Ranger DPS Pet

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,whats the best dps pet for rangers?I am currently using Jaguar and its pretty good

Thanks for any advice!

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Adrian Guardian.9480

Adrian Guardian.9480

Used to be snow leopard against constantly running enemies, otherwise jaguar if traited (+30% damage on critical) or lynx without that trait. Presumably still true.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Tested DPS with 0BM at stationary target.

From highest DPS to lowest:
Feline: 32.2
Bird: 45.8
Canine*: 58.2
Drake: 59.6
Spider: 61.2
Porcine/Moa: 62.4
Devourer*: 77.6
Bear: 91.6

Canine*: Hyena DPS is different and I haven’t tested it
Devourer*: DPS may drop if its within melee range of the target.

EDIT: Added avg time (in seconds) to kill heavy golem for each pet

(edited by kiwituatara.6053)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Reganov.3569


Tested DPS with 0BM at stationary target.

From highest DPS to lowest:

Canine*: Hyena DPS is different and I haven’t tested it
Devourer*: DPS may drop if its within melee range of the target.

Drake moves up in a multiple target situation though right?

Wolfred Darkwater – Fort Aspenwood

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Tested DPS with 0BM at stationary target.

From highest DPS to lowest:

Canine*: Hyena DPS is different and I haven’t tested it
Devourer*: DPS may drop if its within melee range of the target.

Drake moves up in a multiple target situation though right?

I guess, but really depends on the situation (pve: dungeon, fractal, pvp, wvw, etc). At single targets, canines has more dps than drakes by a very very tiny amount. That multiple target situation might only bump drakes above canines in damage by a little.

Again, in terms of picking which pet to use, its all situational:
Take drakes if you want to clear trashmobs or blast waterfields with.
Take canines if you want to CC.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’ll still argue that birds are better against other players. The reason the scores show them taking longer than cats is because they open a fight with a skill that provides a speed buff. Depending on the fight this might come in handy but I usually cancel it with f1 or f2 and have them attack immediately. Once they are on a player they stick to them like glue. The cats seem to have a harder time with players dodging and teleporting around.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I’ll still argue that birds are better against other players. The reason the scores show them taking longer than cats is because they open a fight with a skill that provides a speed buff. Depending on the fight this might come in handy but I usually cancel it with f1 or f2 and have them attack immediately. Once they are on a player they stick to them like glue. The cats seem to have a harder time with players dodging and teleporting around.

I do not have data on whether cats or birds have higher dps in actual combat or on moving targets yet.

But, I’ve done enough testing to assure you that birds do not always begin with the swiftness buff. I am also unsure you’re cancelling the right animations. Here’s why:

Description for animations:
Slash: Bird flies clockwise in a full circle
Swoop: Bird flies in a figure-8 motion with the first circle, clock-wise exactly like “Slash”
Quickening Screech: Bird flies in a figure-8 motion with the first circle clock-wise, exactly like “Slash”. The swiftness boon appears right before the first circle is completed.

The first half of the animations for Swoop and Quickening Screech are pretty much identical to Slash. If you’ve waited for the second half of the animation, then you’re already too late.

&I urge you to try it out again in Heart of the Mist. If you can maintain 40s of your bird attacking the indestructible golem while maintaining 0 swiftness, I’ll be very impressed. If you could, a video would be nice too.&

Edit: I will agree that cats tend to have more trouble keeping up with moving targets in certain situations. This comes from my own experience and past out-dated data (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/Agility-Training-Better-than-it-seems/first). I am still doing pet DPS tests and will re-confirm once everything is done.

Edit 2: Bolded for (Jim Hunter), but I really suggest you read everything here again.

(edited by kiwituatara.6053)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


You could test bird vs cat against a human by going in to a private arena and having one player do a predetermined set of moves in the exact same way. I.e., stand still for 1 second, dodge left once, circle strafe using the same key stroke method for 2 seconds, etc.

It may not be perfectly repeatable, but if the numbers are drastically different that would say something.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

That is a really good idea.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

1. Let me know if you’re able to cancel the swiftness of birds consistently as mentioned before. The swiftness skill alone drops bird dps well below that of cats. I suggest you read through what I’ve pointed out again and not going back to the discussion of golems until then.

