(edited by Linnes.2678)
Rainbow Jellyfish
Some of us have wanted the rainbow jellyfish to have a unique skin since launch. I’ll quote Bambi, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all.” There’s constructive criticism, and then there’s being rude. In case your parents never taught you: cruel jokes and cynical sarcasm are considered rude. Being rude to the company that controls every aspect of the game you play, is incredibly stupid. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. If you want something changed, be polite, and leave constructive feedback. Fact is, people respond better to friendliness than to threats and insults.
I posted the rainbow jellyfish bug way back when the game was new. I am happy they are finally fixing it. Do I think the ranger pet AI needs improvement? Yes. Do I think rangers in general need some TLC (tender loving care)? Yes, I do. However, this is not the correct thread to discuss that. From what I can see, Jon doesn’t balance skills or classes, he’s an artist and designs or oversees designers who make textures and models. That’s like telling a ship captain to go pilot an airplane. Have fun with that! See what hilarity ensues.
worst example ever…
i assume i (and all the other rangers that are “stupid” because they express their unhappiness) pay to play… A-net has to deliver something… now the result may be to my liking or not…
in the end i keep on paying through online store and/or DLCs… or i dont…
i assume thats pretty much is the description of me (and everyone paying for this game) being “tha hand that… what was it?… that feeds…” but again me and A-net agrees on one thing at least… we know what happens when you assume…
its simple human nature… people want to be heard… and you start the conversation by speaking… trying to communicate… once you are deliberately and repetadly ignored, you start yelling to be heard… that is exactly what is happening in the ranger forums….
I think there are far more important things than a stupid jellyfish………………
Tbh, I could very well understand if John Peters stopped reading here a long time ago and it’s really disheartening to see how there’s no Moderator on here to do anything about this mess they call a forum. I mean, about 80% of this thread should be deleted and the players in question temporaily banned for repeatedly posting off-topic non-sense.
John, I don’t think you’ll find the feedback you were looking for here, for those players who still retain their reason simply won’t post here.
But if you happen to still follow this thread, here’s my opinion …
I really like the idea of changing the rainbow jellyfish skin into something more unique and I appreciate the effort. I think though it should be something even more distinguishable than the first (?) draft you shared with us. I’d suggest to also alter it’s physical model a bit more, so far as the animation allows it. Then I’d pick 2 or 3 colors that combine very well with each other and apply them to the rim of the jellyfish mantle and/or the tantecles in a fluorescent type like animation. Please, don’t use too many colors. Although it’s called a rainbow jellyfish, I’d rather not have it look like the Dreamer legendary, which is a bit over the top in my opinion.
Good job everyone, we’ve scared Jon peters away for good this time. Just when he thought it was safe to inch his way back into the ranger forums with an innocent topic on jellyfish.. BAM he’s reminded the class sucks.
Maybe if we were all nice and/or pretended we actually cared about the jellyfish or just didn’t say anything (if you don’t have something constructive to say, don’t say it), he’d build up the confidence to start posting more on here and maybe.. just maybe the next topic he starts will be about how to improve the ranger.
I get this feeling that the whole Jellyfish fiasco was a test to see if we could mature the kitten up for a second and have a cognitive conversation with a dev that didn’t involve kittening and crying about a broken class.
He’s probably read this and said to himself ‘welp, I’ll try again next month.’
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
Any positive improvement is better than none.
I also found it weird and bad the Rainbow and Blue jellyfish looked the same.
Becos all the HoM pets were supposed to look different than their non HoM versions.
So, as long as the new Rainbow jellyfish looks different and not worse i am happy with the change.
Hi Jon.
I don’t mind an improved effect for the Rainbow Jellyfish. However, I prefer a very animated texture which scrolls a gradient.
If hopefully this is a precedent for fixing most of the visual issues in GW2 (such as TA Heavy clipping with Greatsword and Staff), then I will be VERY pleased!
Anyone else think a cullin of the ranger community is in order? Some of the comments on here are just awful…
Not to mention there are actually people on here dense enough to think making a new model is going to prevent them from balancing…
People really should watch SOTG before complaining about nothing happening -_-’
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Anyone else think a cullin of the ranger community is in order? Some of the comments on here are just awful…
Not to mention there are actually people on here dense enough to think making a new model is going to prevent them from balancing…
People really should watch SOTG before complaining about nothing happening -_-’
Yeah, I wish more players on these forums would think about what they write and how it reads. I’d like to see them say those things to someone’s face, ya know? Most of the rudeness comes from, I think, a huge lack of understanding about how a business is run or what it takes to design a triple A title like this.
