Rainbow Jellyfish
i assume, you guys should fix the class itself first… but as you said… you know what happens when you assume…
How about someone reminds you how broken traits, pets, spirits, signet cooldowns and dungeon rangers are?
Yes, this is TOTALLY what the ranger needs.
Not fixing their horrid trait lines, not improving pet AI, not making utility skills actually bring some UTILITY in a team, no, what rangers really need is a fix for the rainbow freaking jellyfish texture.
i assume, you guys should fix the class itself first… but as you said… you know what happens when you assume…
But that’s hard and they haven’t had time to really work on the ranger class just since beta but what ever.
Seriously fix the kitten class first.
Enough with the immature, off topic, negative comments. You are not helping.
This change probably takes one designer and one artist, which takes zero resources away from the balance team, so relax.
what gives you the right to call me “immature” lad?
i made a viable and insult free argument… i am not here to help A-net… been asked my opinion and have given it…
noone asked your opinion on my post or my maturity level tho… so behave!
I can already visualize the upcoming patch notes:
The visuals of the HoM Rainbow Jellyfish have been changed to be more exotic and not to be similar with the ordinary Blue Jellyfish.
If anyone knows Jon he is big time trolling.
Expect big things…
If anyone knows Jon he is big time trolling.
Expect big things…
That was the point of my post.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
If anyone knows Jon he is big time trolling.
Expect big things…That was the point of my post.
Only problem is that he made us expect big things in the November patch aswell….
And we all know how BIG those things were.
Jon Peters – next level troll
We are glad that ranger community is getting attention even if its trolling
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Hey, fix is fix. I want new jelly!
Hey, it was asked for:
Jon P, you are hilarious! Rock on, my man. Good luck at work and stuff, I wish you and your team the best. Please, tell Colin I’ve been rolling around with my “Seeyamoth”!
Just a reminder guys, Jon Peters knows nothing of the current classes and how they work. He plays a 5 sig warrior so expect warrior buffs and ranger nerfs next patch. Y’know, gotta keep the game balanced by giving rangers that much needed Rainbow Jellyfish skin, because underwater combat is totally relevant to the game.
Honestly, I could balance the class far better than anyone at Arena Net could, and I’m certain most players here could as well. Devs don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their classes.
Just a reminder guys, Jon Peters knows nothing of the current classes and how they work. He plays a 5 sig warrior so expect warrior buffs and ranger nerfs next patch. Y’know, gotta keep the game balanced by giving rangers that much needed Rainbow Jellyfish skin, because underwater combat is totally relevant to the game.
Honestly, I could balance the class far better than anyone at Arena Net could, and I’m certain most players here could as well. Devs don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their classes.
Maybe you ought to submit an application. With an attitude like that, I’m sure you’ll get hired.
Just a reminder guys, Jon Peters knows nothing of the current classes and how they work. He plays a 5 sig warrior so expect warrior buffs and ranger nerfs next patch. Y’know, gotta keep the game balanced by giving rangers that much needed Rainbow Jellyfish skin, because underwater combat is totally relevant to the game.
Honestly, I could balance the class far better than anyone at Arena Net could, and I’m certain most players here could as well. Devs don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their classes.
Maybe you ought to submit an application. With an attitude like that, I’m sure you’ll get hired.
Arena Drone count: 1
How to fix ranger:
1. Make the ability to use pets an elite skill, while not equipped with a pet rangers get increased base stats, damage output, etc.
2. Make pet’s only take AoE damage when you take AoE damage equal the damage you yourself took, at least in pve.
Spirits: same as pet 2, increased ALL their applied bonus effects duration by at least double. Spirit of Earth’s protection only lasts 1.5 seconds btw, it’s impossible to stack it at all. Allow spirits to follow regardless of trait, that trait is just dumb. Increase all spirits health by 33%. Offer more group support with spirits, and have one of the spirits activations’ be a stunbreaker (earth sounds like the most likely candidate).
Traps: Traps are actually pretty great, and are balanced with low cooldowns (when traited) and great fire field upkeeps, while not being too overpowered.
Ranger signets: Reduce the cooldown on these, they’re just ridiculously long for no reason, and only about two are useful, one is wasted in dungeons (signet of the hunt). Offer a grandmaster trait that allows these bonuses to be shared with the group, much like thieves shared venom.
Wilderness Survival skills: For the most part they’re fine, perhaps revert quickening zephyr to 4 seconds and maybe 75% ASPD. 5 seconds with no healing is pretty much a death sentence if you run into a bad situation, and you can’t even cancel out of the skill.