2. The only test we have to do is how well the pet sticks to a moving target. Why? A dodge is a dodge, and will dodge a bird or a cat the same way.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

1. Let me know if you’re able to cancel the swiftness of birds consistently as mentioned before. The swiftness skill alone drops bird dps well below that of cats. I suggest you read through what I’ve pointed out again and not going back to the discussion of golems until then.

2. The only test we have to do is how well the pet sticks to a moving target. Why? A dodge is a dodge, and will dodge a bird or a cat the same way.

It’s not the dodge, it’s how cats attack. They have to line themselves up before attacking. It’s very clunky and weird. A good amount of the time the cat will run past a player and line itself up and start attacking from behind.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


I’ll still argue that birds are better against other players. The reason the scores show them taking longer than cats is because they open a fight with a skill that provides a speed buff. Depending on the fight this might come in handy but I usually cancel it with f1 or f2 and have them attack immediately. Once they are on a player they stick to them like glue. The cats seem to have a harder time with players dodging and teleporting around.

I ran a bunch of tests earlier in the year comparing Signet of the Hunt (25% movement speed buff) vs Agility Training (30% movement speed buff). About 15-20 trials for each buff in total. While they both were a substantial improvement over no speed buff against the moving golem, I did not notice any significant difference between the two. That is to say, random variations in damage and positioning made a bigger difference in kill times than the extra 5% movement speed.

I seriously doubt the extra 3% or 8% from Swiftness (33%) makes that big a difference. Compared to having no movement buff, yes it makes a difference. But most builds run Signet of the Hunt, Agility Training, or swiftness on weapon swap (1 Skirmishing), so I doubt bird swiftness is that big a factor.

Just to be sure, I ran the moving golem tests again for the cats and birds after the 2014-05-20 patch, 5 trials per test case:

[min, avg, max kill times in seconds] = Pet + skill
* indicates data from earlier in the year, not the current patch

Stationary heavy golem
[ 30, 34, 36 ]* = Cat + none
[ 31, 33.5, 34.5 ] = Snow Leopard + none
[ 44, 46.5, 49 ]* = Hawk + none

[ 30, 32.5, 35 ]* = Jaguar + F2
[ 30, 34, 36 ]* = Jungle Stalker + F2
[ 30, 32, 33 ]* = Lynx + F2
[ 37, 40, 42 ]* = Hawk + F2

Moving heavy golem, no movement buff
[ 87, 110, 124 ] = Jaguar + none
[ 92, 105.5, 120 ] = Snow Leopard + none
[ 85, 95, 113 ] = Hawk + none

[ 84, 99, 108 ] = Jaguar + F2
[ 72, 81.5, 90 ] = Snow Leopard + F2
[ 67, 83, 103 ] = Hawk + F2

Moving heavy golem, signet of hunt
[ 61, 67, 74 ] = Jaguar + none
[ 73, 78, 86 ] = Snow Leopard + none
[ 83, 93.5, 99 ] = Hawk + none

[ 58, 69, 75 ] = Jaguar + F2
[ 49, 57, 62 ] Snow Leopard + F2
[ 53, 71, 93 ] = Hawk + F2

So as you can see, the bird is better against moving targets only if you don’t have a run speed buff. If you have SoH (or presumably any other run speed buff), the cats come out on top. The min/max spread for the bird times are also a lot larger than for the cats (about +/- 25% vs +/- 15%). So not only is bird DPS lower against the moving golem, it’s more inconsistent. I think what’s going on is players are selectively remembering cases when the birds "stuck like glue" to the targets and made for a quick kill, while forgetting the cases when the birds were just normal. The hawk’s min time was better than the cats’ min time in most cases,, which would be consistent with the birds achieving more frequent quick kills. On average though, the cats do better, at least by this test.

Yes, F2 on the Jaguar didn’t really help with SoH equipped. I think what’s going on is the Jaguar pauses a split second to stealth, and it’s delaying it from catching up to the golem.