There are players I used to respect who have decided, too often, to be rude and condescending and for what? This game? Everyone needs to relax and simply enjoy the game in whatever state its in. And if you can’t have fun go play another profession or another game. I for one will continue playing ranger regardless of what does or does not happen in this patch. I refuse to make a fool of myself and cry about what I cannot control.
This is just a big shout out to ANET: you guys rock. They know there are cryin’ fools on the forums so I’m sure they don’t need, like, my white knighting or whatever. But, yeah, I’m a huge fan of what they do and their vision. They have a special team and this is a special game.
Except for… we paid for Arena Net’s house, cars, food, children’s schooling, etc. by purchasing this game (mind you this is an overstatement, but the message is clear). We are customers they cannot afford to lose. If they ask us to shell out another $60 for an expansion, and if they’ve failed us already, they’re going to be losing out on a rather large sum of money. If NCsoft sees that they failed GW2, Arena Net will pretty much lose all it’s funding by them, and NCsoft will stick to being primarily a supplier of Asian content.
They aren’t losing any money, as is evident by the fact they are still pushing out patches, updates, and events. When the game becomes Istaria, then we should worry.
Thats right, dont bite the hand that feeds you. Last time I checked we all had to pay for this game to play it so when we get aquaman patches and pet skin fixes the hand starts slappin.
Any of you guys see the nice warrior buffs coming in the patch? Thats right buffs.
I have no problem playing a ranger inWvW, or sPvP, or even PvE. I get my socks rocked occasionally, but for the most part I crush people. I have already bought the gift of mastery (required 500 badges of honor) and now I almost have 1,000 badges again, and I don’t know what to do with them. They’re starting to take over my bank. So when people cry on the forums about how bad we are, I just go:
Except for… we paid for Arena Net’s house, cars, food, children’s schooling, etc. by purchasing this game (mind you this is an overstatement, but the message is clear). We are customers they cannot afford to lose. If they ask us to shell out another $60 for an expansion, and if they’ve failed us already, they’re going to be losing out on a rather large sum of money. If NCsoft sees that they failed GW2, Arena Net will pretty much lose all it’s funding by them, and NCsoft will stick to being primarily a supplier of Asian content.
They aren’t losing any money, as is evident by the fact they are still pushing out patches, updates, and events. When the game becomes Istaria, then we should worry.
Thats right, dont bite the hand that feeds you. Last time I checked we all had to pay for this game to play it so when we get aquaman patches and pet skin fixes the hand starts slappin.
Any of you guys see the nice warrior buffs coming in the patch? Thats right buffs.This.
I have no problem playing a ranger inWvW, or sPvP, or even PvE. I get my socks rocked occasionally, but for the most part I crush people. I have already bought the gift of mastery (required 500 badges of honor) and now I almost have 1,000 badges again, and I don’t know what to do with them. They’re starting to take over my bank. So when people cry on the forums about how bad we are, I just go:
well they are loosing money… i.e. i was regularly buying gems from the gem store (thats what i do to support people who work for the game i like) and when it stopped being the game i like and i feel let down i stopped paying…
and by playing only my ranger i have two sections of bankspace full of badges… that makes 6 full lines of badges… i do not know what the exact number of that… minus loads of badges i ve spent to buy siege / gear… i win lots more fights than i loose… (yet again on any other class i play i find myself “awesome” not only “can do” by my own standards) so having badges / crushing people does not neccesarily mean the class is ok…
also some may find people expressing their disgust / unhappiness when a dev comes on with a trivial issue while the class was expecting major fixes for… what?… 6+ months now, as being “dense”… i find it quite understandable.
Hell, all this time I had a feeling that something is wrong with this class…that something’s lacking…but I couldn’t find the answer and it just tore my soul apart.
And now i know it! Exactly! All this time I was dreaming about the jellyfish skin because it will drastically change all things! Thank you Jon for such a wonderful gift. I highly appreciate your hard work and all my family thanks you.
Is it a rainbow jellyfish, or a green jellyfish? :S
I saw this thread… Thought he is trolling. Saw the SotG interview… Then got straight up sad for the Beast Master class. Glad to know the pets are getting some buffs but until they fix the AI or make it a perma-stow option it will always and forever be a handicap.
For the record I don’t use anything other than the armored fish and a cat underwater. Mostly the armored fish though because the good damage, f2, and good defense.
Change it. This was one of the things I was looking forward to before the game came out, and then I found out it looks exactly the same as something you can tame in the wild already.. whats the point of even having it if it looks the exact same?
