Ranger Changes I Would Like to See

Ranger Changes I Would Like to See

in Ranger

Posted by: Moises.2196


Would like to have an option to stow my pet and have a little more control over it.
When stowed grant +250 attribute points or 20% increase in duration:
Canine- Power
Birds- Precision
Feline- Ferocity
Ursine- Toughness
Drake- Vitality
Devourer- Condition damage
Spider- Condition Duration
Moa- Healing
Pig- boon duration

Pet UI:
F1- Activate pet and attack
F2- Activate pet and use pet skill
F3- Call your pet to return from afar and stow your pet when near by
F4- Pet swap

(Pet health bar always visible with F1-F4 above it)
Healing skills heal pet’s health even when stowed.

All shouts (except for healing shout) activate your pet first and then your skill immediately

Change signet of stone passive to grant protection for 2s (10s Intervals) for you and your pet

Spirits can move baseline

Great sword: Power stab evade should be reduced to 1/2s.
Sword: Change animation of auto attack to not chase so that people have more control of it. Keep range at 130 for auto attack.
Slash- no change
Kick- change name and make it a downward stab to look like it’s going for someone’s leg, no leap
Pounce- jumping spin animation like the great sword power stab, no leap

Swap protective ward for Empathetic Bond. Nature magic needs more condi cleanse.

Nature’s vengeance: Change this trait so that spirit’s health increases 100%, radius increases 50%, activate effect when killed, and grant boon after killed.

Boons when killed 360 radius:
Water Spirit- Grants regen for 12s
Sun Spirit- Grants vigor for 6s
Storm Spirit- Grants swiftness for 12s
Frost Spirit- Grants 2 stacks of might for 10s
Stone Spirit- Grants protection for 6s
Spirit of Nature- Grants 2 stacks of stability for 10s

Fix Beastly warden so that it isn’t broken.

(edited by Moises.2196)

Ranger Changes I Would Like to See

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

All I want are:

  • Permanent Stow available. No trade offs or benefits whatsoever.
    ~ would allow you to save your pet from harm at places where it would normally die – increasing your DPS (also saving it after Signet of Renewal and Empathic Bond pulling 12stacks of burning)
  • All pets now share 100% of boons and friendly effects applied to the owner. (food/stealth included). Food and Nourishment are refreshed every time.
    Pets are no longer a subject for AoE boon procedure.
    ~ This is just that obvious. We need this baseline
  • Fortifying Bond – All existing boons are now transferred to your other pet when you pet swap.
    ~ A meaningful replacement for current FB which has to become baseline at some point. Would only make sense this way.

And we will become a reliable class that can skip PvE parts, pets will no longer be a burden and if anyone of ANet developers dares to say that would be OP, I will dare them to check elementalist after all 3 years and say that again.

All I want is to have a reason to love my pet. To have my class-defining mechanic that would actually be helpful, not harmful.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger Changes I Would Like to See

in Ranger

Posted by: Aleksander Suburb.4287

Aleksander Suburb.4287

All I want are:

  • Permanent Stow available. No trade offs or benefits whatsoever.
    ~ would allow you to save your pet from harm at places where it would normally die – increasing your DPS (also saving it after Signet of Renewal and Empathic Bond pulling 12stacks of burning)
  • All pets now share 100% of boons and friendly effects applied to the owner. (food/stealth included). Food and Nourishment are refreshed every time.
    Pets are no longer a subject for AoE boon procedure.
    ~ This is just that obvious. We need this baseline
  • Fortifying Bond – All existing boons are now transferred to your other pet when you pet swap.
    ~ A meaningful replacement for current FB which has to become baseline at some point. Would only make sense this way.

And we will become a reliable class that can skip PvE parts, pets will no longer be a burden and if anyone of ANet developers dares to say that would be OP, I will dare them to check elementalist after all 3 years and say that again.

All I want is to have a reason to love my pet. To have my class-defining mechanic that would actually be helpful, not harmful.

How can I give two “+1”?
Exactly this!

Guild Wars balancing concept: Never change a ruined system!