I’m not sure why the Jaguar is so much faster than the Snow Leopard in the SoH w/ no F2 case. They should be the same since they’re both cats - they were the same in the no speed buff case. I’ve run both cats in this case 8 times now and the results have been consistent - the Jaguar beats the Snow Leopard by about 15%. Either there is a real difference, or this is an unusual streak of good luck/bad luck.

Comparing to previous data I’d collected on the moving golem, even though the patch notes say they improved pet attacks against moving targets, it actually seems to have become worse. I will need to test it further, but based on what I’m seeing my pet doing on my screen, I think I know what they did. The pet seems to be leading the target now - moving to where the target is going to be, rather than where the target is.

The problem I think is that they don’t update this lead position frequently enough, so it doesn’t work well when the target is changing directions. A couple times I saw the pet move to where the golem was heading, the golem changed directions and walked right through the pet, and the pet just continued moving to its original movement point, before stopping to turn around and attack. By which time the golem had walked out of melee range since it had switched directions. Anyhow I only had time to test the cat today, but I have pre-patch data against the moving golem on a couple other pets. So I’ll test those when I get some time.

(edited by Solandri.9640)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


Problem with using the golems for these tests is that they don’t dodge or behave like a human being though, correct? Can you run these tests with a friend someplace in a pvp area, where they run and dodge both the cat/bird? I think the point trying to be made with the bird’s stickiness is that unlike the cat, the bird doesn’t reset it’s targeting, it just keeps attacking…so when a player dodges a cat, the cat has to reposition itself to attack. The bird just keeps swooping. Or at least that’s what it looks like with videos on youtube, I haven’t personally pvped much with my ranger as it’s only 60something. Also, the bird is a smaller target so it’s less likely to be attacked but that’s all based on your opponent’s awareness really.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I think the point trying to be made with the bird’s stickiness is that unlike the cat, the bird doesn’t reset it’s targeting, it just keeps attacking…so when a player dodges a cat, the cat has to reposition itself to attack. The bird just keeps swooping.

That is exactly what I have been trying to say.

With the build I run my pets are constantly buffed to +33% speed so it’s not a question of the birds swiftness. The bird just sticks to the target the same way a player does with the 1 handed sword.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

1. Let me know if you’re able to cancel the swiftness of birds consistently as mentioned before. The swiftness skill alone drops bird dps well below that of cats. I suggest you read through what I’ve pointed out again and not going back to the discussion of golems until then.

2. The only test we have to do is how well the pet sticks to a moving target. Why? A dodge is a dodge, and will dodge a bird or a cat the same way.

It’s not the dodge, it’s how cats attack. They have to line themselves up before attacking. It’s very clunky and weird. A good amount of the time the cat will run past a player and line itself up and start attacking from behind.

You’re still avoiding the question of whether you can cancel the swiftness. Because most rangers run SoH. That alone bumps cat movement speed up and the animation for swiftness in birds is a big drop in dps, considering their attack speed is pretty slow.

(edited by kiwituatara.6053)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


But it’s not so much the cat’s movement speed as it is the cat’s AI system. It has to be in a certain position to be able to attack properly and when a player dodges out of the way, the AI must realign itself. So your cat is constantly having to move to just the right spot to attack. It’s an uphill battle that is made harder by dealing with a human being on the other side who doesn’t want your cat to hit them.

The bird doesn’t care about being in a certain spot, it keeps swooping away. Granted, the swiftness buffing attack/animation is really irritating and takes up so much time, but against a player…how much difference between the cat’s constant positioning problems and the bird’s use of that swiftness skill does it really matter? That’s what we need answered…but it’s all so subjective and individual with each combat fight. You come across a skilled player and no pet will really be that great and you can come across a newbie who will let your cat just attack them without impunities.

So instead of using golems…can someone try the tests out with a friend who is willing to get mauled by a ranger pet for a few minutes?

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


But it’s not so much the cat’s movement speed as it is the cat’s AI system. It has to be in a certain position to be able to attack properly and when a player dodges out of the way, the AI must realign itself. So your cat is constantly having to move to just the right spot to attack. It’s an uphill battle that is made harder by dealing with a human being on the other side who doesn’t want your cat to hit them.