Elites: The elites are honestly pretty balanced, perhaps change rampage as one to a transformation skill that alters your appearance to whatever your pet that you’re using is. You and your pet become one and you gain abilities and stats based upon you and your pet for a certain duration.
Weapons: Weapons are okay, sword auto attack STILL needs fixed, but it still has decent utility. Warhorn 4 needs to cause blind (I’m fairly certain it did in betas). Longbow needs a lot of work, given the choice of taking a warrior longbow over rangers, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
(edited by Linnes.2678)
Oh also, I forgot to mention making pets not completely moronic, at least give them Rockdog AI. Also Pet F2 skills SHOULD HAVE priority over any pet skills they’re currently using. It should cancel out their attack and be used immediately.
Also, are we getting “Linnes Zoo” any time soon?
It has come to my attention that this uses a different model than the blue Jellyfish that happens to look Kitten EXACTLY the same.
I am planning on fixing this within the next month but needed to get some feedback from rangers about their feelings about their HoM rainbow jellyfish pets changing how they look. I can assume that they will be happy, but you know what happens when you assume.
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Reference image for the rainbow jellyfish old/new included: http://imgur.com/3DSAO3e
Jon…buddy…out of all the issues rangers have, are you sure this is really where you need to be devoting resources?
I mean, I think it’s safe to say that the skin on an underwater pet is pretty low on the priority list right now.
@ Linnes
1. Not a fan of that, I like it as is if they can improve Pet handling. That’s not even the class I signed on for.
2. I like the idea. Or just diminished AoE damage in general, like WoW’s pets.
Spirits: Agreed on all fronts, though I haven’t handled spirits heavily.
Traps: Sure.
Ranger signets: I like these changes.
Wilderness Survival skills: I don’t feel strongly one way or the other. I feel it’s in a good place.
Elites: I like where your head’s at, but I do enjoy the skill as is, working in harmony without a literal “As One” fusion.
Weapons: I’d like axes in both hands to get a few tweaks, and I agree Warhorn 4 should blind, considering you’ve got birds on your face. I would also make an argument for Torch 4 or 5 to blind on use, with smoke or embers in your face. It’d be cool if bonfire was a smoke field, but I understand fire is the obvious choice. I’ve adjusted to the sword chain, but it can certainly be adjusted
A bit closer to the concept art and it would be ok. Still good effort, ty for this !
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
Go for diversity. Anyone who likes the old look can use the other jellyfish.
Stop being toxic idiots. One may not be happy at how they’re handling the ranger, but THIS IS A GOOD THING.
I’m glad they’re paying attention to skin redundancy, and I approve of the change, except I wish the head didn’t lose it’s little peripheral hairs around the end of the head, but the idea of a glowing jellyfish is quite nice.
More distinctive pets is always nice.
Also, Jon, have you considered, pretty please, letting us tame green moas? It would look great for sylvari.
Also, Jon, have you considered, pretty please, letting us tame green moas? It would look great for sylvari.
I second this! I’m assuming you mean plant moas, not green moas? Like in the vein of sylvan hounds.
Also, Jon, have you considered, pretty please, letting us tame green moas? It would look great for sylvari.
I second this! I’m assuming you mean plant moas, not green moas? Like in the vein of sylvan hounds.
Plant moas would be nice, but if it’s a practical concerns green moas that look like macaws currently in the sylvari starting area are good enough to hold me off on additional plant pets
Stop being toxic idiots. One may not be happy at how they’re handling the ranger, but THIS IS A GOOD THING.
I’m glad they’re paying attention to skin redundancy, and I approve of the change, except I wish the head didn’t lose it’s little peripheral hairs around the end of the head, but the idea of a glowing jellyfish is quite nice.
More distinctive pets is always nice.
Also, Jon, have you considered, pretty please, letting us tame green moas? It would look great for sylvari.
Arena Drone Count: 2
We’re not being “toxic idiots” we’re players who have been sticking with rangers since beta, players who have excuses to be genuinely upset about how Arena Net is handling this class. They’re treating it like an ugly stepchild compared to other classes, and the players are sick of it. So when we see them wasting time on these small details, and not actually giving us REAL information, of course we’re going to be p/o’d. Notice, this class is turning out to be just like GW1 rangers after a series of nerfs, having a small niche in pvp and being useless everywhere else.
Dear Jon,
Could I have a Honey Badger instead? It should be a fairly simple design I’ve already thought of it’s skills and it only has 1 it attaches itself to it’s victims private parts inflicting a permanent cripple and a 5stack bleed F2 will make the victim emote /cry whether he likes it or not, the Honey Badger is immune to all conditions including death and will stay attached to it’s vicim until the Ranger or the crying nancy dies.
