Ranger Condition Build For Husks
Hey guys, can anyone suggest me a best condition build for ranger to handle husks in Great Jungle Wurm world boss event? I am not looking for a berserker build for dungeons neither I will be doing any WvW or PVP oriented content, this is solely for handling husks who are weak to condition damage. So purpose of this build is to stack as many strong conditions possible quickly on a single target.
I am currently looking at Carrior gear (Power/Vitality/Condition) as my best choice for this purpose. What I need is a good build, rune suggestions and weapon of choice. My current weapon set consists of a shortbow & Longsword + Warhorn.
Also what pet would be most useful? I guess devourer for stacking those bleeds?
Nah, don’t use pets for condition dmg, 1 stack of bleed is like 45-60/s. Use pets for either CC or direct dmg. (dogs/spiders or cats/drake).
As for carrion build, I’m afraid I don’t have a carrion build right now :O Maybe someone else can help you with that
No love for the ranger? Everyone busy playing zerk warriors/ele/guardians I see.
Off the top of my head, I would probably go with a Rabid Trapper build with Healing Spring, Flame, Spike, Viper’s Nest and Rampage as One…traits along the lines of 2/6/6/0/0 with Keen Edge, Sharpened Edges, Trapper’s Expertise, Trap Potency, Poison Master.
Keep the shortbow and use it when you can flank the husks. Sword is good for the secondary set if you want to be in close, otherwise axe isn’t bad, especially if you want to tone down the husks’ attacks (chill and weakness); for offhand, I do like warhorn with the Sharpened Edges trait because with high precision WH4 can trigger quite a few bleeds, even if they are short duration, plus you have the blast finisher (and fury) on WH5. For runes I would say Undead or Krait (maybe Perplexity with SB5?); for sigils, Bursting (expensive), Corruption, Torment, Earth, Geomancy…
I would suggest a bleed/burning build 2/2/4/6/0 with the following setup: II – II – VI, VII – Vi, VIII, XIII. Your weapons are shortbow with perception + sigil of earth, sword/torch using sigil of geomancy + smoldering respectively. For the gear full rabid will be the way to go, same for trinkets, and krait runes. Food you will want anything with precision + vitality or condition damage + vitaliy. Your other consumable should be maintenance oil for more precision or tuning crystal for condition damage. Utilities should be troll unguent, sharpening stone, muddy terrain, quickening zephir, entangle.
You only care about having a high critical chance for the ranged portion of the attack and using entangle right away after you use concussion shot, make sure you are flanking the enemy. Follow through with quickening zephir while flanking and then after that use sharpening stone.
Swap weapons once you are next to the enemy for sigil of geomancy to kick in. Now use bonfire on their feet, followed by snake strike, muddy terrain (for the fury which will help apply bleed on crit), then sword 1 until the weapon swap is ready. Once you can weapon swap, use sword 2, then throw torch and weapon swap to short bow. You should immediately flank and use muddy terrain again for the fury.
Pet: canines or birds will do best here, I recommend drakes and spiders only if you can reliably use their AoE skills consistently. Any feline with bleed will help, Fire drake and reef drake for the win as well.Also I found that spiders are more efficient when you trait for poison master.
*Tip: * you can also try to modify this bleeding build to make it work for poison master.
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z
(edited by awge.3852)
I like going 30/10/30 rabid or 30/0/30/10/0 carrion with krait runes. a/t s/d with spider. Take keen edge, malicious training, and signet of the beast master. This allows you to get 10 seconds of bleeds from splitblade and like 15 from dagger 3. With geomancy runes you can quickly stack 17-25 bleeds with burning, poison, and other condis during a spider immob.
I actually use this build for PvP occasionally but I don’t think you can get higher condi damage from a ranger.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Try rabid shortbow if you don’t need aoe. Krait runes & condi food for 105% extra bleed duration.
From shortbow autoattack
1) Earth sigil
2) Keen edge
3) Auto attack
4) Sharpened edges
You can set up traits however you want. Something like this is what I imagine:
keen edge/pet condi duration
bleed on crit
survival skill reduced recharge/pet condi dmg
Pet bleed/whatever
Drop a stationary sun spirit for supplemental burning and you should be pumping nasty condi dmg out. Consider dual shortbow with doom sigils as well, as anything but your autoattack would reduce your dps.
That is the most lazy pve condi build I can think up at the moment. Make sure you have fury though. You need crits.
I am having the same situation with you. You may consider using the same build as mine.
Hope it helps.