The bird doesn’t care about being in a certain spot, it keeps swooping away. Granted, the swiftness buffing attack/animation is really irritating and takes up so much time, but against a player…how much difference between the cat’s constant positioning problems and the bird’s use of that swiftness skill does it really matter? That’s what we need answered…but it’s all so subjective and individual with each combat fight. You come across a skilled player and no pet will really be that great and you can come across a newbie who will let your cat just attack them without impunities.

So instead of using golems…can someone try the tests out with a friend who is willing to get mauled by a ranger pet for a few minutes?

The cat doesn’t need to position itself. It attacks the same way as the bird. The animation on the bird makes it appear more fluid.

You can test it out yourself. I’ve got plenty of other tests to run right now

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


So idea for test movement (and I think this clearly needs tested.) We have tons of video of actual PvP movement from the ToL. Many of the classes are not really usable like thief, mesmer or ranger. But 30 seconds of warrior or guardian movement could be mimicked. Do nothing but recreate the exact motions of 30 seconds or so from ToL.

I don’t really have that sort of exacting, chemist-type mind to feel comfortable volunteering to map the movements or probably even recreate them, but if I can help in any way for someone running a test, I’m down.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

1. Let me know if you’re able to cancel the swiftness of birds consistently as mentioned before. The swiftness skill alone drops bird dps well below that of cats. I suggest you read through what I’ve pointed out again and not going back to the discussion of golems until then.

2. The only test we have to do is how well the pet sticks to a moving target. Why? A dodge is a dodge, and will dodge a bird or a cat the same way.

It’s not the dodge, it’s how cats attack. They have to line themselves up before attacking. It’s very clunky and weird. A good amount of the time the cat will run past a player and line itself up and start attacking from behind.

You’re still avoiding the question of whether you can cancel the swiftness. Because most rangers run SoH. That alone bumps cat movement speed up and the animation for swiftness in birds is a big drop in dps, considering their attack speed is pretty slow.

What the hell are you talking about? I said in my very first post in this thread that I usually cancel the swiftness. I use nature’s voice so I don’t need the bird buffing itself. When I engage an enemy the bird starts buffing itself and I cancel that by sending it in with blinding slash. The bird goes straight to the enemy, it doesn’t wonder around looking for the best spot to hit a player.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


I’ve said it before, I do believe that the cat will out dps a bird on the golems, even the moving golem because it’s not having to reposition itself to hit. This means they will hands down be better for pve, but maybe it’s the added attack range or just their animations but the birds have an easier time hitting players that are dodging and moving in unexpected ways.

1. Let me know if you’re able to cancel the swiftness of birds consistently as mentioned before. The swiftness skill alone drops bird dps well below that of cats. I suggest you read through what I’ve pointed out again and not going back to the discussion of golems until then.

2. The only test we have to do is how well the pet sticks to a moving target. Why? A dodge is a dodge, and will dodge a bird or a cat the same way.

It’s not the dodge, it’s how cats attack. They have to line themselves up before attacking. It’s very clunky and weird. A good amount of the time the cat will run past a player and line itself up and start attacking from behind.

You’re still avoiding the question of whether you can cancel the swiftness. Because most rangers run SoH. That alone bumps cat movement speed up and the animation for swiftness in birds is a big drop in dps, considering their attack speed is pretty slow.

What the hell are you talking about? I said in my very first post in this thread that I usually cancel the swiftness. I use nature’s voice so I don’t need the bird buffing itself. When I engage an enemy the bird starts buffing itself and I cancel that by sending it in with blinding slash. The bird goes straight to the enemy, it doesn’t wonder around looking for the best spot to hit a player.

I also stated it is near impossible to cancel the swiftness from your bird. If you re-read everything I said before about the bird animation, your claim to being able to cancel the bird swiftness is false. I want you to go to the heart of the mist and have your bird attack an indestructible golem for 40s and maintain 0s swiftness. Let me know if you can pull it off.

I’ll copy and paste it for you.