Thanks for this Jon, that jellyfish does look nicer even without the glowy animation you speak of. Can’t wait to see it in action!
I sort of agree with the negative comments on this thread though, changing the appearance of this pretty jellyfish won’t make the ranger anymore viable in dungeons, but it does look a lot nicer on that image, great job
Speaking of the old HoM, when will you folks be adding a final reward to the Hall of Monuments? ;P
Thanks for this Jon, that jellyfish does look nicer even without the glowy animation you speak of. Can’t wait to see it in action!
I sort of agree with the negative comments on this thread though, changing the appearance of this pretty jellyfish won’t make the ranger anymore viable in dungeons, but it does look a lot nicer on that image, great job
Speaking of the old HoM, when will you folks be adding a final reward to the Hall of Monuments? ;P
really any change in the skin for it is welcome please implement!
really any change in the skin for it is welcome please implement!
The real question is, who is going to actually go out of their way for underwater combat to even see it?
I’m crying tears of joy right now.
Since I first started using the forums and since I first figured out how to add a signurature I’ve been asking for this to be fixed.
Thank you, for this I will never make another complaint towards rangers ever again.
Edit: regarding the new look as long as it has at least 5 colours involved I’m sure I’ll love it.
Jesus guys, he asked for feedback on the jellyfish change. He didn’t say “im going to fix jellyfish and ignore everything else that needs balanced/fixed about the class”
The reaction to this simple question from some members of the Ranger community is just plain sad. Stop dragging every thread into a complaint fest, especially one started by a dev proactively taking an interest into fixing an issue. You should be kissing his kitten feet and treating him like a god in hope that he will come back to fix more stuff. Not treating him like a schmuck.
(edited by Rhaps.8540)
You should be kissing his kitten feet and treating him like a god in hope that he will come back to fix more stuff.
Arena Drone Count: 3
It’s his job to relay information to the dev team, I’m not going to kiss anyone’s kitten over something they’re being paid for. I only play my ranger in pvp, and it was my first class to 100% the globe with, gear, first character since beta, etc. I can’t even bother stepping into pve anymore with it… it’s just that terrible. What’s the point of pve’ing on anything other than a guardian or warrior nowadays? Clearly someone has to smack these devs with a reality check, they’re not giving us the information we want. Their SOTG today was just saddening, it was almost as bad as January’s.
gais lets talk about the rainbow jellyfish now ok? We have the rest of the forums to be kitten off, he’s not gonna listen to us about it here ( we all know the track record of rangers getting ignored, especially in pve, its not about to change in a bloody jellyfish thread )
So, I kinda like the new model, but I think the green is so acidic. Imo it needs to be more rainbowy and less radioactive/fresh from nuclear plant looking. Really liked the concept art for it, would be great if it was closer to that. I was pretty hyped for it when I saw the concept art ^-^
-on a side note I think it’s great that a dev is asking us what we think about a concept before he adds it. It would be wonderful in the future of this happen with armour and weapon skins! ( we all know how awful a charr looks in cloth )
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
how about the new skin with a more of a glowy neon purple membrane, or a glowy multi colored design on the membrane?
Arena Drone Count: 3
I like the cut of your jib.
Thorn - A full-length GW2 novel
That being said, it might be interesting to play with some bioluminescence like others have posted about, but maybe the glow’s color could slowly cycle through a small spectrum to play off the rainbow aspect without having every color visible at the same time.
First off, I want to say THANK YOU for making a new skin for the rainbow jelly!
When the game first came out, I posted on page 2 of the stickied “Ranger Bug List” thread asking if the rainbow jellyfish and blue jellyfish’s identical skins were intentional or a bug. Finally got my answer! I’m so happy right now. I love the pets in this game.
Now, with the poster I quoted, I couldn’t agree more! The new skin looks nice, but it also looks mostly green. Now of course I wish I could see it animated or with the glow so I could form a better opinion on it, but it does look very green to me. If the jellyfish were to be called the “Green Jellyfish”, this skin would be perfect! Except, it’s the Rainbow Jellyfish, so I was really hoping to see at least the primary colors in there somewhere. Is there a way to have the skin slowly cycle through a few colors, rather than have one permanent color? The whole thing doesn’t have to be cycling though, maybe just the tentacles, or the membrane, or even the glowy portion? Just trying to throw ideas out there.
(edited by WatchTheShow.7203)
Just a new pet skin?? lame.
When would we be able to rename our pet in combat?
Eww it just looks green and slimy and its glow might not even show up on my settings (lowest, with shadows being turned to a lower setting… Yeah I don’t blame you guys for that one, mostly). I thought we were promised rainbows?
