staff less important by removing its ability to generate AF out of combat, but all they have done is made TU even more crucial.

Depending on build, AF is not an issue now. It charges up so fast, with a bit of regen and possibly other sources, the only thing you’ll be waiting for is the 10 second cd. Enjoy it while it lasts. Druid Clarity and Celestial Shadow says hi…

In combat it is fine, yeah. I was referring specifically to OOC, not sure if that was clear enough.

Arguably, using the staff to generate AF OOC was an exploit, so that much is understandable. However, due to the fact that TU still generates superior amounts of AF… I feel even more inclined to use it to make sure I always have CAF ready for every fight.

EDIT: Just tested and it turns out you now gain AF from every regen tick, including regen you put on other players. It’s almost an instant AF bar. SoTW also generates AF constantly.

(edited by aB EXT.1287)

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Skynight.2637


So, guess no more killing downed stealthed players anymore. Awesome!

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: Lethal Njection.8741

Lethal Njection.8741

Why do we always get the special treatment in a bad way. Wasted effort for a non-issue.

I save Ascalon against another Charr invasion, and my father trifles with doors!

RIP Solarbeam

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Why do we always get the special treatment in a bad way. Wasted effort for a non-issue.

You mean the “Were gonna fix something! Oops we broke something too!”

like a bad repair man. Comes to fix the fridge and does so, then clogs up your!?

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