I am also unsure you’re cancelling the right animations. Here’s why:
Description for animations:
Slash: Bird flies clockwise in a full circle
Swoop: Bird flies in a figure-8 motion with the first circle, clock-wise exactly like “Slash”
Quickening Screech: Bird flies in a figure-8 motion with the first circle clock-wise, exactly like “Slash”. The swiftness boon appears right before the first circle is completed.
The first half of the animations for Swoop and Quickening Screech are pretty much identical to Slash. If you’ve waited for the second half of the animation, then you’re already too late.

&I urge you to try it out again in Heart of the Mist. If you can maintain 40s of your bird attacking the indestructible golem while maintaining 0 swiftness, I’ll be very impressed. If you could, a video would be nice too.&

(edited by kiwituatara.6053)

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


I think the point trying to be made with the bird’s stickiness is that unlike the cat, the bird doesn’t reset it’s targeting, it just keeps attacking…so when a player dodges a cat, the cat has to reposition itself to attack. The bird just keeps swooping.

That is exactly what I have been trying to say.

With the build I run my pets are constantly buffed to +33% speed so it’s not a question of the birds swiftness. The bird just sticks to the target the same way a player does with the 1 handed sword.

I’m sorry but the data just doesn’t support that hypothesis. If as both of you claim, the bird’s attacks were somehow better at “sticking” to a moving target than the cat’s attacks, you would expect the bird’s DPS to drop less against a moving target vs. a stationary one. Looking at the kill times with SoH (to mostly eliminate the effect of swiftness), and you’ll see the bird’s effectiveness decreases by almost exactly the same amount as the cat’s:

Stationary kill time : moving kill time = ratio

34 : 67 = 0.51 = 51% effectiveness compared to against stationary target
32.5 : 69 = 47% w/ F2

46.5 : 93.5 = 50%
40 : 71 = 56% w/ F2

The last one looks like there could be some small advantage to the bird, but I suspect that it’s merely because it’s a bleed. Once applied, a bleed will do full damage regardless of whether or not the target remains in range. You’ll notice the Hawk’s DPS increases considerably more than the Jaguar’s when F2 is used, indicating a greater percentage of its DPS is derived from the bleed. The difference is also well within the variability I measured in the bird’s attacks (6% vs 25% variability), so it may just be sampling error.

If the bird is unable to “stick” better against the moving golem than the cat, how can it stick better against a player? You say dodges force the cat to reset its attacks. So does the moving golem. Its decrease in DPS isn’t just because it’s chasing the golem around. When I’m watching it during the tests, sometimes the double-attack which applies 4 stacks of bleed only applies 2 stacks because the golem moved out or range between the two attacks. Sometimes the double attack completely misses. Sometimes the other attacks miss (it’s pretty obvious when it happens). I can’t measure any evidence that the the bird’s AI is somehow better than the cat’s. Based on what I’ve seen and measured, I have to side with kiwituatara – the mechanics of the bird’s attacks are identical to the cat’s, it’s just the animation which makes it look different.

Playing devil’s advocate and assuming for the moment that the bird really does “stick” better against players, the only feasible explanation I can think of given the data is that the bird’s attack animations are harder to read, and thus more difficult for players to dodge. The data just doesn’t support there being a mechanical advantage to the bird.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


If the bird’s attacks are harder to read, it is giving a mechanical advantage. It’s not like there is a way to change it.

I am not trying to start an argument…birds have a clear disadvantage in that stupid swiftness buff (though sometimes it is helpful, just not for pure dps rotation) and are made of like wet tissue paper. My cat, while is squishy, doesn’t seem to be as squishy but I could be wrong…it just seems that way. And a cat can be traited to proc bleeds on a crit, unlike a bird.

Odds are, dps wise, they are both about equal. If the bird didn’t have that swiftness buff skill, it would be the clear winner…which is probably why the devs ‘nerfed’ it with that attack.

I just think that in a pvp situation, with another human being, the bird has some advantages in being a small, hard to read target that the attacks will pull away visually from the target, making it harder for a player to keep track of. To each ranger their own pet of course

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


If the bird’s attacks are harder to read, it is giving a mechanical advantage. It’s not like there is a way to change it.