To be honest i never really paid attention to the fact it looked the same as the others that much but go ahead of change it maybe I’ll notice.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
I just like how dense people are to thinking that this has anything to do with skill balance… for those unaware, that is handled by a different team than the animation/skin/graphics team… all of you complaining about effort not being used in other areas of the game are kind of acting like kitten right now… please think before you make posts about balance in a thread about appearance for kitten sake… hell I would accept comments about armor clipping but complaining about skills/traits/weapons in here is kitten in every way you look at it. so all of you making these posts grow up and stop looking for places to complain just cause a dev posted in the thread
I’m a bit unsure what to think here really – Jon Peters is a designer yet he did say he can’t make a simple gif? I hope the dudes working on the texture are at least aware of what they are doing, because that ain’t a rainbow jellyfish as it’s lacking quite a few colors to live up for it’s name.
Yes, Jon Peters, make your aesthetic changes. The majority of us don’t give a flying _ if it doesn’t have to do with fixes to the profession’s functionality, which it most certainly does not.
Don’t make a thread on or ask us about or even address the fact that our spirits, traits, weapons(as seen with Longbow), pet AI, utilities are drowning in mediocrity. Sure. Okay.
Didn’t realize I chose the aquaman class….
How to put this delicately…… If you changed my character to look like a gigantic glowing adult toy, I would still care about what the skills do and what functionality/mechanics need changing first.
Yes, it might be an intended bug fix, but this can happen next month when balance is getting put aside for bug fixes. Unless changing the rainbow jellyfish reverts the stealth crossfire change (you know, another animation update), I’m sure most players really just don’t care at this point if it doesn’t change the feel of the gameplay.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
worst example ever…
i assume i (and all the other rangers that are “stupid” because they express their unhappiness) pay to play… A-net has to deliver something… now the result may be to my liking or not…
in the end i keep on paying through online store and/or DLCs… or i dont…
i assume thats pretty much is the description of me (and everyone paying for this game) being “tha hand that… what was it?… that feeds…” but again me and A-net agrees on one thing at least… we know what happens when you assume…
its simple human nature… people want to be heard… and you start the conversation by speaking… trying to communicate… once you are deliberately and repetadly ignored, you start yelling to be heard… that is exactly what is happening in the ranger forums….
I didn’t call anyone “stupid”. This is where reading comprehension becomes important. If you read my sentence again, you will realize I said that I was calling the act of biting off the developers’ heads (they control every aspect of the game) was a stupid thing to do. A person doesn’t have to be stupid to do stupid things. You can be a genius and do something incredibly stupid. Even though he’s a fictional character, a great example of this would be Sherlock Holmes.
People really should watch SOTG before complaining about nothing happening -_-’
Except the SOTG came out after this post, and not to mention: told us NOTHING.
People really should watch SOTG before complaining about nothing happening -_-’
Except the SOTG came out after this post, and not to mention: told us NOTHING.
Um it told us pets have faster F2s, more survivability (toughness and vitality increased across the board), and that there are some AI fixes for the pets, and some spirit buffs, yup absolutely nothing.
You know, all this lack of ranger love in the SOTG I probably due to them working on a new jellyfish skin… Oh wait….
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
seriously guys if you are gonna cry about balance post in the SotG thread, this thread is about skins which is handled by people who have nothing to do with balance. nothing you guys say about balance in this thread will even be read by the balance team or anyone on the dev team that is looking for ideas since this is a thread about a skin on a pet nothing more… seriously stop complaining and keep posts relivent to the topic on hand since those are the only comments that will be paid attention too anyways
this just a thread to get rangers upset, seriously im just laughing at it because the jellyfish color he proposes is green, hilarious jon and well played getting the noobs to argue.
Btw all you rangers who think your pro “im ingame owning kitten up while you noobs complain on forums” yes we know, but you are still here arguing with people who want better updates and thats exactly what devs want you to do, argue with your fellow ranger players. Its just politics, keeping the public distracted from the real problems. Stay off forums and keep being pro ingame if you think class is fine while the rest push for a better future thanks.
born to Isle Of Janthir
Good gravy, what is going on in this thread?
Good gravy, what is going on in this thread?
no idea, mostly I think people saw a particular dev post and decided to try to bash said dev sadly
It has come to my attention that this uses a different model than the blue Jellyfish that happens to look Kitten EXACTLY the same.
I am planning on fixing this within the next month but needed to get some feedback from rangers about their feelings about their HoM rainbow jellyfish pets changing how they look. I can assume that they will be happy, but you know what happens when you assume.
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Reference image for the rainbow jellyfish old/new included: http://imgur.com/3DSAO3e
From my stand point, the original design still looks remotely better than the proposed design. Since it’s a HoM reward pet, it needs to be stunning in it’s appearance not degraded. I do agree that the pet needs to have it’s cosmetic look changed but not in the direction dictated on the right.