I suppose I’m just a bit bitter since I use both the rainbow and blue jellies (i.e. Double rainbow, ‘cause blue is a silly colour). But… I suppose that’s just part of me trying to make it clear that I am using at least one of my HoM rewards.
“There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words
This is one of those low hanging fruit issues that I didn’t think would ever get attention (the raven and spider vitality stats were functionally inferior for 6 months, so a unique skin for the rainbow jelly fish seemed a little delusional, especially when it only impacted on HoM pets and a water one for that matter).
I love the skin and I might actually use the jelly fish just for it.
I like the new one better. If I didn’t I could just use the current duplicate. There is nothing to lose here.
I appreciate you posting about this issue and giving this issue attention regardless of the other issues the class has. This is something I would like to see changed and I am glad you’re trying to do something about it.
I honestly dont care and for the record I got all the hom items/pets and use jellyfish all the time.
I’d rather you didn’t loose focus of what’s important and waste time tweaking things like that.
With more rainbow it coulb be very good
I honestly dont care and for the record I got all the hom items/pets and use jellyfish all the time.
I’d rather you didn’t loose focus of what’s important and waste time tweaking things like that.
If the guys working on the other things people consider so important (such as class balance) are the same guys creating the new skin for this pet, they either have some multi-talented skill balancers or they have the wrong people on that job.
tl;dr I don’t think adding a new pet skin to the game has any impact on class balance progress.
Really? Jellyfish? I mean…really? Poof and jellyfish?
Yeah… whatever
While you’re at it PLEASE add Rainbow Phoenix to hom!! it was the best pet ever
http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/3/32/Rainbow_phoenix.jpg make it like that exactly like that!!
Jesus guys, he asked for feedback on the jellyfish change. He didn’t say “im going to fix jellyfish and ignore everything else that needs balanced/fixed about the class”
The reaction to this simple question from some members of the Ranger community is just plain sad. Stop dragging every thread into a complaint fest, especially one started by a dev proactively taking an interest into fixing an issue. You should be kissing his kitten feet and treating him like a god in hope that he will come back to fix more stuff. Not treating him like a schmuck.
I fear you ask for the impossible.
(edited by Katz.5143)
While you’re at it PLEASE add Rainbow Phoenix to hom!! it was the best pet ever
http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/3/32/Rainbow_phoenix.jpg make it like that exactly like that!!
As much as i would LOOOOOOOOOVE the Rainbow Phoenix to be added there’s no skill set that’d fit it, i mean, i guess you -could- make it a bird but it’s far to big and i think that the Pheonixs deserve their own skill set…
Maybe if we ever get a Cantha expansion they can add in the Pheonix and then the Rainbow Pheonix as well for HoM? Or, maybe there will be a Bird as massive as the Pheonix in Elona or another expansion that the pheonix can have the same move set for?
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
That was one of the main disappointments (if not THE main disappointment) I had when GW2 was released. Even before the game was out, I was planning on using a ranger with a rainbow jelly as my main. Then the game released, and it was a normal jellyfish. I was so sad…
Can we get flying mounts now? I mean seeing as how you guys arent really fixing the things that need fixing and just farting around with a stupid pet skin.
lmao @ bigsal. good stuff , made me laugh.
but think how good we are all going to look sitting at the bottom of the lake, we can rename it Pond of Wonders, or Lightshow Lake, kinda makes me wonder if we all got our jellies, and swam to the bottom of the lake , if it would glow so bright like a super nova……
Some of us have wanted the rainbow jellyfish to have a unique skin since launch. I’ll quote Bambi, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all.” There’s constructive criticism, and then there’s being rude. In case your parents never taught you: cruel jokes and cynical sarcasm are considered rude. Being rude to the company that controls every aspect of the game you play, is incredibly stupid. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. If you want something changed, be polite, and leave constructive feedback. Fact is, people respond better to friendliness than to threats and insults.
I posted the rainbow jellyfish bug way back when the game was new. I am happy they are finally fixing it. Do I think the ranger pet AI needs improvement? Yes. Do I think rangers in general need some TLC (tender loving care)? Yes, I do. However, this is not the correct thread to discuss that. From what I can see, Jon doesn’t balance skills or classes, he’s an artist and designs or oversees designers who make textures and models. That’s like telling a ship captain to go pilot an airplane. Have fun with that! See what hilarity ensues.
Thats right, dont bite the hand that feeds you. Last time I checked we all had to pay for this game to play it so when we get aquaman patches and pet skin fixes the hand starts slappin.
Any of you guys see the nice warrior buffs coming in the patch? Thats right buffs.