Sitting beside me in real life is an 80 pound test compound bow. My father gave it to me as a gift after allowing me to shoot his one after noon. It came as a complete surprise to both of us that I could use it. I was a natural and have been into archery ever since.
Each time I log into Guild Wars 2 I think to myself why I find so much contempt for the Ranger: my first 80.
It comes down to the simple fact that in no way shape or form do bows do sufficient damage in Guild Wars 2. Neither do they possess enough range to be considered accurate to the real life equivalent. This is completely unacceptable. I’m sorry. The damage which a bow in Guild Wars 2 does is no different than that of an automatic dart gun; painful, but requiring poison to be practical.
When I was 17 my entire family, moms and daughters included (!), when to Alaska for three weeks of hunting. We brought with us hunting dogs. They were well trained to handle bear, bird, and a variety of smaller tasks.
The combined experience of years doing this sort of thing makes playing rangers in Guild Wars 2 feel like the developers need to take a hunting trip and have some training themselves on just how much more powerful a girl and her dog can be. I keep a k-bar knife on my hip, a .45 on the other (for personal protection against mountain lions, bear, and pig), while the bow is for hunting (when in season). The larger bow I use, combined with a proper arrow head will kill the animal I’m aiming for with that single arrow. That’s the point of the longbow. Short bows are also this way, but the range is usually closer and meant for being stationary rather than shooting considerably further with the longbow.
It’s been 3 years since release. In all seriousness, go take some hunting lessons in the trade and experience which the Ranger is. Spend a few nights out with just you and your dog(s). After that come back and make this class what it should be.
Don’t think it can be done?
- A .45 is the same thing as a flitlock. And actually, made right the flitlock can do more damage.
- K-Bar comes from a letter written about the knife by a man who could barely spell. “K” and “Bar” comes from his attempt to say to the makers of the blade, “I killed a bear (k bar) with this! Wonderful, wonderful knife.”
- Longbows are not toys. If someone gets shot by an arrow they are going to be incapacitated. Moving around is the best way to help the arrow do its job: tear wounds and cause massive internal bleeding.
- Shortbows are for close range, stationary shots, or from horseback (such as the Mongols) where sudden bursts of fire were made by holding three to four arrows, point down, inside the hand holding the grip of the arrow. This posture allows for quick shots.
Summary of Bows: Guild Wars 2 has their purpose nearly completely reversed. You do long steady shots, like a sniper with one-shot kills, from a longbow. You do planned attacks or rapid fire shots from the shortbow.
Please fix the Ranger.