A better approach would be to integrate a glowing rainbow colour scheme that could take aspects of various jellyfish within our present world. As you would think the rainbow jellyfish would be a creature comprised of having each feature but greatly heightened in it’s visual look.
(edited by The Primary.6371)
Hey Jon I think you forgot something. After the jellyfish skin got fixed, you should definitely lower its stats. If the jellyfish receives an appearance buff and doesn’t get any nerf in return, it will become “unbalanced” again.
Well or maybe you can give other professions some buff to compensate as well. Thanks for your hard work again. I’m sure you got hundreds or even thousands of things to do but you took the time to fix our rainbow jellyfish and even came here to make an announcement. How thoughtful of you!
Of course people bash. Remember the last time Jon came on this forum? We’re still waiting for him to deliver the promises he made 6 months ago.
I would surely enjoy a new model for the rainbow jellyfish. Just make it look like a rainbow jellyfish. The pic that was uploaded doesn’t really look like one but maybe it just doesn’t do it justice. Anyway.
I do love to use that jellyfish since it’s got an amazing aoe heal and an insane damage spike.
I do like the current model but if you think you can improve it then go ahead. I certainly won’t complain.
PS: I wonder why everyone calls the ranger underpowered. Mine can easily win a 2v1 in WvWvW.
P.S.S. My ranger can kill an army of afk and upleveled noobies in WvWvW too.
Personally I don’t see the need of a mod or whatever opening a thread on such a tribal change but sure go for it, as for the bunch of off topic crap, rangers do really good in WvW and spvp as long as the person behind them is good at playing them.
Yes you can do better in a dd elementalist or on your guardian that’s why they get nerfed constantly. More possibly coming.
Yes Pet’s AI Suck, so does World bosses Ai and many other Ai’s it will improve some day nothing to go wild about!
Enough with the immature, off topic, negative comments. You are not helping.
@Linnes If you have something to say about how you want the new version of the Rainbow Jellyfish to look, we’d love to here it.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
(edited by EnemyCrusher.7324)
Obviously the Rainbow Jellyfish was all we needed as the Ranger seems to have become much more popular since this latest patch
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Obviously the Rainbow Jellyfish was all we needed as the Ranger seems to have become much more popular since this latest patch
really? havent noticed that.
It has come to my attention that it took game designers this long to realize this bug, and yet they still feel justification for Necrotic Grasp being horrible because it pierces. That “Staff without greater marks is bad?” That Thieves being able to cleanse ungodly quantities of conditions in Stealth is balanced?
I would suggest gentlemen, developers, that you focus more on balancing the actual game. Than tooltip fixes and model fixes.
Meanwhile, Necromancers still have 1/3rd HP in downed state, while everyone worries about a jellyfish.
All of this proves to me that Designers do not listen to players, or even know what is happening with half of the gameplay.
And from what I’ve learned through other players and about the interns, the developer teams are completely compartmentalized, and have no idea what is actually going on in the game.
I am appalled.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
It has come to my attention that this uses a different model than the blue Jellyfish that happens to look Kitten EXACTLY the same.
I am planning on fixing this within the next month but needed to get some feedback from rangers about their feelings about their HoM rainbow jellyfish pets changing how they look. I can assume that they will be happy, but you know what happens when you assume.
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Reference image for the rainbow jellyfish old/new included: http://imgur.com/3DSAO3e
I would love if you changed the look of the rainbow jellyfish because the current iteration is far too similar to the blue one. If possible go even further than the first draft you posted
And then people just continue to ignore the glaring problems and continue to be forcefed multicolored jellyfish than to think for themselves. Wonderful. I suppose that’s why the Developers continue to do next to nothing, since no one holds them accountable. Either that or they just ignore everything else.
Yes, having a different colored jellyfish is significantly more important than making Warrior viable, or fixing Necromancer’s staff. At this point in the game, you could revert Necromancer back to Beta status, and it’d be underpowered compared to other classes. Not that anyone would ever do that, because they’re too busy worrying about JELLYFISH
And then people just continue to ignore the glaring problems and continue to be forcefed multicolored jellyfish than to think for themselves. Wonderful. I suppose that’s why the Developers continue to do next to nothing, since no one holds them accountable. Either that or they just ignore everything else.
Yes, having a different colored jellyfish is significantly more important than making Warrior viable, or fixing Necromancer’s staff. At this point in the game, you could revert Necromancer back to Beta status, and it’d be underpowered compared to other classes. Not that anyone would ever do that, because they’re too busy worrying about JELLYFISH
Go dry your warrior tears by utterly demolishing pve content and laughing at the very idea of CC effects.
