Rambling about Ranger
…So… when is 1 hand sword getting fixed by removing the kittenty root? I don’t care about what Elitist theory nubs say, you can’t pve with zerker ranger or even soldier ranger if you get rooted all the time, random dmg will own you….
It’s working as intended and the best part about the sword, but you need to turn off the AA an press 1 manually so that you can break the chain if you need to.
…So… when is 1 hand sword getting fixed by removing the kittenty root? I don’t care about what Elitist theory nubs say, you can’t pve with zerker ranger or even soldier ranger if you get rooted all the time, random dmg will own you….
It’s working as intended and the best part about the sword, but you need to turn off the AA an press 1 manually so that you can break the chain if you need to.
That’s not a fix, it’s a bandaid.
Many of us that complain about the Sword’s auto-attack chain are already doing this. We just want to not be animation locked out of interrupting the attack with a dodge roll. Heck, force me to save #2 or #3 for interrupting it … but give me some more control over my Ranger :-/
Since discussing sword always leads to this, I’ll go ahead and say the following as well:
The sword AA leaps and the sword AA being interruptible with dodge rolls are not mutually exclusive.
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Enemy gets interrupted, dodge immediately after the interruption. After an attack, hit twice on AA then Serpent’s Strike/normal dodge or hit once then Hornet’s Sting. Eventually, it becomes a rhythm game.
Random damage is random damage when fighting a mob, no way to avoid everything, but if you are fighting 1v1 against a boss, sword isn’t the main issue because enemy tells are slow, predictable, and can be learned.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
If you have played since GW1, you would know GW is not balanced around the PvE.
Shame that after all this time rangers still have trouble with the 1h sword. Turning the aa off isn’t a good solution. It slow the time it take to properly learn this weapon.
One thing about the strength of the ranger at launch, Ranger skill are pretty straight forward. We don’t usually stack might like other classes and its one of the reasons that we did well at launch. The other classes for the most part were still finding their feet.
You really can not compare how well we did then vs now because its not just a rare power thing. Warriors were cannon fodder eles mobility was no were near what it is today. Also crit damage was higher making gs damage skill deadly, with pets capable of hitting just as hard. A pet crit and a ranger crit meant goodnight.
Look back people’s memories tend to be very selective.
Seem odd to me that people still support gs in bm line when people have so much trouble with the other power weapon.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
For me the profession is still a mess. I won’t play it for long. If im bored of guardian or thief i play ranger and then I see what he has not and how annoying those pets are. None is good of them at all. Weapons are not having enough aoe. The pp thief is the better ranged ranger and its sword pistol is also far better. Thief is strong in melee and ranged. How’s the ranger…
So your entitlement history as ranger was needed to cry about sword aa. I’m sure you are aware of the multitude of threads about it already?
Enemy gets interrupted, dodge immediately after the interruption. After an attack, hit twice on AA then Serpent’s Strike/normal dodge or hit once then Hornet’s Sting. Eventually, it becomes a rhythm game.
Random damage is random damage when fighting a mob, no way to avoid everything, but if you are fighting 1v1 against a boss, sword isn’t the main issue because enemy tells are slow, predictable, and can be learned.
Aye. My personal issue with Sword is how at higher levels of play in PvP that AA is a liability since a smart opponent can take advantage of it. Heck, I know that I at least know it’s a great time to light a Ranger up when I see him using the AA chain.
… though there have been multiple claims that not using the AA in PvE lowers your overall DPS with Ranger sword <_< … never tested that myself though.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
In PvE the sword auto isn’t much of a problem, it’s pretty easy to evade all the big hits in time, especially if you disable autoattack, but like another guy said, that’s just a bandaid. It becomes a problem when you need to dodge fast though, I’d argue dodging while you’re doing the sword AA is always a little slower compared to attacking with every other weapon there is.
Sword has its moments in pvp, since you can easily stick to a moving target, but I’d argue the overall experience would be improved a LOT if that leap got removed.
I don’t want to be in their face all the time. I want a little more control over my postion.
Probably still playing ranger.
enemy tells are slow, predictable, and can be learned.
And that’s the issue right there. Sword #1, with auto attack on, won’t allow you to react to things good enough, unless the mob/enemy you’re fighting is slow, predictable and/or you’ve learned what it/(s)he does.
If you rather like the playstyle to react to things happening, sword#1 is a major pita (again, with auto attack enabled).
I’m not sure if the “stick to the target” is that necessary, it’s not hard to follow your opponent around if it comes to that, anyway. When I play with the GS, I dance around my opponents all the time, making it difficult and confusing for them to hit me at all. Vs pve mobs, you can move around them, making them more or less constantly miss their attacks while I attack from the sides/from behind.
Sword #1 won’t allow me to do that nearly as efficient (unless using sword #3 / dagger #4).
So your entitlement history as ranger was needed to cry about sword aa. I’m sure you are aware of the multitude of threads about it already?
WE won many battles, sword auto root is one of the next battles, and if you see the ready up where they show the brainstorming that they are doing for the Ranger, you would know that Sword auto rooting will still be a problem in HoT
There were certainly some great improvements, but also some more nerfs.
Pets were both nerfed and improved. Leash range was greatly reduced for example, but their skills are much more responsive.
Shortbow was also nerfed. It’s now 900 range instead of 1200. Not many people agree with that to this day.
Permanent 25% movement speed on the*Signet of the Hunt* is still one of my favorite improvements of the class. But most other classes have someting similar now (there are also rune sets with it).
But yes, the best improvements were for the Longbow. With the coming expansion they’ll make the 1500 range and projectile speed baseline, so it’ll be good even without traits.
As for sword, the devs said they want to keep it the way it is, but they might look into adding mainhand dagger which would basically do the same, but without the leaps. I haven’t heard from it for a long time though.
For the millionth time…sword does NOT root you. If it did, the leaps would go nowhere. What it does is lock you into the animation. I do agree with allowing cancelling between the chain steps.
Many ppl dont like the sword aa.I personally find it nice most of time.In a group fight it can be death sentence,when the aa carries u somewhere from party,or you see that eviscerate going to land on your face,but cant do anything :-).Or trying to dps on stealthed downed guy,or … .Many situations when i dont like it,but generaly its nice unique ninja animation,and it suits rangers.Especially asurans.
Abil 2 delay is bit more annoying to me,to be honest,and 3 doesnt land many times if enemy is moving.
To sum it up,i would like to keep it as it is,but somehow make it breakable/dodgeable during the animation.Just let us have normal control as other weps have.Dunno if its possible,but would be nice for both sides,lovers/haters alike.
For the millionth time…sword does NOT root you. If it did, the leaps would go nowhere. What it does is lock you into the animation. I do agree with allowing cancelling between the chain steps.
Yeah, I kind of find it annoying how everyone who QQs about Sword AA uses the term ‘root’.
I don’t think sword is made to be a pure DPS weapon, sure it does great damage, but look at the utilities, they are all about evasion and opportunity, the same goes for the AA. You only use it when you have the opportunity to do so, like a low health foe or someone fleeing (it’s purpose) or when you know you won’t need to dodge in a hurry.
That is why I advocate turning off the AA and spamming 1 when you need it, because you won’t need it all the time. Wait for your wolf to KD, spam 1 for a couple of seconds, Hornet’s sting away. Etc. You can also swap weapons to cancel and that is a great way to fake being stuck in the chain so you can get off a hiltbash/maul.
If you are talking about PvE, well, nothing lives long enough to be a real drama anyway and if it does (like alpha P2/3), just use the GS because Sword is not designed for that kind of content.
But I do agree, it should be easier to break the chain.
I always felt like sword was supposed to work like this:
Rawr! Eat my dps!
Oh, you’re going to try to hit me? Lol, Evade.
Eat more dps!
Oh you’re going to try again? Evade. /giggle
Back to dps! I’m on you like white on rice.
sort of like a melee version of the shortbow where you auto-attack someone to death while evading their “big hits”.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
(edited by Sebrent.3625)
I always felt like sword was supposed to work like this:
Rawr! Eat my dps!
Oh, you’re going to try to hit me? Lol, Evade.
Eat more dps!
Oh you’re going to try again? Evade. /giggle
Back to dps! I’m on you like white on rice.sort of like a melee version of the shortbow where you auto-attack someone to death while evading their “big hits”.
Till the animation roots you in place and you a eat a Eviscerate to the face!
RAWR! Eat that DPS!
Precisely my issue … though Warrior has a harder time landing that eviscerate since they have to time the animation for that Eviscerate. Friggin Thief just instantly hits you when they push that button … much easier … I’ve been on both ends of that … giving and receiving.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.