It’d be a graphical advantage, not a mechanical one. It relies on the opposing player’s (lack of) perception, and could be completely countered by someone intimately familiar with the bird’s attack animations.

By mechanical advantage (something to do with the game mechanics), I mean something you can tweak by changing a number or logic routine in the code. The hypothesized advantage (bird “sticks” better to moving opponents) would be a mechanical advantage – the radius at which attacks can hit is hypothesized to be larger for the bird than for the cat. These sorts of things can be measured in the tests I ran. Whereas testing a graphical advantage would require recording video of someone as they fought a ranger with a bird (recording both the game and the player).

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Fave pets to use A feline / drake , and i choose what f2s to complement my build.
lacks a bit of damage i choose a jag
lacks a bit of condi i choose a lynx,
needs to slow the opponent down due to a lack of movement impairing effects , i’d take a snow leapard.

same ideal with the drakes , the drake is mainly for a bit of Aoe damage my fav is the marsh drake while in melee combat i swap my pet ot the drake to make use of the current Combo field. and use the felines f2 for more offensive attributes like a fire field aura for the pet improving its chance to do more damage.
same goes for the wolf but its leap isn’t on demand(you’ll have to make sure you build runs smoothly if there is a gap in cooldowns a fear maybe usleful to tide over those few secs till you can start fighting at full power again.

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I think the point trying to be made with the bird’s stickiness is that unlike the cat, the bird doesn’t reset it’s targeting, it just keeps attacking…so when a player dodges a cat, the cat has to reposition itself to attack. The bird just keeps swooping.

That is exactly what I have been trying to say.

With the build I run my pets are constantly buffed to +33% speed so it’s not a question of the birds swiftness. The bird just sticks to the target the same way a player does with the 1 handed sword.

I’m sorry but the data just doesn’t support that hypothesis. If as both of you claim, the bird’s attacks were somehow better at “sticking” to a moving target than the cat’s attacks, you would expect the bird’s DPS to drop less against a moving target vs. a stationary one. Looking at the kill times with SoH (to mostly eliminate the effect of swiftness), and you’ll see the bird’s effectiveness decreases by almost exactly the same amount as the cat’s:

Stationary kill time : moving kill time = ratio

34 : 67 = 0.51 = 51% effectiveness compared to against stationary target
32.5 : 69 = 47% w/ F2

46.5 : 93.5 = 50%
40 : 71 = 56% w/ F2

The last one looks like there could be some small advantage to the bird, but I suspect that it’s merely because it’s a bleed. Once applied, a bleed will do full damage regardless of whether or not the target remains in range. You’ll notice the Hawk’s DPS increases considerably more than the Jaguar’s when F2 is used, indicating a greater percentage of its DPS is derived from the bleed. The difference is also well within the variability I measured in the bird’s attacks (6% vs 25% variability), so it may just be sampling error.

If the bird is unable to “stick” better against the moving golem than the cat, how can it stick better against a player? You say dodges force the cat to reset its attacks. So does the moving golem. Its decrease in DPS isn’t just because it’s chasing the golem around. When I’m watching it during the tests, sometimes the double-attack which applies 4 stacks of bleed only applies 2 stacks because the golem moved out or range between the two attacks. Sometimes the double attack completely misses. Sometimes the other attacks miss (it’s pretty obvious when it happens). I can’t measure any evidence that the the bird’s AI is somehow better than the cat’s. Based on what I’ve seen and measured, I have to side with kiwituatara – the mechanics of the bird’s attacks are identical to the cat’s, it’s just the animation which makes it look different.

Playing devil’s advocate and assuming for the moment that the bird really does “stick” better against players, the only feasible explanation I can think of given the data is that the bird’s attack animations are harder to read, and thus more difficult for players to dodge. The data just doesn’t support there being a mechanical advantage to the bird.

double-attack which applies 4 stacks of bleed only applies 2 stacks because the golem moved out or range between the two attacks. this here would mean you’ll need a weapon that causes chill or a utliity to make sure those attacks hit.
rangers are one with there pets if they are treated as a lone element to do there own bidding they won’t beable to be at there max potentional that first sentence explains it all.