Also, I’m not entirely sure they didn’t replace ground terrain textures in wvw with the necro wells textures because that’s all I see when I look down.
I’m not a Warrior. Maybe you should read.
I’m not a Warrior. Maybe you should read.
Yup, nowhere do you state that you don’t play it and nowhere in your signature is there a list of the classes you play. What there is, however, is you complaining about them. Sorry I made the completely justifiable and natural assumption that you knew from firsthand experience and thus played one.
I have apparently committed a faux pas by using basic deductive skills and vow not to use them in the future lest I offend someone again.
Back on topic, I would think the Rainbow Jellyfish would be, more, I don’t know, rainbow? There really isn’t any shortage of marine life to get inspiration from to be honest.
I’m not a Warrior. Maybe you should read.
Yup, nowhere do you state that you don’t play it and nowhere in your signature is there a list of the classes you play. What there is, however, is you complaining about them. Sorry I made the completely justifiable and natural assumption that you knew from firsthand experience and thus played one.
I have apparently committed a faux pas by using basic deductive skills and vow not to use them in the future lest I offend someone again.
Back on topic, I would think the Rainbow Jellyfish would be, more, I don’t know, rainbow? There really isn’t any shortage of marine life to get inspiration from to be honest.
“Just because they are OP in one aspect of a game doesn’t mean that justifies them being bad in every other part”
I main Necromancer.
I’d need to see the final Jellyfish skin before deciding, but I’m certainly not averse to having the Rainbow Jellyfish get a unique appearance. I have no preference between the different Jellyfish skills, so if it turns out I don’t like the new appearance, I’ll just switch to the Blue Jellyfish.
Also, while we’ve got you, Jon… Are you guys aware that the River Drake pet looks like a Rock Drake for some bizarre reason? And that the portrait for the Marsh Drake pet looks like a Scaled Drake?
(edited by Zaxares.5419)
All of this proves to me that Designers do not listen to players, or even know what is happening with half of the gameplay.
I, and many others, asked them to fix the rainbow jellyfish. The reason this thread exists in the first place is because they are listening to players. Also, did you read Jon’s post at all?
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
I don’t really care about the skin as much as I care about them fixing the stats on the HoM pets (again). I’d like to be able to use my Black Moa, but I would essentially be gimping myself at this point.
All of this proves to me that Designers do not listen to players, or even know what is happening with half of the gameplay.
I, and many others, asked them to fix the rainbow jellyfish. The reason this thread exists in the first place is because they are listening to players. Also, did you read Jon’s post at all?
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Then why the hell hasn’t anything else been fixed? Why is he wasting time and patch money for a bloody JELLYFISH instead of fixing Necromancer, Warrior, Engineer, Thief, or any of the other problematic classes? Rangers need nerfing, HGH Engineer needs rethinking, Warrior needs buffing, Thief needs reverting and changing
No, we get Jellyfish skins. Wonderful. Does anyone even go underwater anymore unless traveling to Orr? I think I’ve maybe fought 2 people in tPvP underwater. Both times I lost because Ranger is still invincible underwater. But hey! Jellyfish.
Wow this change will game the fun for a whole 2.5 seconds from the time the patch rolls out.
This gotta be the most pressing matter of rangers on hand now. It’s like: “change the model now or else the minority of people that actually has 20 HoM points and plays ranger who actually use jellyfish underwater will rage and quit the game.”
All of this proves to me that Designers do not listen to players, or even know what is happening with half of the gameplay.
I, and many others, asked them to fix the rainbow jellyfish. The reason this thread exists in the first place is because they are listening to players. Also, did you read Jon’s post at all?
Post your thoughts on this internet forum thread and I will read them.
Then why the hell hasn’t anything else been fixed? Why is he wasting time and patch money for a bloody JELLYFISH instead of fixing Necromancer, Warrior, Engineer, Thief, or any of the other problematic classes? Rangers need nerfing, HGH Engineer needs rethinking, Warrior needs buffing, Thief needs reverting and changing
No, we get Jellyfish skins. Wonderful. Does anyone even go underwater anymore unless traveling to Orr? I think I’ve maybe fought 2 people in tPvP underwater. Both times I lost because Ranger is still invincible underwater. But hey! Jellyfish.
Again, you’re completely incorrect. Many, many, other things have been fixed. The most recent patch notes have about 12 pages of fixes in addition to new content. And to quote myself from this exact thread:
This change probably takes one designer and one artist, which takes zero resources away from the balance team, so relax.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson